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Monday, August 24, 2015

Ezra Friedlander Fiasco Continues ...

Ezra davening Mincha

This naive buffoon, Ezra, continues to make a fool of himself.
 He was on the  Zev Brenner Show this Saturday night and admitted that he got paid to whore himself out to Fat Nadler!
Another guy would crawl back into his miserable cave, but not this arrogant kapo!

He continues to use out right chutzpah and dares to call the Jewish Survivors in a tweet "unintelligent, ignoramus types" because they refuse to read Nadler's pathetic excuse for voting with the Iranians, Russians and Chinese to place Nuclear bombs facing Israel!

Hey Ezra.... we don't need to read Nadler's garbage ...
Why don't YOU read the actual deal? 
Schumer read it and finds this deal to be dangerous to the United States and Israel!
Shame on you, you pathetic money whoring creature!

I believe in what i wrote--its actually pretty lame but for the unintelligent, ignoramus types who cant take 5 minutes to read tough luck!

Yossi Piamenta succumbs to Illness at 64

Famed Jewish guitarist and singer Yossi Piamenta passed away today. He was 64. - 

Yossi had the Zechus to be Misameach thousands upon thousands of Chasanim and Kallah’s at weddings in the past 35 years. His music touched many of us, and many of his songs are played at weddings every night.

Yossi Piamenta was battling a dreaded illness since being diagnosed more than a year ago, as thousands of his fans continue to pray for his recovery.
Sadly, he was Niftar on Sunday afternoon.

Never the one to say no, Yossi would always drop all he was doing and run to hospital or private home to cheer up those suffering from illness and disease. 

Yossi did countless amazing acts of chesed which did quietly for so many years. Chesed that we will never even know about.

Always seen with a huge smile, Yossi was always seen holding a Sefer Tehillim in his hands in between dance sets at weddings – praying for the unfortunate ones.

Piamenta was born in Jerusalem, Israel in 1951 to Yehuda and Genia Piamenta. In 1962, when he was 12 years old, Piamenta moved with his family to Tel Aviv, Israel. There, he received his first guitar from his uncle, Albert Piamenta, an Israeli saxophonist. 

Growing up, he practiced traditional Judaism.

In his 20s, Piamenta moved to New York, together with his brother, Avi Piamenta, with the intention of working on a joint album with American saxophone player Stan Getz. The album was a success but Piamenta disapproved of the entertainment industry lifestyle and turned to religion, joining the Orthodox Jewish community.

Piamenta lived in Flatbush, New York, for over 20 years before moving back to Israel.

In August 2014, Piamenta – together with Avi Piamenta and Naftali Kalfa – released a single, “Yaancha,” calling it a “prayer for Piamenta’s recovery.”
Even after taking ill, Yossi traveled to the Gaza border during the last war to play for the soldiers.

In August of 2015 the Piamenta’s condition took a turn for the worse.
He passed away on Sunday in Israel.
Levaya details have not yet been made available.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Fanatics are crawling out ... R" Moshe Sternbuch Sternbuch Attacks Agudah for Lobbying Efforts Against Iran Nuke Deal

The Chareidie world is sinking faster than a bullet!
Their "Gedoilim,""Poiskim" and "leaders" are completely out of touch with reality and their flock ... 
so this must be times of the Geulah Shleimeh...

In the speech below, the fanatic R' Moshe Sternbuch says that Rabbis shouldn't "get involved in politics" 
But he is obviously not including himself...
He is allowed to talk politics!

These same Rabbis cursed the Reform Rabbi Stephen Wise because he didn't do enough for the doomed Jews in Concentration Camps during WW2....because he also didn't want to get involved in "politics." 
but here is a fanatic Rabbi telling Jews to stay out of politics but at the same time asking that American Jews support the murderous plan of the Iranians, and that's not "politics"!

These "poiskim" have no clue what's going on in the world except for what their handlers are telling them, and based on these mousy handlers the "poisek" makes statements that are ludicrous and out and out stupidity!

They think that they are above the American Moietzes Gedoilei Hatorah that advised Agudah to write that letter opposing the disastrous Iran nuclear deal!

 Time to cut these guys off .... to stop buying products from the Eida Chareidis and from the Hisachdus Ha'ganuvim!
Time to support ou exclusively! These "heimishe" hashgachos are a bunch of scam artists.

The following is the text of a rambling rant by Rav Moshe Sternbuch, RAVAD of the Fanatical Eidah Chareidis, on the subject of the Iran deal and American Jewish lobbying, given as part of his opening address for the beginning of the Zeman at his yeshiva, Yeshiva Gedolah of Ramot.

It has become public knowledge that Agudath Israel of America successfully lobbied members of Congress to vote against the President of the United States on the Iran deal. Their actions are very dangerous for world Jewry, because they are involving the religious Jews in the Zionists’ actions against the government, and who knows where this may lead? If, at some time in the future, the world situation turns bad, Americans will immediately blame the Jews for influencing the government, and why should we get ourselves into such a mess?
Furthermore, Jews who live in Iran have come to me and told me that the government there allows them to keep Judaism fully, without any disturbance. The Iranian government only works against Zionism and the conquest of Arab lands, not against the observance of Judaism in their country. But if the Iranian government hears that Agudath Israel, which represents a large percentage of Torah observant Jews, is working against the American government’s peace plan, then all of Iranian Jewry is likely to be in great danger.
Therefore, it is the obligation of all American Jews and rabbis at this time to speak up against this, and to make known that they have nothing to do with this action, and that their role is only to strengthen Jewish observance, not to get involved in politics. Our Sages have already stated (Avos 1:10), “Do not get involved with government authorities.”
Long ago, when someone proposed forming a worldwide rabbinical organization, Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzensky of Vilna opposed the idea, and said that it would be a great danger to the Jewish people if one official were to be able to speak on behalf of all the rabbis in the world. And Rabbi Chaim Brisker himself, who helped establish Agudath Israel, separated from Agudath Israel when he saw that officials were likely to get involved in politics in whatever way they wished.

Photo of Tosher Rebbe you will never see!

Tosher Rebbe and his first Rebbettzin

Satmar officially supports Obama and his treacherous Iran Nuclear Deal!

As I said again and again, Satmar is separating itself  from the Jewish people and starting their own religion. And I wouldn't really care about that except that they have now joined the anti-Jewish "J Street" in throwing the Jewish people living in Israel, under the bus.

They are now actively laying out huge sums of money to inform the goyim that they are the "true" Jews and  are supporting the President of the United States even if it places 6 million Jews in peril!
They have taken out ads on the radio deriding the Prime Minister of Israel and advocating a nuclear Iran (I will post a separate post about that).

 Both Satmar Yiddish weekly Newspapers, Der Yid (the one run by the Zalonim) and Der Blatt (run by the Aronim) are officially promoting and advocating the Iran Nuclear deal! 
It's now official!
There is a full page ad by the Hisachdos ("ha'Ganovim") Ha'rabonnim that it is prohibited from criticizing the President on the Iran Deal because of Hisgarus Be'Umois  (antagonizing the gentile nations). The Hisachdus Ha'ganovim is Satmar!
Hisachdas has also taken over the "heimishe hashgacha" business!

Just last week, both Satmar News weeklies chastised Jews living in America during the Holocaust that supported President Roosevelt, and did nothing!
Now that there are more than 6 million Jews in danger of annihilation by the Iranian murderers, Satmar is sitting comfortable in their million dollar homes in Williamsburg and in Monroe and supporting the Iranian murderers!

Some have said that Satmar is all about Chesed, to that I say that I remember growing up in Brooklyn when the Mafia while they were pillaging and murdering were doing "chessed" in Howard Beach!
Hizbollah also does tons of "chessed" in Lebanon! 

This "chessed" business was established by the Satmar establishment to mask their deep hatred of their brothers and sisters living in the State of Israel and masquerade as Santa Claus in the hospitals!
Article advocating the Hisachdus Stance afor the Iran Nuclear Deal 

The hatred that Satmar embedded into their chassidim has now overflowed into the litvishe camps!
That's why I find it an obligation, a Choiv Kadosh" to expose these Romanian gypsies for who they really are ..... a bunch of guys dressed in fur caps hating anyone that doesn't agree with their naive stupid SHIT'ah!
This support for the Iranian deal and Satmar non- empathy  for the Jews living in Israel, is proof positive that Satmar is not Me'Zerah Yisroel!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ezra Friedlander Supports Nadler's Stabbing the Jewish People in the Heart

The Traitors and Roidfim

This Ezra Friedlander would sell his mother for a a bag of mixed chulent beans!

Fat Nadler stabs Holocaust survivors in the heart by voting for the Iran Deal, and gets  Ezra to write an Op-Ed in theyeshivaworld.com asking his naive neighbors to understand Nadler before judging him. Even though Nadler supports the destruction of the State of Israel” and sides with Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Sick mesheeganer!

Here is his Op-Ed .... My Comments in Red

Ezra: As a grandchild of Holocaust survivors, I am keenly aware of the existential threat a nuclear Iran poses to Israel and the world.

DIN: Apparently not.... your'e only aware of how much $$$$$ fat Nadler will funnel through your consulting firm!
People like you in concentration camps, were called Kapos!

Did I mention the fact that Ezra Friedlander, is a paid consultant for Nadler? 

 Ezra: I am not a scientist nor am I an expert on the intricacies of the Iran deal.
DIN: Then shut the hell up!

Ezra: Therefore, I cannot add my professional perspective or personal endorsement of the Iran Deal.

DIN: Who the hell are you? Do you think that people are waiting for your "professional perspective?"
What an arrogant piece of vermin!
Hey Ezra ....And You don't have an opinion about a country that is about to get nuclear weapons pointed at your brothers and sisters? 
Have you no heart? Ezra?

Ezra: My only below is to point out the soul-searching and difficult decision made by Congressman Nadler to support the Iran DeaI. 

DIN: Nadler did no soul searching. And it was actually an easy decision by Nadler because Nadler is a sworn supporter of the Hussain Obama regime! He does not care one bit about the 6 million Jews living in jeopardy in the State of Israel because of this Iran deal, and you Kapo Friedlander don't care either.

Ezra: I urge everyone, both critics and supporters of the deal, to read Mr. Nadler’s well-researched and thoughtful statement.
DIN: Are you insane? You want people who survived the worst calamity in Jewish history to read fat Nadler's "thoughtful" statement?
Do you think that your Grandparents that perished in the ovens of Auschwitz, want you to "read Mr. Nadler's well-researched and thoughtful statement?"
Ezra ... Who do you think your murdered grandparents would want you to support? 
Nadler or Schumer?

Ezra: Jerry Nadler’s sobering assessment 
DIN: "Sobering assessment?" 
Are you drunk? You naive foolish Kapo!

Ezra: should be read in its ENTIRETY -it fully recognizes that “no one can pretend that we are choosing between a set of flawless options. These decisions are hard, involving close calls and uncertain future predictions”.
I’d also like to remind everyone that it was Jerry Nadler who said prior to the Iraq War, that “ Iran — not Iraq — was the real threat, and if we removed Iraq as a buffer to Iranian influence and expansionism, Israel and the United States would be left to suffer from the consequences”.
DIN: What are you blabbering about? 
"These decisions" are NOT "hard. The decision is actually a very easy one. Just vote against  giving a nuclear option to a country that swears to wipe Israel off the map, a country where over 6 million Jews live. 
And isn't that a contradiction? If Iran "is the real threat," why are you trusting the Iranians with a nuclear deal? 

Ezra: It should also be noted that Congressman Nadler asked for and received unprecedented official Presidential assurances that should Iran “seek to dash toward a nuclear weapon” the United States will take whatever means necessary…including military means” to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
DIN: Oh! Fat Nadler got "assurances" ..... why don't you tell that to the Iraqis ... and the Saudis...and for that matter the Egyptians!
And according to the deal, Mr. kapo, the Iranians get a nuclear weapon in 15 years.... yup that's in the deal!

Ezra: Additionally, Congressman Nadler received notification that the United States is prepared to increase funding for Iron dome, Arrow-3 and David Sling Missile Defense Systems.
DIN: Oh my! That's assuring ... alot of good is the Iron Dome and Arrow-3 and David Sling Missile Defense, against a nuclear bomb!
Notice that all the above is Israel's Technology!

Ezra: Congressman’s Nadler’s statement that he is “outraged that some on the Left are making anti-Semitic accusations of dual loyalty or treason when someone, particularly a Jewish member of Congress, decides to oppose the agreement” is also reflective that he understands our rage when opponents of the deal have their patriotism questioned”
DIN: WHAT?????? So that makes us feel better, because Fat Nadler "understands our rage?" If he understood "our rage" he would oppose the Iran nuclear deal....
Hey Ezra Kapo..... where is your "rage??"

Ezra: Furthermore Jerry Nadler’s fully appreciates Israel’s role and disagrees with those who suggest that Israel’s government or people must not interfere in seeking to shape American decisions on these issues’…emphasizing such statements as a means of silencing an important part of the discussion’.
DIN: You know what Nadler? Stick your "appreciation of Israel's role" where the sun don't shine and vote  against the deal! How about that?

Ezra: Mr. Nadler further states: “Israel and Israelis have an absolutely legitimate right to be concerned, given the existential threat they face, and to articulate that concern openly within the American political debate. If Iran were allowed to develop a nuclear weapon, that would represent a fundamental threat to the existence of Israel. A single nuclear bomb on Tel Aviv could destroy the homeland of the Jewish people, causing a catastrophic and irrevocable loss of Israeli lives and threatening the existence of our most important ally in the Middle East. Without Israel raising the alarm, the world might not have prioritized this threat and we would be in a weaker position than we are in today to respond to this terrifying question”.
DIN: Am I missing something? Having said all that, Fat Nadler votes for the Iran deal? I don't get it...
And the Kapo, Ezra, repeats this nonsense!

Ezra: All of the aforementioned underscores Jerry Nadler’s thorough and keen understanding of the implications of the Iran Deal and I urge everyone to take the time to read the Congressman’s full statement to fully appreciate how he arrived at his decision.
DIN:Hey Kapo Ezra.... don't you think that Senator Schumer read the same report as Fat Nadler?
Looks like Schumer will vote for the Jewish People and Fat Nadler and Kapo Ezra will vote to give an enemy of Israel a nuclear bomb ...
Thanks alot Ezra! 
Hey Ezra, how much $$$$$$$$$$$ will it take for you to turn and throw Nadler under the bus ... you miserable traitor to the Jewish people!
Ezra, It's far better to remain silent and be judged a fool then to speak up and remove all doubt!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hamas captures Israel's Biggest Spy! A Dolphin!

From BBC:
Hamas claims to have captured a dolphin being used as an Israeli spy off the coast of Gaza, local media report.
The militant Palestinian Islamist group, which dominates Gaza, says the mammal was equipped with spying devices, including cameras, according to the newspaper Al-Quds (in Arabic).
It was apparently discovered by a naval unit of Hamas's military wing and brought ashore.
No photographs of the alleged marine secret agent have been released.
Al-Quds said that the newest recruit was "stripped of its will" and turned into "a murderer" by the Israeli security services.
It shows the extent of Israel's "anger" and "indignation" at the formation of Hamas's naval combat unit, the paper reports.
Israeli authorities have not commented on the media reports.

Iran's Foxes will guard the Chickens! Iran's US Nuclear Deal!

A satellite image of the Parchin military site in Iran 
How is there still anyone who does not understand why Israel opposes the nuclear deal with Iran? 

Rather than being a deal of the brave, it is a deal of the naive. What other secrets will we soon find out about the deal?

What a bizarre world! 
The Associated Press revealed on Tuesday that, under the terms of a secret deal with the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate the Parchin military site, where it is suspected that Iran carried out nuclear weapons development activities. You read that correctly. The cat will get to guard the cream. No need to worry, friends.

The date on Tuesday was Aug. 19, not April 1, so this was not a prank. By the same "healthy" logic used by world powers, Israel should let Hamas run the Iron Dome system during the next war in the Gaza Strip, and the Interior Ministry should give up its authority to stem illegal migration. We must adapt to the new world we live in. And what a strange world it is!

Over the past decade, Iran never stopped lying and cheating as it built three secret nuclear facilities, and the world nobly turned the other cheek. 
How is there still anyone who does not understand why Israel opposes the nuclear deal with Iran?

 Are there any Israelis who think it is wrong to oppose the deal?
 A deal of the brave it is not. Rather, it is a deal of the naive.

Since the deal was signed in Vienna on July 14, there have been non-stop surprises, including revelations about secret components of the deal.

 And recently, the IAEA chief said he was obligated to keep the details of his organization's side agreements with Iran confidential. If the AP report proves to be true, he should hang his head in shame.

Over the past month, during which opposition to the deal has only grown, we have had trouble digesting numerous problematic aspects of the deal. For example, we discovered Article 10 on Page 142, which stipulates that world powers and Iran will foster "cooperation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran's ability to protect against, and respond to, nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems." Absolutely unbelievable!

Later, we heard U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (future Nobel Prize winner?) admit to Congress that he had not seen the IAEA's side agreements with Iran, but, thank God, he had been briefed on them.

And now, we find out Iran will inspect itself at Parchin. If this absurdity is true, it would be best for Kerry to declare, "I didn't know."

Under the deal, Iran will provide its own soil samples from Parchin, and it will have an advance notice of 24 days before inspections of suspicious sites can be conducted. American comedian Jackie Mason joked that restaurants in New York face a tougher inspections system.

By agreeing to this deal with Iran, Obama produced a very funny episode of "It's a Wonderful Country" (an Israeli comedy show), but in Persian rather than Hebrew.

It is now easy to understand why, within weeks of the deal being signed, the Iranians were saying that no foreign entities would enter their military sites. They knew what they were talking about, as they were aware that world powers had agreed to forgo inspections of Parchin.

So what's next? What other secrets will we find out about the nuclear deal? Perhaps, when the deal expires, Iran will be allowed to conduct nuclear weapons tests with world powers?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Where Was Israeli Flag in Herzog-Abbas Meeting?

Labor leader Herzog under Facebook fire for photo op in Ramallah that included only one national flag.

Labor/Zionist Union leader Yitzhak Herzog has come under Facebook fire since Tuesday for agreeing to sit for a photo with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas – despite the fact that there was no Israeli flag behind him, as protocol demands.

Herzog posted a photo of the meeting on his Facebook page and wrote: "Don't be worried. Don't be afraid. Dare to ensure a better future for our peoples.”

Comments from critics were fast and furious.
 “You sly fox,” wrote Amir Moyal, sarcastically. “Abu Mazen said not to bring a flag, but you are not worried, not afraid, you dare!!!! You played a trick on him with a blue tie, which, along with the white shirt, is precisely an Israeli flag!!!! Now there's a leader for you!!!”

"Next time, bring a flag from home,” wrote Yaki Morad.

"What do you want from him, guys?”, asked Irit Hodorov. “The Israel flag is in the laundry.”

Ronen Braverman asked: "If you represent the 'Zionist' union, where is your country's flag?” 

And Amir Levy imitated 1970s children's cartoon riddles and wrote: “Dear children, please help Buji [Herzog] find what flag is missing in the picture.”

Boaz Golan, who owns the 0404 news site, had a different take on the matter.
"Unlike many people who verbally attacked you on your Facebook page, and said that you should be ashamed for not having the Israeli flag on the side where you are sitting, we actually are not too excited about the story and do not want to see our flag next to the detestable terror organization, the PLO.
"We are sorry that you are hurting our national pride, Buji. We are sorry that you and your likes weaken us in the face of the terror organizations. They hurt us and we run to them for a selfie and to write a few words.
 Shame on you!”

Former Jewish NYT Editor Caught in 'Palestinian Donkey Cart' Lie

Ezri Tubi, spokesperson for the Samaria community of Yitzhar, released a video on Wednesday debunking the claims of Robert Cohen, a former editor of the New York Times who happens to be Jewish.

Cohen claimed that Palestinian Arabs ride around in "donkey carts" on "dirt roads" to their orchards, while Jews ride in fancy cars on modern highways nearby - so 

Tubi drove through the Arab village of Huwara located near his home to test the ex-editor's claims.

What Tubi found were luxury cars made by Mercedes-Benz and other leading makers, driven by Arab residents on clean paved roads.

"Recently I find myself growing very interested in the processes occurring in the public opinion of Jews in the US," said Tubi. 
"When I saw these lies said by this Jew eaten up by hate I was so angry. 
How can one lie like that? 
Anyone who drives on the roads in Judea and Samaria can't help but notice the fancy luxury cars of the Arabs."

It is very ironic this moron Cohen talks about donkey carts but in reality Jews waiting for buses and trains are being killed through vehicular homicide by arab car owners. It would be very easy to get away from a crazed donkey cart operator. What we don't see are Jews attacking arabs with knives, cars, tractors and large rocks.

By filming the routine traffic in Huwara, Tubi sought to make his point about the actual conditions in the region.

The spokesperson has been releasing a series of videos defending Israel from those seeking to delegitimize it, including his version of John Lennon's "Imagine" rebutting Israel's critics, and a video against "J Street Jews."
Tubi is raising funds online in a head-start campaign to continue his efforts to fight Israel's opponents through his videos.