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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

New York Times: Lawns Are Symbols of Racism and "Come on the backs of slaves"

While most Americans are spending time this summer enjoying the sun in the comfort of their houses’ yards, the New York Times is out with a new exposé on how lawn care is problematic, once viewed through the lens of social justice.

Lawns are contributing to pollution and climate change, asserts narrator David Botti, and their origins are far from woke, in a seven-minute video on the history of American lawns.
Botti says lawns are part of the “colonizing of America,” which transformed the landscape from “pristine wilderness” to “identical rows of manicured nature.”
“These lawns come on the backs of slaves,” he continues, zooming in on a painting of George Washington in a field to highlight men cutting the grass with scythes. “It’s grueling, endless work.”


A treif restaurant in upstate New York has been using a fake hechsher and causing dozens of Jews to eat non kosher food this summer.

24-hour Bistro, located at Resort World Casino in Monticello, New York, is a completely treif eatery that has been tricking frum Jews into eating their food by hanging up a fake kashrus certificate. 

The outdated sign was brought to the restaurant by a conniving worker who got it from New York.

The expired certificate, issued by Rav Yisroel Gornish shlit”a of Khal Chizuk Hadas in New York in 2017, belonged to the now defunct La Cuisine restaurant, formerly located on the corner of East 19th Street and Avenue M in Brooklyn, NY.
Additionally, a few items on the 24-hour Bistro menu have been marked kosher despite there being no indication that any hashgacha were given their stamp of approval on the kitchen.
There have already been multiple instances of Jews eating at the restaurant due to seeing the fake sign without giving it a closer look.
Rav Gornish is aware of the situation and is working tirelessly to have the management remove the phony hechsher and raise awareness of the matter to stop more Jews from being nichshal.

Why Are Yeshivah Boys and Yungelite Denying the Holocaust ???

From EmailimBaTorah 

ואהבת את ה' אלוקיך
 - שיהא שם שמים מתאהב על ידך-- אבל מי שקורא ושונה--ואין דבורו בנחת עם *הבריות, מה הבריות אומרות אליו, 
או לו לפלוני שלמד תורה או לו לאביו-- או לו לרבו-- כמה מקולקלין מעשיו וכמה מכוערין דרכיו וכו' (יומא פ"ו ע"א) 
In most civilized western countries, Holocaust deniers are not tolerated. In some countries, it is a criminal offense.

Even the אומות העולם understand that denying the Holocaust is a most offensive and hurtful type of antisemitism. 
Holocaust victims and their families after suffering through this nightmare of torture and killings who are told to that it never happened or it happened but wasn't as severe as they claim it was, is an extremely painful type of antisemitism.
Unfortunately, there are groups of Yeshiva Bachurim & Yungerleit who are ביודעים ובלא יודעים "Frum Holocaust deniers". 

**There are even some counselors training young children in
camp to become Holocaust deniers.
When demonstrators shout at the police "נאצים" (Nazis)
that is Holocaust denial

If a Jewish policeman who has his job to do to keep the demonstrators in an area so as not to block traffic etc. (even if he is overly rough etc.)  is being compared to a German SS Nazi who was part of the killing machine of six million, who tortured millions who starved millions who slave labored millions, that is the ultimate רשעות one can do to the Holocaust Kedoshim, survivors, their 
children, and to every thinking Yid.
You may be a Neturei Karta, Satmar, Peleg, etc. and you have the full right to demonstrate against the Zionist State.

However, you may not be a Holocaust Denier. It is your responsibility to make sure that the non-Frum Tziyoinim won't say 
 או לו לפלוני שלמד תורה 
"Woe is to this person who
learned Torah "וכמה מכוערין דרכיו "and how ugly are his ways".
יהי רצון שנקיים מצוות ואהבת את ה' אלוקיך ויהא שם שמים מתאהב על ידינו                                                         
*בריות refers to עמי הארץ non שומרי תורה ומצוות
**Some camps have an activity for the children  demonstrating against the Zionist Medina, They carry placards and shout Givald, Shame shame Israel and NATZIM

Solution to the Shidduch Crises!

by EmailimBaTorah 

There are Mosdos asking for donations geared especially to those who are desperate to find Shidduchim for themselves or for their loved ones. 
These organizations offer to have Gedolim, Rebbes, Roshei Yeshivos, Rabonim, Kabbalists, etc. travel to Mekomos Hakdoshim and daven for a Zivug on behalf of those who send in money.

It is a pathetic way of raising money by taking advantage of people who are in a desperate situation. What's even more pathetic is that it is very likely for such Tefillos not to be accepted by HKBH.

If the situation is that for every 120 nineteen-year-old girls there are only 100 twenty-three-year-old boys to go around, it would be pointless to daven that all girls should get married, since there are simply not enough 23-year-old boys to marry all the 19-year-old girls. 
This Tefillah would be asking for the impossible and that would be considered a תפילת שוא.

Furthermore, davening only for those girls who donate money to the organization doesn't sound right. 
For every girl who gets married another boy gets taken off the market.

There is a concept in the Gemoro of 
תופס לבעל חוב במקום שחב לאחרים - 
One cannot grab an item for the benefit of his friend if by doing so another person will lose out. 
One may, however, grab it for himself even
 במקום שחב לאחרים. 
Therefore davening for only a certain group (Donors) and not including the בתוך שאר הנצרכים sounds like a תופס לבעל חוב במקום שחב לאחרים.


The solution to the shidduch crisis is to narrow the age gap between the boys and girls getting married. 
Davening for this to happen on its own is futile; it is incumbent on us to take the measures to make it happen. 
The problem is man-made and can be corrected by man בעזהי"ת. 
It's up to us; 
we can and should change the trend of having such a wide age gap between the genders.

Perhaps, the time has come of 
מה תצעק אלי-- ויסעו.
We must make a move to correct the problem. 
We cannot shove the problem under the carpet, nor pretend to solve it with Davening gimmicks.

We must first acknowledge the cause of the Shidduch crisis. 
Many people aren't aware that the number one cause for the shidduch crisis is the age gap, and if nothing is done to remedy that, then   
15%- 20% of the girls will remain Agunos for the rest of their lives. 

We must also educate and publicize this to as many people as possible.
 It is very important that the naysayers be proven wrong.

The only way to narrow the age gap is by facilitating and encouraging the boys to start dating at a younger age. 
 This can be accomplished if the Roshei Yeshivos are on board and implement policies such as:
1) The American Roshei Yeshivos should not send away their talmidim to Eretz Yisroel at age 20, and not allow them to stick around past that age.
2) The Israeli Roshei Yeshivos should not accept Bachurim over the age of 20.
3) B.M.G. Lakewood Yeshiva should abolish the "freezer" rule.
Having the Bachurim go to learn in Eretz Yisroel at an earlier age means they will return to America at an earlier age, thus starting  Shidduchim earlier and thereby narrowing the age gap.

These might be drastic measures, but we can all agree that the severe tragedy of having girls never get married, remaining Agunos for the rest of their lives, surely requires drastic measures.  Now is the time of 'עת לעשות וגו

If the philanthropists, Gevirim,& Askonim who support the Yeshivos want to seriously commit themselves to solve the Shidduch crisis, they would exert their influence on the Roshei Yeshivos and give them the "motivation" to take these necessary steps and policies to effect change.

Check this

                                                    WHAT CAN YOU DO?



Chris Cuomo of CNN flying into a rage after man calls him ‘Fredo’ .....NETWORK STANDS BY BERSERK CUOMO...

A man in NY yesterday approached CNN's Chris Cuomo and called him "Fredo"

Cuomo: "You're going to have a problem"

Man: "What are you going to do about it?"

Cuomo: "I'll fuckin ruin your shit. I'll fucking throw you down these stairs"

Credit: "THAT'S THE POINT with Brandon"

22.6K people are talking about this

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

El Al stewardess dies after being infected with measles on Flight From New York

A stewardess of Israel’s El Al airline died Tuesday, following a months-long battle with measles.

The 43-year-old stewardess was infected with the measles virus during a flight from New York to Israel five months ago.
After she was infected, the stewardess was hospitalized in serious condition at Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba in central Israel after she was found unconscious and struggling to breathe.

During her hospitalization, the stewardess’ condition deteriorated, and she was transferred to the quarantine section of the hospital’s intensive care wing.
On Tuesday, doctors at Meir hospital declared her death, following the five-month struggle.

Heros in Bnei Brak Rescue Child Left in Hot Car .... Was 92 degrees

Monday, August 12, 2019

Satmar Caves In - Will Teach Secular Studies

If this happened in Israel... 
the Satmar Rabbis would organize "hafganas" and organize protests to tie up traffic for hours .......

But for Satmar Moisdois in NYC there is a double standard!!!!

What?????? DIN?????

What happened exactly ????

As you know the Board of Education is applying tremendous pressure on Yeshivois to implement a secular education...

There is ongoing negotiations with the Board of Education .. with an agency set up by Chareidie Schools called PEARLS, and PEARLS  does all the behind the scenes negotiations...

The BOE has the legal right to pressure Yeshivois , because Yeshivois rake in millions of dollars from Federal and State funds ...
if they didn't, they would be able to teach what they want ,...
once they take the $$$$$$$$$ ... they have to implement the BOE guidelines .....

Satmar mesorah going all the way to the founder of their religion, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l was not to teach even secular basics in their holy moisdois .....

Well, it seems that Satmar caved in and will, come September, teach secular subjects ...because they won't give up the mighty $$$$$!!!!!

So what's so bad about secular studies???

Nothing on the surface ...

But they will not only have to teach:
 English ... which is great

Writing .... which is great 

Math, which is great, 

History which is great....

Science ....Not so great, because now they will be introduced to a concept similar to what the  Ramban in Bereishis introduced, stating that the world may be millions of years old ... a no no ... 
(also they are frightened that maybe the kids already learning the Ramban will take a further look in the Ramban in Bamidbar and learn that the Ramban holds that settling in Israel is a Mitzvas Asei Me"doiriiseh, Bizman Hazeh,........ Chas Ve"shalom

and now the clincher...

Biology .... uh oh ...... a no no ...
not only will they learn their own anatomy which they learned in the mikvah, but they will now be introduced to their sisters anatomy too ...

Worse .... they will learn that a guy could to decide to become a rebbetzin ,,,, 
and worse still ... that a rebbetzin can become a Rebbe ....

In addition they will learn that boys marry boys, and that girls marry girls...
And boys if they put on a dress can use a girls bathroom ...

This may actually become their favorite subject ...

But there is a positive side to teaching Biology:
 The parents of the innocent Chassan on the day of his Chupa, will no longer need to shock their "tzaddik" into reality, on the happiest day of his life!!

And you can be assured that he will never look at a bird or a bee in the same way!

The truth is that Satmar is contributing to the Mayor of New York's failing Presidential run ......
The Mayor is married to an avowed lesbian and the Mayor is an advocate of killing babies right after they are born...
He is also big into the LGBT communities ...all abhorrent to the Torah lifestyle but apparently not to the Satmar Shitah!

Now if the Zionist State of Israel would have required that the Moisdois implement secular studies in the Yeshivois all hell would have broken loose...
Satmar would be in the front of all protests  setting up protests in front of the United Nations .... condemning the Zionists for "SHMADING" our innocent Jewish children ...
and they would discuss in all their Shalosh Seudah Toirelech this disgusting heresy perpertrated by the Zionists, and spend the entire time until Maariv cursing the Zionists!

But it's ok for Satmar to "Shmad" their own children and to throw away the holy SHIT"ah of Satmar not to bring in foreign subjects in their holy institutions!

All for the holy Dollar...

In Israel 99% of all moisdois are supported by the Zionist State .... 
Yes absolutely .....
but right now all is quiet on the western front,, because the Zionists are far more supportive of Torah than the BOE...as Satmar just learned!!!! 

There were a handful of Satmar renegades that were protesting their own Satmar Rabbis that are capitulating to the mighty $$$$$$$

Gerer Guys Take Over a Public "Miklat" A Public Bomb Shelter And Make it Into a Shteeble!

Watch Nazi Killers Laughing & Celebrating While Jews Are Being Tortured to Death .... "Astonishing"

Sunday, August 11, 2019

'The terrorist of Dvir Sorek opened his eyes and saw us standing over him'

Lieutenant Commander S., Commander of the IDF counter-terrorism unit, was on the move with his team as soon as the body of Dvir Sorek was found in Gush Etzion Thursday morning.

S. and his team are "terrorist hunters." They tracked down and eliminated the terrorist who murdered two civilians in a shooting attack at the Barkan Industrial Zone last year, captured the terrorist who carried out attacks at the Assaf and Ofra junctions, and captured the terrorist who stabbed IDF soldier Ron Kokia to death in 2017.

"I can't get Dvir's picture out of my head," the unit commander said in an interview with Yediot Aharonot Sunday morning. "From the moment the body was found I read about him. I wanted to know him. He was an amazing boy until the last moment before his murder."

"[This happened when] he went to buy books for his teachers. The things they said about him touched my heart. It was important to me to know him. When I realized the details of the incident, I knew how much they were taking advantage of the fact that he was alone, an innocent and helpless young man, when they took him by surprise, carried out their plan and fled.

S., 40, a married father of three, lives in the south of the country. "We were all in training, and we were only going to be on alert the next day. But this incident happened quickly. We reached our sector and waited for the exact intelligence of the terrorists. The news came around 3 AM. The identity of the operatives was already known to us."

Around 2:00 AM Saturday morning, the soldiers began to close in on the killers. "There are two destinations, each of which houses a different terrorist. The houses are in the same neighborhood, about 80 meters from each other. I command the entire operation and one specific destination, and the other destination is under the command of my deputy. A moment earlier we receive information from the Shin Bet forces with us that the terrorist and another person are sleeping on the roof."

Thursday, August 8, 2019


As the Jewish world is counting the days to the ninth of Av (Tisha Be'Av), the date on which Jews mourn the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem following its destruction by the Romans, foxes have been spotted walking near the Western Wall, a press release reported on Thursday. 
It is written in the Book of Lamentations (5:18), which is read on Tisha Be'Av, that Mount Zion – where the Temples stood – will be so forgotten that “foxes will walk in it.” 

The understanding according to the Talmud in the tractate Makkot (24b) is that if Uriah's prophecies of destruction are have thus been fulfilled, so will be the ones by Zechariah about the Temple being rebuilt. 

Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, the Rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Sites, referred to photos of the foxes and commented, “One cannot refrain from crying at the site of the fulfillment of the prophecy of 'foxes will walk on it.'”

רבן גמליאל ור' אלעזר ור' יהושוע ורבי עקיבא היו מהלכים בדרך [לכיוון ירושלים לאחר חורבן בית המקדש] ושמעו קול המונה של רומי מפלטיא [רעש השוק שעשו הרומאים בירושלים החרבה] בריחוק מאה ועשרים מיל.
התחילו הם בוכים ורבי עקיבא משחק [צוחק]. אמרו לו: "מפני מה אתה משחק?" אמר להם: "מפני מה אתם בוכים?" אמרו לו: "הגוים הללו [הרומאים] שמשתחוים לעצבים ומקטרים לאלילים [עובדים עבודה זרה] יושבים בטח והשקט, ואנו- בית הדום רגלי אלוקינו שרוף באש, ולא נבכה?" אמר להם: "לכך אני משחק- ומה לעוברי רצונו [עובדי העבודה זרה] כך, לעושי רצונו [היהודים] על אחת כמה וכמה!" שוב פעם אחת היו עולים לירושלים, כיון שהגיעו להר הצופים קרעו בגדיהם. כיון שהגיעו להר הבית ראו שועל שיצא מבית קודשי הקודשים, התחילו הם בוכים ורבי עקיבא משחק.
אמרו לו: "מפני מה אתה משחק?" אמר להם: "מפני מה אתם בוכים?" אמרו לו: "מקום שכתוב בו- "והזר הקרב יומת" [במדבר י"ח], עכשיו שועלים הילכו בו, ולא נבכה?" אמר להם: "לכך אני משחק , שנאמר- "ואעידה לי עדים נאמנים את אוריה הכהן ואת זכריהו בן יברכיהו" [ישעיהו ח'] –וכי מה ענין אצל אוריה אצל זכריה, והלא אוריה במקדש ראשון וזכריה במקדש שני? אלא תלה הכתוב [המקרא] נבואתו של זכריה בנבואתו של אוריה. באוריה נאמר: "לכן בגללכם ציון שדה תחרש וירושלים עִיִין תהיה והר הבית לבמות יער" [מיכה ג']. בזכריה נאמר: "עוד ישבו זקנים וזקנות ברחובות ירושלים" [איכה ד']. עד שלא נתקיימה נבואתו של אוריה הייתי מתיירא שלא תתקיים נבואתו של זכריה. עכשיו שנתקימה נבואתו של אוריה, בידוע שנבואתו של זכריה מתקיימת"
ובלשון הזה אמרו לו: 'עקיבא, ניחמתנו! עקיבא! ניחמתנו'"

Frummies back Litzman, after allegations he helped pedophile

The "alleged" Pedophile Leifer and her Savior Yaakov Litzman

Guys ....
What does it take in the frum world, to condemn a  guy that  encourages sexual predators... ??
How many children have to victimized and their lives destroyed until we wake up and throw predators and their protectors out of our communities?
Ultra-Orthodox and right-wing lawmakers threw their support behind Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman Tuesday after police recommended he be indicted for using his office to protect an alleged sex offender and bribe officials to keep a restaurant open despite health concerns.
At the same time, opposition lawmakers offered only mild criticism of the deputy minister, and there were no public calls for him to resign.
Police on Tuesday said Litzman should be indicted on charges of fraud and breach of trust for using his office to illicitly provide assistance to teacher Malka Leifer, who faces 74 charges of sex abuse in Australia.
According to police, Litzman pressured officials in his office to change their psychiatric assessments of alleged sex predator in order to prevent her extradition to Australia.

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Temurah 16,17,18, 19, 20, 21, & 22

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ט''ז ''לא בשמים היא       
Page 16  Mesectas Temurah
''It Is Not In Heaven "
B’nai Yisrael forgot three thousand halachot during the mourning period following Moshe’s passing. In light of this loss, B’nai Yisrael said to Yehoshua: 

“Ask for guidance from Heaven, so that you will be able to re-learn all of the forgotten halachot.” 

Yehoshua replied:
“Lo ba’Shamayim hee” (It is not in Heaven [Devarim 30:12].) 
In other words, once the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, it was no longer possible to clarify its intended meaning by means of prophecy or through the Heavenly instruction provided by the urim v’tumim (priestly chest plate). Following Matan Torah, halacha was to be determined, in each generation, through Torah study and interpretation of Torah by the Sages.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Former FBI official says Trump’s half-staff flag order was secret "Heil Hitler" Signal!!

So, is it any wonder that Trump attacked the FBI?
This lunatic who worked in the FBI was assistant director of the FBI, and led worldwide counterintelligence investigations!
This guy is using numerology and gematriois to decipher what Trump said???

See 1:19

A former FBI official floated a theory on MSNBC that neo-Nazis may be heartened by President Trump’s order to fly the nation’s flags at half-staff through Thursday evening to commemorate the victims of this past weekend’s mass shootings.
Frank Figliuzzi, now a national security analyst for the cable news channel, said the shorthand version of the Aug. 8 end date for Trump’s proclamation can be interpreted as a coded salute to Adolf Hitler.
“The numbers eight-eight are very significant in the neo-Nazi and the white supremacy movement,” Figliuzzi said Monday night on “The 11th Hour with Brian Williams.”
“Why? Because the letter ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them, the numbers eight-eight stand for ‘Heil Hitler.’ ”

Lakewood Voice Finally Allows Photos of Women!!!

Free Flights For Anyone Named Green Or Greene

If your name is Green or Greene, you have a free flight coming your way!
The free flight will be provided by Frontier Airlines, as part of their Green Week initiative.
In order to receive the tickets, individuals must book flights on flyfrontier.com and confirm their last name is Green or Greene.
If eligible for the promotion,individuals will then receive a full refund of up to $400 for round trip flights. Both segments of travel must be purchased on one passenger name record.
The first flight must depart between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 on August 13, 2019 and the return flight must arrive by 11:59 on August 20, 2019.
The refund will be processed to the original booking contact person on September 15, 2019.
The promotion is only applicable for those with the last name of Green or Greene. Their immediate families, including spouses, parents, children and siblings are not eligible for the promotion, unless their last name is also Green or Greene.

Two Chareidi Girls Caught Smuggling Drugs Into England

Two Israeli women were detained in England after they were caught smuggling a large quantity of illegal substances from Israel into London. They were detained by police for five days before they were extradited back to Israel.
The women were stopped by border control guards at London’s Stansted Airport last Thursday. The local Jewish Paper, The Jewish News, reported that they were being extradited back to Israel on Wednesday.
Askanim in the the Charedi community of Stamford Hill worked with the authorities to have the women released and sent back to Israel. “The women were very lucky that the case did not make it to court,” said one of the local Askanim. We need to warn others to think twice before they ever think of trying something similar.

Dvir Sorek of Ofra Murdered in Gush Etzion

Dvir Sorek is the hesder student at Ohr Torah Mahanayim murdered last night in Gush Etzion,.

Dvir, 19, a resident of Ofra, was the son of journalist Yoav Sorek, editor of the "Hashiloach" publication, and his wife Rachel, and was grandson of Rabbi Binyamin Herling, who was murdered in a terror attack on Mt. Ebal.

Sorek was murdered last night and his body found toward morning near Kibbutz Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion. Security forces dispatched to the scene began extensive searches.
His yeshiva said that he had gone to Jerusalem to buy sefarim for the yeshiva, and at night was on his way back to the yeshiva.

At a certain point, contact was lost with him. At 7:30 pm police received a report of a missing person, and forces began extensive searches to locate the soldier. His body was found in the area of the Etzion Regional Brigade at 3 am.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

"WOW" The Feminist Women Fighting to Daven at the Kotel ... Put A Sefer Torah in the Bathroom.. Pulled a Scarf of a Married Woman

Disrespect has been the story of Women of the Wall since day one, but they have really crossed a red line here

by Leah Aharoni
I never thought I would see my friend cry. She is as tough as they come.

Yet when a Women of the Wall (WOW) member pulled the scarf off my friend’s head, she burst into tears and ran out of the Kotel’s women’s section. With dignity stripped, her prayers were not to be completed this Rosh Chodesh (first day of the new Jewish month of) Av.

As I waited by the police precinct to give her support, we wondered why Women of the Wall  did not bring their sefer Torah, as they had done for the past few months. What we heard next made us both physically sick. 

The authorities had found the scroll stashed overnight in the Kotel bathrooms. 

While I had witnessed the scarf incident with my own eyes, the bathroom story sounded over the top. 

Yet within a few hours it was confirmed by additional sources and reported in media outlets

Zionist Researchers Develop Successful Vaccine For Skin Cancer

Zionist Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed a nanoparticle that can be used to vaccinate against the fatal melanoma skin cancer, Tel Aviv University announced Monday.
Led by Professor Ronit Satchi-Fainaro, head of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology and Head of the Cancer and Nanomedicology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, the team developed a vaccine that has shown to be most effective in model mice in three primary situations: as a prophylactic treatment, as a drug for treating primary tumors, and for the eradication of metastatic cancer.
The researchers developed tiny particles made of a biodegradable polymer, about 170 nanometers in size. Within each particle, they “packed” two peptides, short chains of amino acids, which are characteristic of melanoma cells. They then injected the nanoparticles into model mice contending with melanoma.