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Monday, August 2, 2021

Kathy Griffin diagnosed with lung cancer despite ‘never’ smoking


Kathy Griffin revealed she has lung cancer despite “never” smoking and will be undergoing surgery to have half of her left lung removed.

The comedian announced the news Monday morning in a lengthy note posted to social media, sharing that the cancer is stage 1 and “contained.”

“I’ve got to tell you guys something. I have cancer. I’m about to go into surgery to have half of my left lung removed,” she began her letter on social media. “Yes, I have lung cancer even though I’ve never smoked! The doctors are very optimistic as it is stage one and contained to my left lung.”

Griffin, 60, said she’s hopeful that she won’t need to get chemotherapy or radiation treatment after the surgery and “should have normal function with my breathing.”

“I should be up and running around as usual in a month or less,” she added.

The former “Fashion Police” star assured fans that she’ll be “just fine” and ended her note by encouraging readers to get vaccinated for COVID-19.

“Of course I am fully vaccinated for Covid,” she continued. “The consequences for being unvaccinated would have been even more serious. Please stay up to date on your medical check ups. 

“It’ll save your life.”

Griffin was hospitalized in March 2020 — just days after her 99-year-old mother died — with “unbearably painful” Covid-like symptoms, but was unable to be tested for the virus due to restrictions at the time.

In an interview with “Nightline” slated to air Monday night, Griffin admits she was stunned upon receiving the diagnosis about two weeks ago.

“I was definitely in shock,” she says. “I’m still a little bit in shock — not denial — but I still like once a day I’ll just turn to like nobody next to me and go, ‘Can you believe this s–t? Is this a bitch or what?'”

They Guy who dressed Up as a Girl to Compete at the Olympics in Weightlifting ..Lost to the Girls


Laurel Hubbard’s groundbreaking Olympics debut didn’t quite go as planned. 

Hubbard, who made history as the first transgender athlete to compete at the Olympics, was eliminated after failing to record a single lift in three attempts in Monday’s over-87-kilogram super-heavyweights. 

The New Zealand native missed her first lift, at 120 kg in the snatch, with the bar going over her head and behind her back. The judges then ruled against her second attempt, at 125 kg. Her third attempt, also at 125 kg, also resulted in the bar going over her head, resulting in an unceremonious end to her competition. 

Hubbard’s inclusion in the Games has proven to be a divisive topic, given that the 43-year-old had not competed internationally as a weightlifter until she began her gender transition at the age of 35. 

Though Hubbard satisfies the protocol for transgender athletes as first established by the International Olympic Committee in 2015, her testosterone levels are still several times greater than the standard for biological women.

Chareidie Rabbanim Find a New "Issur" to torture us .....'3D goggles might bring disaster upon the Jewish people'


Charedi rabbis' opposition to computers, the internet, smartphones, and a host of other tech devices is well-established, but now it appears that they have targeted a new threat – 3D viewing technology.

Considering that the technology is not in overly wide use, it is unclear why Haredi rabbis have taken a strong stance against it, but it could have to do with the fact that 3D viewing devices have been introduced at some archaeological sites, such as the Western Wall tunnels.

The Haredi website Be'Hadrei Hadarim published a letter from a committee of rabbis representing various Hassidic sects and Haredi communities that opposed modern technology, attacking 3D goggles in the harshest terms.

"As we all know, the dangers of technology reinvent themselves every day … heaven forbid that we should encounter the corrupting device known as '3D goggles – augmented reality, which even comes to us in the guise of being 'kosher' and carrying the scent of sanctity, but after studying the reality and clarifying things, the extent of the disaster these devices could bring to the holy people has been made clear," the rabbis wrote.

"Recently, the aforementioned device has been marketed for use with innocent games, when the truth is that this is an advanced, dangerous technological device that entails the danger of watching and growing addicted to movies and technological games, even more so in '3D,' which pulls the heart even farther away than it has been thus far," the letter warned.

"Therefore we have agreed that according to the Torah, this device is not worth of entering holy communities, and it must not be purchased or used in any manner, not even at public events, and certainly not advertised or sold," the rabbis said.

Wheel Chair belonging to former Chabad Rebbe goes on auction


An unusual item has recently arrived at the Appel Auction house in New York.

Collectors will soon have the chance to bid on the wheelchair that belonged to the leading 19-century Chabad Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn.

Schneersohn was the sixth Rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch Hassidic movement, potentially leading to great interest among collectors and Chabad members.

The auction house published photos and letters attesting to the item's authenticity. Based on the items, Schneersohn used to have two wheelchairs. One was kept at the Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, New York, while the other was used by Schneersohn for community events.

The wheelchair currently on auction was gifted by Schneersohn's grandson, Shalom Ber Gourary, to Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch.

"My grandfather has two wheelchairs. This chair [referring to the photo] shows that he used it to go to events," he wrote in a letter. In one of the photos, Schneersohn is seen using the wheelchair at a Chabad event in 1943, seven years prior to his death.

Schneerson was the last Chabad Rebbe to live in the town of Lubavitch, a town that was at the time under Tsarist Russia's control and today is part of Belarus. In 1920 he became the leader of the movement after his father, the fifth Rebbe, Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, passed away.

In 1927, he was sentenced to death without trial for operating a secret network of Jewish schools, a matter illegal at the time. As a result of international pressure, he was instead sent to exile to the city of Kostroma, more than 300 kilometers (186 miles) from Moscow. After his release, again due to international pressure, he was allowed to leave Russia. He moved to Latvia, and eventually to the United States.

In 1940, he purchased the famous 770 building in New York. After passing away in 1950, his son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, took over.

US, UK, Russia give Israel 'green light' to strike back at Iran


The United States, the United Kingdom and Russia gave Israel the "green light" on Sunday to attack Iranian targets following a deadly drone strike last Friday on an Israeli-owned cargo ship in the Gulf of Oman, Kuwait-based newspaper Al-Jaridareported, quoting American officials.

Both the US and UK joined Israel in alleging that Iran carried out the fatal drone strike on the oil tanker Mercer Street, putting further pressure on Tehran as it denied being involved in the assault.

Calling it an "unlawful and callous attack," British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said his country and its allies planned a coordinated response over the strike Thursday night on the oil tanker Mercer Street.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken soon followed, saying there was "no justification for this attack, which follows a pattern of attacks and other belligerent behavior."

"We are working with our partners to consider our next steps and consulting with governments inside the region and beyond on an appropriate response, which will be forthcoming," Blinken added.

The strike on the Mercer Street marked the first-known fatal attack after years of assaults on commercial shipping in the region linked to tensions with Iran over its tattered nuclear deal.

While no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, Iran and its militia allies have used so-called "suicide" drones in attacks previously, which crash into targets and detonate their explosive payloads

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett went further than Blinken and Raab in his remarks Sunday at a cabinet meeting, saying: "I declare unequivocally: Iran is the one that carried out the attack on the ship." He then accused Tehran of "trying to shirk responsibility" for the attack and called its denial "cowardly."

He then made a point to stare directly into the camera and slowly warn: "We know, at any rate, know how to convey the message to Iran in our own way."

The drone attack blasted a hole through the top of the oil tanker's bridge, where the captain and crew command the vessel, a US official said. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity as an investigation into the attack still was ongoing. The blast killed two crew members from the United Kingdom and Romania.

Photographs of the damage caused to the bridge of the vessel were published by foreign media outlets.

He is proud to be a "Pooop'eh"

Looks Like a "Chareidie" Painted a Swastika on a Shul in Bnei Brak ....On Shabbos!

Watch the video and watch a "chareidei" run in and out near the shul that was defaced with a Swastika on Shabbos early morning !

Im not surprised , first the "rabbanim" were quiet when their flock called other Jews "Nazis" and so why wouldn't they think that it's a "mitzvah" to be mechallel shabbos and violate a "deoriisah" of writing on shabbos.....?
The shul was Zionist so maybe the rabbis will "paskin" that it's ok ...
anyway, I hope that I'm wrong and the guy on the video turns out to be a goy...
But I won't hold my breath as the investigators are focusing on a Chareidie as of this posting!

UN teachers celebrate deaths of Israelis


In 1948 and again in 1967, Satmar and other Chachamim, suggested that instead of a State, the United Nations should manage Eretz Yisrael. 
This idiotic bizarre idea has been proven to be a colossal disaster.  In 1967 the UN had troops in the Sinai and the Golan to separate Israel from Arab invasion, Nasser, the President of Egypt ordered UN Troops out, and they happily left leaving Israel vulnerable to Arab attack. So much for that crazy idea. 
Over the years since then, the United Nations has shown itself to be a nest for Jew haters. 
Thank G-d, that Hashem didn't listen to Satmar and helped the Jewish people establish a Jewish State and provided miracles in 1967 to totally destroy three invading Arab armies.  
Yes indeed, the State  has come with much pain, but the Chazal itself says that Israel comes with "yesurin." 
May we all have see the light and together bring Moshiach.

A United Nations agency that runs schools and social services for Palestinians is facing calls to fire employees using social media to celebrate attacks on Israelis and promote anti-Jewish hatred.

Over 100 UNRWA educators and staff have publicly promoted violence and antisemitism on social media, according to a new report published by the non-governmental organization UN Watch, an independent human rights group based in Geneva.

The report, entitled “Beyond the Textbooks,” uncovers 22 recent cases of UNRWA staff incitement which clearly violate the agency’s own rules as well as its proclaimed values of zero tolerance for racism, discrimination or antisemitism. UN Watch is calling on the agency’s major funders — including the U.S., Germany, the UK and the European Union — to hold UNRWA accountable to its own standards and commitments.

As revealed in the report, UNRWA staff stationed in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan have publicly incited antisemitism and terrorism. Among the educators who have used their personal social media channels for such propaganda are UNRWA Gaza math teacher Nahed Sharawi, who shared a video of Adolf Hitler with inspirational quotes to “enrich and enlighten your thoughts and minds.” Husni Masri, an UNRWA teacher in the West Bank, posted antisemitic conspiracy theories according to which Jews control the world, created the coronavirus and seek to destroy Islam.

UN Watch’s report lists a total of 113 cases that it managed to capture from UNRWA employees' public pages alone, all celebrating and promoting violence, even among young children. The watchdog group only examined a sample of Facebook users who publicly identified themselves as UNRWA employees, and estimates that the actual number of UNRWA staff who incite violence and hatred includes many more of the agency’s 30,000 staff.

UN Watch further reveals that despite its numerous prior requests and submission of detailed evidence, UNRWA has failed to fire teachers who incite to racism and terrorism, nor has it taken any other meaningful action. UNRWA should therefore be considered complicit in its staff members’ misconduct, says UN Watch.

UN Watch Director, Hillel Neuer: “Around the world, educators who incite hate and violence are removed, yet UNRWA, despite proclaiming zero tolerance for incitement, knowingly and systematically employs purveyors of terror and anti-Jewish hate.

“We call on the governments that fund UNWRA to take action to stop the vicious cycle of generations being taught to hate and violently attack Jews. We demand that UNRWA address the core problem, and demonstrate its genuine commitment to basic norms of education in its schools, by publicly condemning UNWRA employees who incite terrorism and antisemitism, removing them from their positions, and creating an independent and impartial investigation of all of its staff.”

Frum Real-estate honchos dump big bucks into Gov. Cuomo’s re-election bid


Gary Barnet

Gary Barnet, frum Real estate honcho gave $19,700.00, he is just one of many frummies supporting Cuomo's re-election despite Cuomo placing sick covid patients into nursing homes killing thousands, and targeting the frum community as violating Covid regs, causing anti-semitism.

Deep-pocketed donors with ties to New York’s real-estate industry are still putting their money behind embattled three-term Gov. Andrew Cuomo, campaign records reveal.

Developers, landlords, building lenders and other industry associates pumped nearly $500,000 into Cuomo’s re-election coffers over the past six months.

That’s more than 20 percent of the $2.3 million raised by Cuomo for the first half of 2021.

Many of the contributions poured in right before the campaign fundraising deadline.

Housing activists blasted the donations, noting that an important state law expires next June 15 that gives luxury developers’ projects generous tax abatements for charging non-market or “affordable” rents for up to 30 percent of their new apartments.

The program is supported by the Real Estate Board of New York, which donated $5,000 to Cuomo from its political action committee.

“It’s classic pay-to-play. There’s no doubt about it,” Michael McKee of the Tenants PAC, which wants the law repealed, charged of the political donations to Cuomo.

“We are going to spearhead a major campaign to terminate this law. It’s totally obscene we are subsidizing millionaires and billionaires with property tax breaks. There’s a glut of luxury housing.”

The so-called 421-A tax abatement was renewed in 2015 and 2017, when Republicans controlled the state Senate. The Democrats now control both houses of the Legislature and may be less inclined to give more than $1 billion a year in tax breaks to developers’ apartment complexes in exchange for affordable housing set-asides.

Forty donors with ties to real estate contributed to Cuomo’s re-election, totaling $465,000, the campaign filing shows.

The donors include billionaire metro-area landlord Richard LeFrak, who kicked in $33,000 to Cuomo’s coffers earlier this year.

Executives with ties to Related Companies gave $65,000 — including $25,000 from billionaire developer and chairman Stephen Ross. The firm developed Manhattan’s Hudson Yards, which includes residential buildings that receive property-tax abatements.

Gary Barnett, CEO of Extell Company, also contributed $19,700.

Extell’s One57 condo skyscraper on 57th Street in Midtown qualified for the 421-A tax abatement program before the program was revamped. Other Extell properties that obtained tax breaks include one Manhattan Square on the Lower East Side and One Riverside Park on the Upper West Side.

Executives with RXR Realty donated $50,000, and those who work for Two Trees Management gave $25,000.

RXR Realty honcho Scott Rechler donated space at his building in Rockefeller Plaza for Cuomo’s June 30 fundraiser, where the minimum asking price was $10,000 a head and $15,000 per couple.

Two Trees develops, owns and manages apartments in downtown and brownstone Brooklyn, including in the neighborhoods of DUMBO and Williamsburg, with some sites receiving tax abatements. The firm is transforming the Domino Sugar factory waterfront site.

Kylie Cappelli, the actress-wife of developer Louis Cappelli, kicked in $50,000.

Adam and Ivan Kaufman of Arbor Realty delivered $25,000 to Cuomo’s campaign treasury.

Susanne Durst, the wife of Durst Organization head Douglas Durst, donated $10,000.

The Durst Organization qualified for tax abatements for the Hallet’s Point waterfront residential complex in Astoria, Queens.

Republican billionaire mogul John Catsimatidis, whose $2 billion real-estate portfolio has received tax abatements and includes new waterfront apartments in Brooklyn’s Coney Island, gave $25,000 to Cuomo as well as $10,000 to Republican gubernatorial hopeful Lee Zeldin.

Catsimatidis, said he’s loyal to Cuomo, whom he’s known for decades along with his late father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo.

“The Andrew Cuomo family and the Catsimatidis family have been friends for a long time,” he said. “The Cuomo family has had common sense for a long time.”

Catsimatidis, who holds a top leadership position in the Greek Orthododox Church of North America, said Cuomo was helpful in jump-starting reconstruction of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Lower Manhattan last year. The structure was ravaged during the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Last week, The Post reported that associates connected with a firm that was awarded $62 million in state COVID-19 emergency contracts — the Somos Health Care Providers — delivered $230,000 in donations to Cuomo’s re-election kitty.

Team Cuomo dismissed criticism that the governor was influenced by real-estate donations and defended his record on affordable housing.

“Give me a break – I’d put this governor’s record on protecting tenant rights and advancing and building affordable housing against anyone any time, any day,” said Cuomo spokesman Richard Azzopardi.

“The cranks in the advocacy industrial complex can say what they want, but they can’t change facts.”

Cuomo is seeking to run and win a fourth term in 2022. His father, Mario Cuomo, lost to Republican George Pataki when he ran for a fourth term in 1994.

City University Professor says "“Muslims Will Erase Filth Called Israel”


An adjunct professor at the City University of New York (CUNY) said that Jews cause corruption around the world and “Muslims will erase this filth called Israel,” at a sermon at the Islamic Center of Union County, New Jersey last Friday, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported.

New York Congressman Lee Zeldin called for Abbasi to be fired, saying “At a time when anti-Semitic violence is on the rise throughout the United States, no one, especially someone charged with educating young adults, should be further fanning the flames of anti-Semitism like this and endorsing violence against Israel. As we saw last month, the CUNY faculty has an anti-Semitism problem, and this is just another example.”

Zeldin was referring to the resolution proposed by CUNY’s union last month “condemning the massacre of Palestinians by the Israeli state’’ and Israel’s “expansionism and violent incursions into occupied territories.”

The resolution called on CUNY to adopt BDS, saying that the union “cannot be silent about the continued subjection of Palestinians to the state-supported displacement, occupation, and use of lethal force by Israel.” The resolution, which was proposed in the wake of the Israel-Gaza conflict and approved last week, did not mention the rockets launched into Israel from Gaza by Palestinian terror groups.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

"Shabbas Chassan" riots in the Herbert Samuel Hotel in Yerushalyim ...Guest and Workers Fought


A riot broke out during a "Shabbas Chasan" that took place at the Herbert Samuel Hotel in Yerushalyim off Rechov Yaffa.

It seems that guests of the Chassan got into a brawl with the Arab workers who in turn started throwing chairs at the guests and at the end of the day 7  were arrested ..  some of the workers were hospitalized. 

According to the report,  guests accused the Arab workers of harassing them, it's not clear who got arrested 

Anyway .... Mazal Tov!

New Anti-Semitism Envoy for Biden Deborah Lipstadt Compared Trump the "Ohaiv Yisrael" to a Nazi


President Joe Biden is set to nominate Deborah Lipstadt, the Emory University Holocaust historian, to be the State Department’s antisemitism envoy.

The White House alerted top Biden supporters of the pick, which has been expected for weeks, on Thursday night.

Lipstadt is perhaps best known for defeating Holocaust denier David Irving after he sued her in a British court for defamation for calling him a Holocaust denier. Her 2005 book, “History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier,” was made into a 2016 movie with Rachel Weisz starring as Lipstadt.

Lipstadt, 74, has been for years a go-to expert for the media and for legislators on Holocaust issues, particularly on how the genocide’s meaning should be understood in the 21st century, and whether it had any cognates among anti-democratic forces in the current day. She twice endorsed Barack Obama for president but has on call for her expertise across the political spectrum.

Last year, during the election, she broke a longstanding taboo on comparing present-day American politicians to the Nazis and endorsed an ad by the Jewish Democratic Council of America likening the Trump administration to 1930s Germany. Lipstadt said Holocaust analogies were still off-limits, but she could see parallels to the rise of the Nazis.Deborah 

Bnei Brak: Swastikas graffitied on Religious Zionist synagogue


Swastikas were drawn Friday night on the Young Israel synagogue in Bnei Brak.

Worshipers arriving Saturday morning at the synagogue on Rabbi Kook Street discovered the swastikas, which had been drawn on the doors of the synagogue.

In addition, photos of Shira Banki, who was killed at a pride parade several years ago, were thrown at the entrance of the synagogue, together with other items.

Young Israel is an established synagogue in Bnei Brak, and its congregation is comprised of both Religious Zionist and haredi Jews. The synagogue is led by Rabbi Asher Landau, who is also a Lieutenant Colonel (Res.) in the IDF.

Yaakov Wieder, chairman of Bnei Brak's Likud branch, said: "We take this event very seriously. The spray-painting of swastikas on the city's Zionist synagogue reminds us of very dark days in the Jewish nation's history, and we must not, in any way, ignore such an incident. I expect Israel Police to deal with this quickly and determinedly, so that those responsible for this incident will be caught quickly and brought to justice."

Jewish law does not allow any kind of writing, drawing, or painting - or erasure thereof - on Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath which begins Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at nightfall. It is thus unlikely that a haredi Jew is responsible for the graffiti.

California professor apologizes for saying 'pregnant women'


There is no hope for America.... 

A University of California professor has apologized for saying "when a woman is pregnant," Common Sense with Bari Weissreported, citing a recording provided by a student.

According to the site, the incident occurred during an endocrinology course at a University of California top medical school, when the professor, a physician, stopped mid-lecture to issue an apology for something he'd said earlier in the lecture.

"“I said 'when a woman is pregnant,' which implies that only women can get pregnant and I most sincerely apologize to all of you," the unnamed professor can be heard saying in the recording.

"I don't want you to think that I am in any way trying to imply anything, and if you can summon some generosity to forgive me, I would really appreciate it."

"Again, I'm very sorry for that. It was certainly not my intention to offend anyone. The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive."

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Israeli Senior Citizens to Start Receiving Third Jab to Fight COVID-19 on Aug. 1


Israelis ages 60 and up will begin receiving a third “booster” shot of COVID-19 vaccine next week, the Health Ministry announced Thursday.

The injection is only available to those age 60 and over whose last shot was five months ago, or longer.

The ministry’s coronavirus vaccination committee voted in an absolute majority late Wednesday night to approve a third shot for Israeli senior citizens.

“The decision was based on considerable research and analysis, as well as the rise in risk of the Delta variant wave,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement released to media. 

“Israel has already vaccinated 2,000 immunosuppressed people with a third dose with no severe adverse events, and now we’re rolling out a national third dose campaign. 

“We will share all the information we have with the rest of the global community as we make progress,” Bennett added. 

By Thursday morning, representatives of Israeli assisted living facilities were meeting with Professor Nimrod Maimon, head of the Magen Avot V’Imahot program to discuss implementation of the new policy.

Maimon told them that the booster shots will be immediately administered at the homes.

The third jab can be administered beginning this coming Sunday, August 1, Israeli HMOs were told by the Health Ministry.

Green Pass Program Now in Effect
The rejuvenated “Green Pass” program approved last week by the government went into effect on Thursday.

The program requires those age 12 and up who enter establishments with 100 or more people to present the document which confirms the bearer has been fully vaccinated or recovered from the virus. 

If neither apply, the individual must present a negative result from a coronavirus PCR test taken within the past 72 hours.

A Green Pass or similar document is also necessary for Israelis entering Ben Gurion International Airport and other border crossings. 

If someone says they are going to kill you, believe them


“The hatred of people who aren’t like you, the idea that something will be solved if only such people can be made to disappear – this sometimes start with Jews but tends not to end there.” Matti Friedman, Spies of No Country - Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel.

The Nazis were able to segregate the Jews from the others, gather them in concentration camps and then incinerate or shoot them to death as the world watched – in silence. We are now back in our legal and historical home in Israel, but the Jew hatred never ends. First they tried to kill us individually with pogroms and persecutions and Inquisitions and incinerators. And now they attack the ONLY Jewish state. 

Muslims all over the world call for the extermination of Israel – they learned well from their Nazi allies during WWII.

Churches attack Israel.

When it comes to an irrational fear, Jew hatred is in the number one spot. Jew hating is the most irrational fear of all fears. Cowardly bullies go after the Jewish people and the Jewish people need to develop resilience against that bullying; intellectually, yes, but just as importantly, physically. Calls to kill us are heard around the world. Let me remind you what Machiavelli taught: if someone says they are going to kill you, believe them. And then prepare to defend yourself!

Have we not learned, yet, that revenge societies admire strength? That they can smell weakness: “When the camel falls, the knives multiply” (old Arabic proverb) and they love the idea of appeasement because appeasement breeds contempt.

It is time for all of us to accept that fact and move on. Jew hatred will never accept the right of Jews to be Jews. Jew hatred around the world is at an all-time high. “Jews have been getting attacked in the streets: hunted, chased, beaten, burned, and stabbed.”

Ship Managed by Israeli Company Attached by Aircraft off the coast of Oman ...Iran? US Very Concerned


Zodiac Maritime, the Israeli company that manages the ship attacked off the coast of Oman, has confirmed that two individuals on board have died due to the attack.

"Two crew members, one a Romanian citizen and the other a British citizen, died from their wounds shortly after the attack," the company stated. "From preliminary reports, the attack was carried out by an unmanned aircraft."

The Jerusalem Post reports that the vessel is a Japanese tanker named M/T Mercer Street. It was sailing from Tanzania to the UAE without a cargo when it was reportedly set upon by pirates.

Official sources, including Israel, the United States of America's Fifth Fleet, and the government of Oman, have yet to comment.

The United States is deeply concerned by reports of an attack on an Israeli-managed tanker off Oman, US State Department spokeswoman Jalina Porter said on Friday.

“We are also deeply concerned by the reports and are monitoring the situation closely,” Porter said at a regular news briefing, according to Reuters.

Zodiac Maritime, the Israeli company that manages the ship attacked off the coast of Oman, confirmed earlier on Friday that two individuals on board have died due to the attack.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz and IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi held a security consultation following the attack on the ship.

An Israeli official commented on the attack on the ship and said, "Iran is sowing violence and destruction in every corner of the region. Out of eagerness to attack an Israeli target, they have complicated and incriminated themselves by killing foreign civilians. The masks are coming off and it is impossible to pretend that the nature of the Iranian regime is unknown."

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid responded to the attack and said, "Iran is not just an Israeli problem, but an exporter of terrorism, destruction and instability that harms us all. We must never remain silent in the face of Iranian terrorism, which also harms freedom of navigation."

"I am in constant contact with British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, I mentioned to him tonight the need to respond severely to the attack on the ship in which a British citizen was killed," he added.

“In addition, I instructed the embassies in Washington, London, and the United Nations to work with their colleagues in the administration and the relevant delegations at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.”

Thursday, July 29, 2021

JStreet's Blood Libels Against Israel Exposed


In the last 2 weeks, J Street (Jeremy Ben-Ami, the Fuhrerand their allies released a purposely misleading poll suggesting that 25% of American Jews believe that Israel is an “apartheid state.” During this same period, groups like J Street, headed by the Fuhrer Jeremy Ben-Ami, and other anti-Israel Jewish leftists have come to the defense of Ben & Jerry’s BDS attacks against Israel.

Along with these groups, antisemitic propogandists like Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, and the Squad engage in carefully orchestrated messaging that smears Israel which leads into outright anti-semitism and Jew-Hatred.

Dan Diker, CEO of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, issued a paper, titled, The “Apartheid” Poll and the Disinformation Discourse, which delves deeper into who, how, and why these lies against Israel have gained so much traction in America, to the point of becoming mainstreamed.

Today, Diker sat down with Alan and Baila from the VINnews podcast ‘The Definitive Rap’ to discuss this further.

During the interview, Dan discussed the tactics used by Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-semitic group, whose campus activism has set in motion the mainstreaming of academia-inspired antisemitism, targeting Jewish students and professors alike.

There’s an old adage, “The truth will set you free.” That is, unless the lies told about you are so big, so organized, and so well-orchestrated, that the truth doesn’t even matter anymore.

The rise of the movement against Israel has been growing for decades, but now, has reached an all-time level of lies meant to delegitimize, destabilize, and eventually dismantle the State of Israel.

From the media, to academia, to the Halls of Congress, the slandering of Israel with the most grotesque lies have led to a record level of physical attacks and harassment of Jews on the streets of New York, other large cities with significant Jewish populations, and college campuses throughout North America.

Alan Skorski has been a political activist for almost 40 years. He authored 2 books; Pants on Fire: How Al Franken Lies, Smears, and Deceives and Israel Betrayed: How the Democrats, J Street, and Jewish Left Have Undermined Israel. He has appeared on Fox News, MSNBC, Newsmax, and C-Span.

Baila Sebrow is a journalist, inspirational international speaker, and 5TJT columnist who also hosted numerous radio and Cable TV shows, including Insight/Israel. She is the Founder and President of Neshoma Advocates, Inc., servicing children and families at-risk. Baila is also an acclaimed matchmaker and relationship coach, and president of Baila Sebrow Events, LLC. She has been been featured in various publications, including The New York Times.

Fauchi ..Yes Mask... No Mask.... Yes.. No... Yes/No ..No/Yes


How the "Medina shel Chesed" England Was Directly Responsible for the Chevron Massacre in 1929


This is a great history lesson for those ignoramuses and haters of the early Zionists with their false narratives of why the Arabs decided to murder innocent Jewish people in Chevron in 1929.

Listen how the Zionists put their lives on the line capturing Latrun which had to be taken in order for the Yishuv to have safe passage from Tel Aviv to Yerushalayim 

Arabs didn't massacre Jews because of the Zionists, they didn't murder Jews because of land, they murdered and continue to murder Jews because they hate Jews... 

New Information Emerges About the Hevron 1929 Massacre

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

They could have been saved.  
Apparently, information about the unprovoked murder spree against the Jewish residents of Hevron, including the relocated Slabodka Yeshiva, had reached Jerusalem on the fateful day itself.

Mr. Harbater, a wealthy American who lived in the Kiryat Moshe section of Jerusalem, had begged the British to start a convoy toward Hevron in order to stop the carnage and to save the critically wounded.  He offered to pay for the expenses involved in arranging such a convoy.  The British refused.

All this has been revealed in an interview with Mr. Michael Harbater, the son of Hevron survivor, Rabbi Moshe Harbater.  Rabbi Harbater subsequently went to study in the Mir Yeshiva in Poland and received smicha from Rabbi Eliezer Yudel Finkel zt”l, the Mir Rosh Yeshiva.

Look at the Plane & Pilot that killed the 3 Bochrim and a clip of the plane seconds before it crashed


The Pilot and his plane 

Eliezer Brill before boarding doomed plane 

DC "Defund Police" Mayor announces plan to hire 170 additional police Because DC is Drowning in Crime!


Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Wednesday that she plans to add 170 police officers to the city’s force amid rising violence and several high profile shootings in the city. 

"Right now, I have directed MPD to use any overtime necessary to meet our public safety demands," the Democratic mayor wrote in a statement. The statement noted that Bowser plans to hire 170 additional Metropolitan Police Department officers by 2022. 

"But we know that is not a complete solution or the right long-term solution. We also know we need all of our officers to be fresh, rested, and in the best position to make good decisions – and that requires having a full force to meet all of our community’s needs."

Bowser added, "The department is in a good position to make additional hires and move swiftly to close the gap between attrition and hiring, and that’s what this plan is going to help us do."

Bowser is a vocal supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, which has pushed for defunding the police in favor of community policing and funding social justice organizations. 

Last year, the city council voted to defund the police department by shifting $23 million out of its budget in a move that Bowser publicly opposed. 

Homicides in the city hit a 16-year high in 2020 and local media outlets reported in April of this year that 2021 was on track to be even deadlier. Earlier this month, gunfire broke out near the Washington Nationals baseball stadium causing players and fans to flee the area in a chaotic scene that drew national attention. 

That shooting was followed up by a brazen shooting in an upscale Logan Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. that sent restaurant patrons fleeing in all directions and sparked outrage in the community. 

Dozens of angry residents took to the streets recently to march in protest of the increased gun violence after a six-year-old girl was shot and killed riding her scooter. 

"This is something that we’ve been warning about for years," D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee said about the lack of resources he has to fight crime.  "We don't really have the ability to hire officers right now. We have a defined amount of resources to deal with a very large city that continues to grow."