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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Arab Animal Who Killed Two Israelis at Barkan Shot Dead By IDF, Ending 2 Month Manhunt

After a two month manhunt, the IDF eliminated the terrorist wanted in the Barkan attack which left two Israelis dead.
Ashraf Na’alowa, was killed early Thursday morning by Israeli security forces as they tried to arrest him near Nablus (Shechem).
Involved in the operation was the IDF, Shin Bet and Israel police. He was armed at the time he was shot.
The two victims in the terrorist shooting attack in the Barkan Industrial Park were 28-year-old Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel HY”D and 35-year-old Ziv Hajbi H”YD, both parents of young children.

Yehoshua Goldsmith 62 Missing In Israel

ZAKA is calling on the tzibur at large to assist in locating missing Bayit Vegan resident, 62-year-old Yehoshua Goldsmidt, who was last in touch with family on Wednesday, 4 Teves. 
The ZAKA alert points out “There is a real fear for his life”.
Anyone with information on his whereabout is urged to call ZAKA at 1220 (without an asterisk).

Pinchos Kreiner, 71 Killed By Truck in Boro-Park

An elderly Jewish man was R”L struck and killed by a truck on the border between Kensington and Boro Park, Wednesday morning.
Pinchos Kreiner, 71, was crossing McDonald Avenue and Cortelyou Road at around 7:30AM when he was struck and pinned under a truck. Paramedics were unable to save his life, and he was Niftar on the scene.
The NYPD Highway Collision Investigation Squad later arrested the driver for failing to yield to a pedestrian and failing to exercise due care.
The Niftar Davened at Rabbi Bluth Shul on East 2nd Street and Ditmas Avenue, as well as the Shomer Shabbos Shul on 13 Avenue.
He may have been returning from Shacharis when the accident happened.
Misaskim says that the Niftar was not married and never had any children. They request if people can please learn or Daven for the Neshama of Chaim Pinchos Tzvi ben Mattisyahu Z”L.
Levaya information is unknown as an NYPD investigation is underway.
Misaskim is working closely with the NYC Medical Examiner and Police to ensure proper Kavod HaNiftar.

Frum 18 year old Seminary Girl Ordered Off El Al Flight, Forced to Undress & Searched Without Explanation

An 18-year-old girl was left traumatized by a recent flight on El Al Israel Airlines, after she was ordered off the plane, forced to undress and searched – all without explanation.
The victim said that she arrived at Toronto Pearson airport this past Sunday afternoon and stood on line at the check-in counters. As is usual protocol with El Al, security personnel approached and asked standard security questions. Where she is coming from, who packed her luggage etc. They asked if she was flying alone or with someone else, and she replied that she was flying alone. She was asked the purpose of her trip and replied that she studies in seminary in Israel. They then asked who paid for her ticket, and she replied that she had paid for it.
The victim says she was then asked where she had money from to be able to pay for a ticket, a question she felt was irrelevant and intrusive. However, she answered that she saved up allowance money and had bought the ticket. Security then let her proceed with the check-in process. She checked in her bags and headed towards the gate.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sefardie Rabbi Fanatics Warn French Jews To Keep Their Children In France Rather Than Have them Educated in Eretz Yisroel

Over the years since the State of Israel has been established, Sefardim by-in-large fled all their home countries and made Aliyah. They are thriving in Israel and there are more Frum Sefardim in Eretz Yisroel than ever before. 
There are Sfardishe Shuls on practically every corner in Israel....

But Sefardishi Rabbis in France are frightened that because of anti-Semitism, their constituents will either leave or worse will send their children to be educated in Israel, hoping that they will stay in Israel and not face annihilation either by assimilation or be physically attacked by the Arabs in France.

The French Rabbis will have to look for employment elsewhere.

The Rabbis asked the Sefardie Bais Din Zedek in Yerushalyim to issue a "kol korah" to warn French Jews not to send the children to  Israel, because tin Israel they may G-D forbid become Zionists and leave Judaism.

The facts are actually the opposite, French Jews are assimilating in France at an alarming rate, and their only hope is for them to make Aliyah and at least the children will marry Jews.

French Jews are ignoring the stupid letter and are making Aliyah by the thousands, in fact the price of housing in Israel is rising because of  French Jews who are buying houses like crazy ....

Yanky Kanievski On His SmartPhone

He is the grandchild of R' Chaim Kanievski and he is the one you have to deal with if you want to see the Gadol Hador. 
But ................. if you have a smartphone you cannot enter the room that R' Chaim holds court; there is a huge sign in front of the door that reads that it is "Forbidden To Enter The Room If you Own a Smartphone."
Who do you think put up the sign??????
Yup you guessed right...... R' Yanky Kanievski....
He is also the guy who is his grandfather's spokesman, and is arguably he most powerful guy in the Yeshivishe Litvisher World!

Belz Closes 12th Grade Class For Girls in Monsey Because They Couldn't Throw Out The "Bad" girls"

The letter states that even though they are only 3 months into the school year, they cannot continue with this particular grade, and will stop it now.....

The letter ends with a statement that those girls who earned a diploma, will be given the opportunity to receive it ...
The letter wishes the rest of the girls "Hatzlacha" in finding a job!

Chareidie Leaders Refuse To Condemn Appointment Of Deputy Haifa Mayor Who Supports Hamas And Hezbollah Because He "Promised $$$ To Their Moisdois"

Raja Za'atara

Chareidie Parties voted in a lady as Mayor of Haifa, and danced in front of her as if she was a kallah on the night of her inauguration. 
Even though Charediem  are b'ezem opposed to women in high office, they voted and celebrated her because she promised them $$$$$..
She has barely taken office and she appoints as her deputy an open anti-Semite, who in the past praised Hezbellah & Hamas ... ......
Now, Chareidim refuse to condemn him, after all it's not about Jewish survival ...... it's all about $$$$$$$$

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Rebbe in Yeshiva Or Mordechai, brought his down syndrome son to the protest, and can be seen placing his child in between himself and police.

I'm sick to my stomach ...... How does a "Ben Torah bring his mentally challenged son to a violent protest??

A Rebbe in a Yeshivah????? What sick individual would do something like that?

Look at the photo below.... see a guy with a long beard, a guy who looks like hasn't worked a day in his life, sitting like an ape .... protesting the fact that a terrorist refuses to register for the Army.
Just a couple of days ago, this long beard shukkled like squirrel and said "Al Hannisim" that talks about a Jewish Army ....and while the oil of his latkes was dripping from his long beard sang "Maoz Tzur" that again talks about a Jewish army..

Look at the photo below and see Shidduch eligible Bochrim sitting like a bunch of raving lunatics instead of learning  Torah! 
Better Question: Why aren't they in the Army ...believe me ..a couple of days training in the IDF will knock that "sitting and learning" business right out of their heads that are covered by $375.00 Barcelona Hats!
Is this what you want your daughter to marry...?
Look at their faces carefully ..
Look at the photo below and see a smiling Bochur being carried away ... the little idiot does not give a thought to how many people he just inconvenienced blocking that bus??
Where is his mother??? Is this the new derech? 
If I were his father I'd slap the crap out of him!

See photo below and notice an "alter bok" sitting on his tuches....
here is a guy that never worked and has no intention of working .... this guy will be financially supported all his life, and that will not come cheap.... looking at him I see a guy that stays away from salads....

Ezra Friedlander Poses In Front of X-Mas Tree In Trump Whitehouse He Had Begged Jews to Vote For Nadler Who Is On A Mission To Impeach Trump!

How low can human go????

I guess very low .... 

Not too long ago he begged Holocaust survivors to vote for "Fat" Nadler, who was advocating for  the Iran deal that would have handed nuclear weapons to the murderers of Iran! 
Iran vowed to wipe Israel off the map! 

Nadler who touts his Jewish background refused to attend the ceremony in Jerusalem when Trump moved the US Embassy to Yerushalayim! 

Fat Nadler, a back-stabbing Jew is now heading the Trump Impeachment movement in step with that boring idiot Adam Schiff another Jew!

Is it any wonder that anti-Semitism has now become out of control?
Is it any wonder why a guy would mow down Jews in a Shul on Shabbos??? Nooooooooooo! Not in Germany ...... Noooooo
Here in these Unites States of America!! 

Who can forget when that skunk Ezra escorted Nadler to meet with Jewish leaders and Rabbonim so that they could convince  dumb naive Jews to vote for that rat Nadler!
Guess who they voted for???? 
Dumb Jews that haven't learned any lessons from the Holocaust voted overwhelmingly for Nadler!

Meanwhile this ugly two-timing scoundrel, Ezra the Kapo, pow wows with Trump officials at the Chanukah Party that was hosted by President Trump! 

Ezra, the empty suit, had no schooling, has no talents and makes his money fooling  his naive brothers and sisters into thinking that he is an "asken"!   

Yes! An "asken" that mingles with people that would wipe us out ... His organization represents an Arab anti-Semitic country that supports terrorism all around the world and has  ties to Hamas and Hezbollah!

What a Blood Sucker and faker..... What a fraudster??? 
If I ever hear the word "asken" again, I'll puke!!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Kidnaped Lev Tahor Children

The New York State Police in Liberty are looking for the public’s assistance in locating two missing teens from Sullivan County.
 14-year-old Yante Teller and her 12-year old brother Chaim Teller, were last seen by family early this past Shabbos morning (December 8, 2018) at their home in the town of Fallsburg.
The teens were last seen getting into a vehicle in front of the home at around 3:32AM.
The missing teens are two of the six children in a family that recently escaped from the Lev Tahor cult in Guatemala, following an intense international effort.
The children had been spending Shabbos with their family and professional therapists, along other previous Lev Tahor escapees.
The missing girl was kidnapped several weeks ago as well, but was later found and reunited with her mother.
Police report the children are not believed to be in any imminent danger, and are believed to have traveled to New York City.
Anyone with information is asked to call 845-292-6600.

Comedy Show Cancelled by Brooklyn Kosher Restaurants

The New York City Human Rights Commission filed a lawsuit against two Kosher Brooklyn Restaurants after they canceled a "Ladies Only New Year’s Eve comedy" show featuring Comedienne Leah Forster and the popular "FlatbushGirl."
"Hashagacha Rabbis" are now not only policing Kashrut Standards but are now sticking their noses into the parties taking place under their supervision.
Reb Moshe Feinstein z"l had already ruled decades ago in his Sefer Igros Moshe  that kosher caterers can cater parties even if they know for sure that there would be mixed dancing...
This show for "Ladies only" didn't have any dancing planned and from what I understand is a 100% Kosher show...
So what is the problem....????
The Kashrut of the party is not the issue ....

Peleg Terrorists Protests Set to Begin at 1:30PM in Bnei Brak

The Peleg Yerushalmi Terrorists, endorsed by the Lakewood Roshe Yeshiva R' Malkiel Kotler, is taking to the streets again on today, Zos Chanukah, reportedly due to the continued incarceration of the terrorist bochur Yitzchak Aryeh by military authorities.
Rabbonim of the Terrorists  have reportedly instructed followers to begin protesting at 1:30PM at the intersection of Jabotinsky and Hashomer Streets in Bnei Brak.
Peleg Terrorist  rabbonim insist they will not be deterred and will continue their battle “for the world of Torah with all their might” and they will not cooperate with the IDF or draft officials, insisting stupidly that every bochur yeshiva must automatically be given a deferment from military service without conditions and draft quotas.

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11

You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

"דף ה'.."בדיקת הראה   
Page 5 Mesectas Chullin  
"Inspection of  the Lung" 

One is only permitted to eat meat that was slaughtered by a ritual slaughterer that possess a "fear of G-d."

 After the animal is slaughtered, we examine the lungs, to ascertain whether the lungs are punctured or diseased. 
If upon examination we find that there was a puncture in the lungs or were diseased ... the animal is considered "Trifeh" and therefore consumption is prohibited ...... 

Even though we find that the majority of the animals are kosher, nevertheless we do not rely on the majority because it is common to find lungs of the animals punctured or diseased. 

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Sunday, December 9, 2018


The horrors of the Lev Tahor cult know no bounds, and they will do anything – including Chillul Shabbos – to maintain their stranglehold on its members.

Authorities in Upstate New York are currently investigating an alleged kidnapping of two of the recent escapees from the Lev Tahor Cult – which occurred on Shabbos.

Sources confirm that two children of the Teller family that recently escaped from the cult in Guatemala were spending Shabbos in the Catskills, when the incident occurred.

Our sources tell us that on Shabbos morning, a 12 year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy were discovered missing.
Police were called, and an investigation is underway.

It has been confirmed that the two children were seen entering a vehicle on Friday night (early Shabbos morning) at around 3:32AM.
The family had been spending Shabbos with professional therapists in the Catskills, along with other previous Lev Tahor escapees.

Why Is There A "Shidduch Crises?" ......... Answer In 1 Minute & 27 Seconds

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Convicted Sexual Pervert "Pre-Prison Party" Attended by Yanky Kanievski to Give Pervert "Chizuk"

from Shana Aaronson
The smiling fellow on the left in this picture is Yisrael Draiman, a chareidi askan who was recently convicted of numerous sex crimes against four female minors. To be abundantly clear, he was charged with tens of counts of molestation, indecent sexual acts, and sodomy of four little girls each around 12 years old.
The man to his right is Yanky Kanievsky, grandson of Reb Chaim Kanievsky. This wouldn't be exceptionally noteworthy except that Yanky is the leading gabbai of Reb Chaim, which means he is one of those who decides who is allowed in, who gets seen and heard, and whose letters gets signed by Reb Chaim. Which means, he is arguably one of the most powerful singular individuals in chareidi litvish Jewry today.
This festive gathering, which took place in the last week, was a party in honor of Draiman, who will be beginning his prison sentence shortly.

Let that sink in for a minute. 

The gatekeeper of Reb Chaim Kanievsky, the person who literally choses every haskama he makes and psak he gives, openly supports a man who enjoys raping little frum girls”.

The party was two nights ago, hosted by Tzvi Cohen of Bnei Brak, owner of Maafiat Hatzvi. One of JCW's team members spoke to one of the askanim who was present, who confirmed the specifics. I have attached a second photo of the party.
There was a brief mention of it yesterday on Rotter, and it was quickly pulled down. I have attached a screenshot. 

As to Draiman's conviction, the details are not public because the case was conducted in a sealed court room, as is typical in Israel in cases involving minors. We (JCW) do have a copy of the original indictment, and one additional court document which is on a public website.

Many are asking what can be done... I can think of two things. One, if you can get access, call or visit Yanky Kanievsky. You may be yelling at a brick wall, but I do believe that if he hears from enough people, and enough survivors, it may impact the decisions he makes in the future. 

Second, I believe it's important to acknowledge that change here is coming from the bottom up, not the top down. So for the people reading this, most of whom I'm certain are undeniably at the bottom of the chareidi mainstream totem pole, be the change. 

UH OH!!! Cuomo signs bill requiring private schools to report allegations of sex abuse!!!

Rabbonim had previously ruled that Sexual Abuse must first be reported to Bais Din ....

Well, that's the end of that, thankfully. 

So Satmar thought they had Cuomo in the bag and can tell him what to do .....
But now that the elections are over the politicians that Satmar and Yesivois voted in are kicking them in the ass. 
 First by requiring Yeshivois to teach English for mandated hours, and now they will have to "nebech" report to police when a rebbe gets his jollies off on a young child...

Private schools will be required to report to law enforcement all allegations of sexual abuse, under a bill signed into law Friday by Gov. Cuomo.
The new law puts private schools on equal footing with public schools, which have been required for years to automatically report abuse to law enforcement, parents and education officials.
It also expands who must be mandatory reporters to any employee or volunteer whose duties involve direct student contact as well as contracted bus drivers.
“There is nothing more important than the safety and well being of our children,” Cuomo said. “With this bill, we are closing a frightening gap in the law and taking action to ensure all students in both public and private schools are protected from abuse. “

Inaugural Address Of Beit Shemesh Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch .... Home City of "Dus Iz Neis"

Beginning with the tefilla of the Kohen Gadol when he completes his Avoda of Yom Kippur, in her inaugural address, Beit Shemesh Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch exhibits a respect for the city’s Chief Rabbi, former mayors, members of the city council, activists who assisted in her election and the residents of the city, as well as all of the residents. 

She spoke for ten minutes, during which she strived to demarcate the beginning of her tenure, a new period in the city’s history, one that she will be accompanied by achdus, however aware there are those who do not agree with her opinions.

Bloch stresses the need for maintaining a working relationship of mutual respect despite difference of opinion, and only time will tell if her efforts will succeed. She admits that the efforts to build a coalition are testimony to the complexities of the city, the different populations living together, both religious and secular, as well as dati leumi and chareidi; however, she stresses “not everyone will be happy with every decision”, and “we must show strength by compromising” from time to time towards quality of life and continuing to build the Beit Shemesh of tomorrow.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Heather Nauert next UN ambassador

From Fox & Friends to the State Department, and now to the United Nations.
President Trump is expected to announce Friday that he has chosen Heather Nauert, the State Department spokeswoman and a former Fox News host, to become the next ambassador to the U.N., a senior administration official tells NPR's Tamara Keith.
If confirmed, Nauert would replace Nikki Haley, who is leaving the post at the end of the year.
Nauert was camera-ready when she came to the State Department in April 2017, having worked at ABC and Fox. She never traveled with and was not close to her first boss at the department, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. 
With Mike Pompeo in charge of State, Nauert has been on the road much more.
She's been a strong defender of Trump's at the podium, something he has clearly noticed.
"She's excellent, she's been with us a long time, she's been a supporter for a long time," Trump told reporters on Nov. 1.
The State Department used to hold daily briefings. That has been scaled back to two a week, at most.
Nauert, 48, has been back and forth between her husband and two sons in New York and her job in Washington, D.C.
Before joining the Trump administration, she had no government or foreign policy experience, though she did work on some overseas assignments for ABC, including in Baghdad.

Chanukah Song by Senator Orin Hatch

Thursday, December 6, 2018


EMMANUEL, West Bank — The last time the Sapper sisters saw Yisroel Aron Leifer, they had been responsible for taking him to school in Melbourne, Australia.
Over ten years had passed and the ladies were now confronting him under starkly different circumstances.
The young boy was now a teen living in Israel, where his family had fled amid accusations that his mother Malka Leifer molested students — among them sisters Nicole, Dassi and Elly — at the Adass Israel ultra-Orthodox girls’ school where she served as headmaster.
The Sappers say Leifer offered to privately tutor vulnerable students aged 14-15 and would exploit the private time in her office and at her home to abuse the young girls.
Leifer, an Israeli citizen, booked a red-eye flight with her family to Tel Aviv in 2008, following a heads-up from Adass officials days before the allegations against her surfaced.
Last February, the 51-year-old mother of eight was arrested by authorities who seek to extradite her back to Australia where she faces 74 charges of child sexual abuse.
Nicole (33), Dassi (31) and Elly (29) were in Israel last week to attend the 42nd court date connected to Leifer’s extradition — a process that has faced repeated delay due to appeals by her defense team, who have argued that she is mentally unfit to stand trial.
The sisters used their time in Israel to retrace the steps of their former principal, who after spending several years in the ultra-Orthodox town of Bnei Brak, had moved to the Emmanuel settlement.

Satmar Rebbe Williamsburg " Satan Cannot Stand the Talmidim of R' Shmuel Auerbach" Leader of the Terrorists !


On the anniversary of the day that Rudolph Kastner, the Zionists, saved the Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum, .....His great nephew, R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, curses the State of Israel and praises "Peleg" those who terrorize  innocent citizens of Israel!!!!!

Instead of focusing on the massive problems facing Satmar Moisdois, with the New York State Board of Education breathing down their necks, with hundreds of young Satmarers leaving Yiddishkeit..... 

What  is he busy with? Supporting the Terrorists in Israel !!!!!!!!!!!
Stating that the "Satan cannot stand the terrorists," and therefore we know that the "terrorists are doing the holy work of Yaakov."

Malkiel Kotler Gets Backing of Rabbi Baruch Shmuel Deutsch Leader of the Peleg Terrorists In His War With the Noveminsker

Rabbi Baruch Shmuel Deutsch, one of the leaders of the Yerushalmi Peleg faction in Israel, sent a letter to the Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood, New Jersey, R' Malkiel Kotler, supporting his rambling incoherent speech on Shabbos at the Agudah Convention two weeks ago. 

The letter rebukes the Admor of Noveminsk, who called out R' Malkiel Kotler in his key note address on Motzei Shabbos...

Get the popcorn ... we are in for a great show!!!

Meah Shearim Chasan & Kallah Light Chanukah Candles Right After The Chuppah ..