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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Peleg Has it's own Civil War ... Will Allow A Draft Dodger Rot In Jail For 55 Days Because he Belongs to Opposing faction!

The "Shmuel Auerbach Crazies" are split after a raging civil war ....
The Late Harav Shmuel Auerbach, ordered his bochrim to not even register for the draft ....
There is a law in Israel that if you are in Yeshivah learning you can get a "Ptur" an exemption from the army, but one must register....
99.9% of all Chareidim follow this law ....and register ....
So when one of the "draft dodgers" get arrested, there are massive protests in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem, tying up traffic and causing havoc on the Chareidie population primarily! 
When Harav Shmuel Auerbach, (who was most of his life a Zionist sympathizer, but changed course because he thought that this would make him the new Gadol Hador after Harav Shteinman passed) passed away,  his brothers  became his successor but they being far more moderate, abandoned the rule of not registering and disallowed protests! 
Those students who wanted to continue the Auerbach legacy of disrupting traffic and making residents of Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak miserable got their own Roshei Yeshiva ... and split ...
Now since the guy who got arrested for not registering is in the opposition ... no one gives a damn about him ....  there will be no protests on his behalf and as far as the Peleg guys are concerned he can rot in jail with the Arabs! 
No Pidyan Shevuim ... no protests .... nothing! Nada! 
Avreich Meir Blau, who is affiliated with Peleg Yerushalmi, was sentenced to 55 days in a military jail for being a draft dodger. He is scheduled for release on erev Yom Kippur unless military authorities decide to show mercy and release him for Rosh Hashanah.
Blau (23) is a father of one and a resident of Modi’in Illit.

Williamsburg "paskevelim" Expose SATMAR Hypocrisy

So finally serious Satmar Chassidim, the ones who really care about Satmar Mesoireh, are exposing the blatant hypocrisy of the Satmar Rabbis! 

Just last Monday, the reliable DIN, posted a story that exposed this very hypocrisy! 

Both feuding Satmar Rabbis, scream and rant every Shabbos by their Shalosh Seudah Toirelich that the Zionist State of Israel "shmad" young innocent children....

They never mention the fact that this is exactly what they are doing all for the mighty dollar ...

What happened was that the Satmar Rebbes caved in and decided to forego the Satmar Shitah and follow BOE guidelines that requires secular subjects to be taught ..
Satmar is doing this so they will not lose Federal and State funds which amount to millions of dollars ...

So the Shitah can be bought and sold ... but only if it pertains to them ...
But when it comes to the Zionist State they bark, scream and yell, protest and make asifas in Manhattan .....

Well, some of their own had enough and called them out on it ...

Loose Translation of poster:

Harav Meir Porish (Zionist MK) would be dictating our  Holy Chinuch?
Harav Yaakov Litzman (Zionist MK) would be dictating our  Holy Chinuch?
Harav Yisroel Eichler (Zionist MK) would be dictating our Holy Chinuch?
Belzer Rebbe sat with the Reform Abie Shick Yemach Shmo?
Kloizenberger Rebbe sat with the Reform Avi Shick Yemach Shmo?
Gerer Rebbe sat with the Reform Avi Shick Yemach Shmo?

How many protests would have been organized?
How many speeches condemning this would have been given?
How many would be screaming in the streets? How many pages dedicated to this would have been printed in DER YID?

But if the "SHEIGATZ" is our very own.... Then everyone is quiet!

Rabbeinu Hakodosh the Va"YOEL MOSHE from Satmar said when the Zionists attempted this:
"Look what the Jew Haters are doing with our children, and no one protests"

If SATMAR Makes $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ then there isn't any protests ....

Loose Translation of poster:

There is bitter Edict (by the BOE) 
And everyone is quiet
The truth is being hidden
The truth is not being told

This is not being done in Eretz Yisroel!
and it is not coming from the Zionist Yemach Shemom!

Who are these Rabbanim that are trying to keep the truth hidden?
Harav Shteinman?
The Chief Rabbi?

No ....
this is being done right here in our very own backyard!

The Reformer Avi Shick is making agreements and compromises on our backs !

All because they do not want to lose Government Funds 
"Money answers all" 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Meir "the liar" Kin Causes Huge Chillul Hashem And Says "He Never Agreed To Give the Get!!!"

Meir "Bugeye" Kin who agreed to give his estranged wife a get yesterday now says that he did not commit to give a divorce or to go to Bais Din.
An agreement had been made through the efforts of the Chief Rabbi of Israel yesterday following the petiraof the man’s mother. Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau, having been involved in this case of a husband who refused to give his wife a get for sixteen years despite having himself remarried five years ago, declared that the burial be delayed until the man agreed to give a get. The decision was made in cooperation with the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada, also known as Agudas Harabonim.
The Beis Din had applied punitive measures against the husband several years ago to pressure him to divorce his wife, including losing the right to have his family members buried. The man also faces arrest should he step foot into Israel.
Submitting to the pressure, the man allegedly agreed to grant the woman her freedom by promising to go to Bais Din and give the get. In return, the Chief Rabbi agreed to release "Yenta the Rebbitzin"  for burial.
However, once the burial was completed the man rescinded from the agreement, claiming that he never agreed to give the get.
R’ Lau office said in response: 
“We are sorry that the same anchorage owner who, for over 15 years, refuses to release his wife from her marriage, and continues his refusal despite the agreements reached. The same man who did not spare his mother and his family even though he has since married a second wife.
“(We) will continue the unwavering war on the phenomenon of get refusal and do everything we can, including the most severe sanctions, to end agunah situation that arise.”

Florida Governor asked for "no hurricanes" at the Kotel ......

Florida's Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis prayed in Israel that his state doesn't get hit by a hurricane this year. 

 The Sunshine State governor revealed Monday that he kept with tradition by sticking a slip of paper with a written prayer in between the crevices at the Western Wall in Jerusalem during his May visit.

“Good Lord, spare us hurricanes this year,” 

the governor of the state hit with the most storms said he wrote on the paper.

Neturei Karta Nutcase Shalom Dovid Weiss Changes His Name?

Rockland Supreme Court
Index Number: 0000221/2019


Track: Standard
RJI Filed: 02/19/2019

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Meir Kin Beats The Israeli System ... Got His Dead Mother Buried...After Promising His wife a GET and Putting $28,000.00 In Escrow

The Kin family "mafia" was quick on their toes and figured out a way to get the dead "Rebbetzin" in the ground and make sure she wouldn't rot!........

They assured the Israeli Rabbinate that Meir  would give the get and put $28,000.00 in escrow... and told the gullible rabbis "don't worry" ......

What's $28,000.00 to Meir Kin's brother who put up the dough?
Nothing ... Nada ....
$28,000.00 is monopoly money to the Kin family and they can now go back to torture Meir's wife..........
May God have mercy on her ......

Meanwhile Meir's dead mother, the "Rebbetzin" Yehudis Kin, whose parents appropriately named her  "Yenta,"  supported keeping her daughter-in-law an agunah, and now finally knows the truth and maybe she will ask to see her son ........

The Kins' are sitting Shivah in LA ... 

Meir Kin the "bugeyed" Get Refuser Cannot Bury His Mother in Israel ... Rabbi Lau's Ruling

American Bais Din Rules That Husband is a "Get Refuser"

Rabbi Dovid Lau, Chief Ashkanazi Rabbi Of Israel, has ruled that the Israeli Chevra Kadisha cannot bury Mrs. Kin,  because her son, Meir, living in the USA, refuses to divorce his wife and has kept his wife Lonna, an agunah for the past 16 years.

Bugeye" Meir  has defied the American Bais Din, marrying another woman under a fake "Heter Meah Rabbanim" 

The dead lady, according to Bais Din, supported her son's Get refusal and supported "Bugeyes" decision of keeping her an agunah!

Meir Kin himself stayed in the US, afraid that he would get arrested at the Israeli Airport, but sent his mother's dead body off to Israel.....

Here See Meir Shlep his new wife like a cow after marrying her without giving his first wife a get!

נשיא בית הדין, הגאון רבי דוד לאו, הורה לחברא קדישא שלא לקיים הלוויה לאשה שבנה, תושב ארה"ב, מעגן את רעייתו למעלה מעשור, וזה בכדי להביא לשחרור העגונה

בפסק הדין של בית הדין בארצות הברית כותבים הדיינים: "לאחר שהבעל מעגן את אשתו כט"ו שנים וגם נשא אשה אחרת על אשתו לפני כחמש שנים, שלא כדת ולא כדין, וכבר נפסק עליו שהוא מסרב ועומד בסירובו לגרש את אשתו לאחר שהיה פסק דין של חיוב גט על פי בית דין של ארצות הברית".
בהמשך פסק הדין כותבים הרבנים: "אנו בית הדין מחליטים ומורים על פי ההלכה דעת תורה - לא להרשות את קבורת אמו בקבר ישראל עד שבנה יגרש את אשתו". בית הדין מדגיש כי האם תמכה בבנה לעגן את אשתו.
יצוין כי הבן עצמו נמנע מלהגיע להשתתף במסע ההלוויה, מחשש שייעצר בהוראת בית הדין, אך גם הוא לא ציפה למהלך כה דרמטי וחריג של נשיא בית הדין.
גורמים ברבנות הראשית מספרים כי רבנים בכירים ומספר אישי ציבור מפעילים בשעות האחרונות לחצים על הרב הראשי שיחזור בו מההחלטה, אך בשלב זה הרב מסרב ומונע את הלווית האם.
נשיא בית הדין אמר הבוקר: "לאחר שביררתי ובדקתי היטב לפנינו מונח מקרה של עיגון קשה ביותר למעלה מעשר שנים כאשר הבעל מסרב בכל תוקף לאפשר לאשתו להמשיך בחייה בעוד הוא נשא אישה שניה שלא כדין.
"לאחר שמוצו כלל האפשרויות האחרות נאלצנו להודיע לחברה קדישא שלא לקבור את האם עד להפקדת גט כשר בידי הבן. אנו תקווה כי מהלך זה יביא למתן גט בהקדם ולשחרורה של האשה מכבלי עגינותה לאחר שנים כה רבות".


The body of the late Rabbi Joshua Ben Paz z’l, father of two from the Givat Shaul neighborhood of Jerusalem and a student in Rabbi Shalom Ber Sorotzkin’s Kollel, was found on the night between Monday and Tuesday, after having drifted into a turbulence off the Dolphinarium beach in Tel Aviv.
The body was found and pulled out of the water with assistance from a police water motorcycle hours after divers had been summoned by friends of the deceased on Monday night.Police have launched an investigation into the circumstances of the incident, with the initial suspicion being that the young man hit the rocks while swimming.

Body of Rabbi Dovid Traube z”l Found at Greenwood Lake

 With great sadness we report the petirah of Rabbi Dovid Zalman Traube z”l, a 38-year-old father of seven from Monsey, NY, whose body was found in Greenwood Lake in Orange County, NJ, a short while ago.

Rabbi Traube had gone missing after attempting to rescue his ten-year-old son who had fallen into the lake during a boating outing yesterday.
The child, who was wearing a life jacket, was brought to land, as was the rest of the family, but Rav Dovid went missing.
Hatzolah and Chaveirim joined police and fire rescue units in conducting a search.
The search was suspended last night for several hours due to inclement weather, but then resumed, with the participation of the Greenwood Lake Fire Department, Hatzolah of Kiryas Yoel, New York State Police, CommSAR and others.
The niftar was found a short while ago.
A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Rav Dovid served as rosh kollel of Kollel Ruach Chaim, located at Bais Medrash Elyon in Monsey.
He was a talmid of Yeshiva Tiferes Boruch of Springfield, under Rav Elya Meir Sorotzkin, and Yeshivas Brisk in Yerushalayim. He later also learned in a kollel under the auspices of Rav Shmulik Shapiro.
His father, R’ Chaim, passed away several years ago at the age of 67. R’ Chaim was born in a DP camp in Switzerland shortly after the end of World War II to his parents, Moshe Zev and Pessel Traube. Mrs. Traube came from a family of 11 children; she was the sole survivor. R’ Moshe Zev also came from a large family; only he and one brother survived the war.
Shortly after the birth of R’ Chaim, the Traubes were able to travel to the United States, where they settled in Omaha, Nebraska. Two more daughters were born there. The Traubes raised their children with a strong sense of identity regarding their European roots, primarily as close adherents of the admorim of Ger. Indeed, R’ Chaim lived his entire life as a European type Yid, although he was raised in America.
They took great pride in their newly-built family, as it was virtually all they had left after the war. They sent their children at the tender age of nine across the country to receive proper chinuch in New York. Young Chaim went to Mesivta Torah Vodaas, where his only relative, his uncle Rav Shmuel Yaakov Traube, was a rebbi for close to 50 years. When he reached bais medrash age, Chaim returned to the Midwest, where he attended a relatively new institution, Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago. After his marriage, Reb Chaim settled in Cleveland, where he raised his family.
Rav Dovid, from a young age, was recognized for his unique capabilities. He loved learning and grew in Torah, becoming a young ben Torah and then a bonafide talmid chochom.
His wife, Hadassah, is a daughter of Rav Mordechai Wolmark, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Monsey. She is a granddaughter of noted baal tzedakah R’ Zev Wolfson zt”l.
Rav Dovid is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hadassah Traube, and their seven children. Rav Dovid also leaves behind his mother, Mrs. Bina Traube, and his siblings, Reb Sender, Reb Yisroel, Reb Yehuda, Reb Yosef Yitzchok (Itchy), Reb Ephraim, Tamar, Mrs. Tzippora Greenspoon and Mrs. Aliza Inzelbuch.
The levayah will be held at 5 p.m at Bais Medrash Elyon, located at 73 Main Street in Monsey, NY. The aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah there.

Monday, August 19, 2019

What Does Child Abuse Feel Like ? Watch First Hand Report!

Bnei Brak Chareidi Mayor Destroyed Shul in Bnei Brak and There Aren't Any Protests? Why???

Tractors from the Bnei Brak Municipality came and destroyed a shul smack in the heart of Bnei Brak ...
and shaaaaaaaa shtill................!
Not a word!
No stopping traffic....No Roshei Yeshiva getting together for a meeting to stop these "atrocities" 
nothing ...................................

What happened?? Why did they allow it????

Why was it not ok when it happened in Bet Shemesh two weeks ago where they came out like roaches to protest and burn half the city down ......
But in Bnei Brak the city of Torah, Chassidus, Yeshivish etc...this is allowed to happen without one person saying anything??

I searched high and low in the Israeli Chareidie Press such as the Yated, Hapeles ... and not even an honorable mention???

What is going on??

Ha Ha LOL !!! Ha ......you naive creatures!!!

See guys that's why you need DIN to break this down for you, otherwise you naively go on with your day and believe what the Chareidie press tell you ....

In both incidents, Bet Shemesh and Bnei Brak a bunch of Frum Toiredike guys stole property from the public and put up a Bais Ha"midrash ..... 
Straight out Geneivah!! 
And in both cases, no Rav or Poisek or Rosh Yeshivah ever said a word against it ..
Aderaba... they run there with their long coats and the two buttons in the back to give sheurim there!!

The object is to steal and then learn with a "geshmack"

Then when the Zionist "askanim" get wind of it and take it down ..... they scream "Nazis... Nazis"

BTW... how do the Zionist Askanim even know about this if its in the heart of Chareidie neighborhoods?

The "moisrim" are Chareidim themselves who snitch!!!

The difference between the "raash koil" in Bet Shemesh and the shaaaaaa shtilllllll in Bnein Brak is very Pashut!

In Bet Shemesh the Mayor is Dr. Aliza Bloch, a Zionist Dati Mizrachi...

And in Bnei Brak the Mayor is Harav Hatzadik Ha'Goen Muflig Be' Torah Veyeire Shamayim 
 Hanoch Zeibert 

Both cities cannot run if people go around snatching public land and do whatever they want with it ... it brings chaos ... and it cannot be tolerated ...
But if (read this twisting your thumb like a Yeshivah Bachur) the Mayor is a Zionist Lady, then its a "Nazi act" but if its a "long beard" ... who was endorsed by all the Roshei Yeshiva and all Chassidishe Rabbanim then ........
 SHaaaaaa Shtil .......
מי כעמך ישראל

Personally I'm not for destroying shuls even if put up illegally ...it doesn't make for good optics .....

There must be a better solution!!!


Every single week, Chareidie girls get arrested for smuggling drugs to various European countries...... Askanim go to work immediately to free them .... dealing with various different government agencies and of course the Israeli government ...
But when a former IDF combat soldier who put her life on the line to protect the Jewish people and I'm including the residents of Bnei Brak ....
no one does a damn thing ..... 
Shame on you guys... her blood is not red enough for you??

An Israeli woman who has been languishing in various Russian jails for four months is “falling apart,” according to her sister.

Naama Issachar, 25, was charged with smuggling narcotics into Russia after nine grams of cannabis were found in her checked baggage, which was being transferred through to Israel.

Since then, she has had her remand extended five times and has been transferred through three Russian detention facilities and prisons, all while not speaking a word of Russian and being allowed just four personal visits and two phone calls.

Issachar, who was born in the US and has dual American-Israeli citizenship, was returning to Israel in April after a three-month trip to India, via a connecting flight though Moscow.

As she was boarding her flight to Tel Aviv, she was pulled over by Russian police who told her they had found the cannabis in her checked baggage.

Issachar acknowledged that the baggage was hers but said that the cannabis was not, and that she did not know how it got into her luggage.

Remember When DemocRATS Booed "GOD?" At Trump Rally , "GOD" Gets The Biggest Cheer!!

Within 10 seconds of taking the stage to Lee Greenwood’s anthem “God Bless the USA,” he’s telling them, “I will never, ever let you down.”
This is a president who connects with people in an intensely personal way.
“I love you”, he says, again and again. And they yell, “We love you, Trump” right back.
He tells them he’s back to win the state he missed out on by fewer than 3,000 votes in 2016. Back where it all began, because the New Hampshire primary delivered him the thumping outsider victory that sent the Republican establishment into a spin.

Song of Temurah ....... Sium Coming Up

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Rashida Tlaib Enjoys Hot Shabbos Meal With Self Hating Jews

Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib met with supporters Friday at a Shabbat event in Detroit sponsored by a left-wing Jewish group that backs the boycott of Israel. The event took place after Tlaib said she would not visit her family in the West Bank despite being granted permission by Jerusalem.

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Temurah 23,24,25, 26, 27, 28, & 29

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף כ''ג ''יהוידע הכהן       
Page 23 Mesectas Temurah
"Yehoyada The High Priest" 

Yehoyada was Kohen Gadol and father of the navi (prophet) Zechariah. 

When King Ahaziah died, Yehoyada’s wife, Yehosheva hid Ahaziah’s infant son Yoash and raised him in secret, until the boy reached age 7. 

Then, Yehoyada crowned Yoash king and served as the boy’s royal advisor. 

Throughout Yehoyada’s life, Yoash acted justly and did what was fitting in the eyes of God.

However, after Yehoyada died, Yoash began to sin. 

When Yehoyada’s son, the navi Zechariah warned Yoash and showed him the error of his ways, Yoash decreed that Zechariah be put to death at the Beit HaMikdash. 

Yoash paid no mind to any of the kindness Zechariah’s father and mother had shown in safeguarding him and ensuring that he be crowned king.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Omar and Tlaib rightly blocked from visiting ‘non-existent’ country Palestine

At first blush, Israel’s decision to bar Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib looked like a mistake. My gut reaction was that the move would simultaneously make Israel appear weak and allow critics to claim the incident proves the Jewish state has no interest in peace with the Palestinians.
It didn’t help that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had initially signaled the two Democrats could visit despite their support for the BDS movement, which Israel has outlawed. When it became clear that Net­anyahu reversed his decision at President Trump’s urging, the situation appeared to go from bad to worse.
Both the United States and Israel looked to have blundered. Or so I thought.
Then facts and history had their say. Now, I believe Trump and Netanyahu made the right move.

Mazal Tov! Holocaust survivor, 89, weds woman nearly 50 years younger

Holocaust survivor Jack Garfein, 89, said “I do” to his 42-year-old bride, Natalia Repolovsky, last Sunday on the Upper West Side.
Garfein wept with joy as he entered the chapel of Congregation Rodeph Sholom.
“I can’t believe all of this love I’m surrounded by after everything I’ve gone through in my life,” he told The Post while choking back more tears after the ceremony.
Garfein, who was born in then-Czechoslovakia, lost his parents and sisters when they were marched to the Nazi gas chambers. He himself survived 11 concentration camps.
Among his wedding guests was Jack Terry, 89, whom he has known since World War II.
“I met Jack in 1945 at the Flossenbürg concentration camp,” Terry, 89, told The Post. “We shouldn’t even be alive . . . And here I am at his wedding.”


Garfein, who came to the US at the age of 14, spoke no English at first but went on to become a major figure in The Actors Studio — where he collaborated with Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe and James Dean. He directed the films “The Strange One” in 1957 and “Something Wild” in 1961, and is credited with discovering actor Steve McQueen.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Vizhnitzer Rebbe’s Golden cane Stolen in Switzerland

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak is currently on a visit to Switzerland with a small group of chassidim.
The rebbe is staying in St. Moritz, the high Alpine resort town in the Engadine in Switzerland, known for its high elevation of about 5,900 feet above sea level.
The rebbe’s gabbaim have revealed that the rebbe’s golden cane has suddenly gone missing. It is not clear why or how, but there is suspicion that it has been stolen.

Israel Approves The Vicious Anti-Semite Tlaib a Visit to her 90-year-old Grandmother ....

Tlaib writes: 'I will respect any restrictions and not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit.'
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) on Friday approved US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's request to visit Israel in order to see her elderly grandmother.

On Thursday, Israel announced that Democratic Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib will not be allowed to enter Israel due to their support of BDS.

On Thursday night, Tlaib sent a request to Israel's Ministry of Interior to visit her "Palestinian" grandmother on humanitarian grounds.

In her request, Tlaib wrote:
 "I would like to request admittance to Israel in order to visit my relatives, and specifically my grandmother, who is in her 90s and lives in Beit Ur al-Fouqa."

"This could be my last opportunity to see her. I will respect any restrictions and will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit. Thank you, Rashida Tlaib."

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Trump Supports Israel in Barring the Two Anti-Semitic Congresswoman

Trump to Israel: Don't show weakness, ban Omar and Tlaib now!

'They hate all Jews.' Trump urges Israel to prevent controversial Democratic lawmakers from entering the country. 'They're a disgrace!'

President Donald Trump urged Israel on Thursday to bar two Democratic congresswomen from entering the country, warning that a failure to ban the two would constitute a show of“great weakness” on Israel’s part.

“It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to visit,” Trump tweeted. “They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a disgrace!”

The tweet came just hours after Israeli media reported that the Israeli interior ministry had decided to ban Omar and Tlaib from entering the country, due to their support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Israeli law prohibits entry into the country by supporters of the BDS movement.

Israel has not confirmed the ban, however, and two weeks ago appeared poised to permit the two freshman Democratic lawmakers to enter the country.

Two weeks ago, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer announced that Israel would allow the two to enter, in light of the strong messages he received on the subject from senior House officials.

Tlaib and Omar had planned to visit Israel’s security fence in Judea and Samaria, as well ascend the Temple Mount accompanied by senior Palestinian Authority officials, visit Bethlehem, Hevron, and Ramallah.

The trip was planned by Miftah, a pro-Palestinian Authority NGO cofounded by PA negotiator Hanan Ashrawi. Omar and Tlaib had been scheduled to land in Israel Sunday.