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Monday, July 20, 2015

Serious Crash Outside Kiryas Joel, Victim Heavily Entrapped

The victim’s name for Tehillim is Yosef Binyomin ben Dina Leah.

Emergency personnel are currently on the scene of a serious crash just outside of Kiryas Joel, Monday afternoon. 

The crash is on Nininger Rd – also known as State Police Road – and happened just before 1:00PM. It appears this was a head-on crash involving a van and the cab of a tractor-trailer.

 The victim is heavily pinned inside the vehicle, and rescue workers are in the process of cutting the vehicle apart to extricate the victim. There is at least one person with serious injuries, and a medevac has been requested to respond to airlift the victim to a trauma center. A total of two ambulances are on the scene.

Kiryas Joel Hatzolah and Fire Department are both operating at the scene.

Head of Girls Seminary in Israel that posed as a senior IDF officer duped dozens of women

Around 100 women claim they were enticed into relationships with a married, religious man who tricked them into believing he was an IDF officer •
 "He sent us all pictures from Gaza, asking us to pray for him, and he wasn't even there," one woman says.

Picture that the married man sent to women of himself 
A married man posing as a high-ranking military officer duped dozens of women into intimate relationships after meeting them online and spinning an intricate web of lies designed to garner sympathy, Israel Hayom has learned.

The man, who in reality is married with children and the head of a Jewish women's seminary, used a fake name and told women he was a 38-year-old single man from central Israel who was a major in the Paratroopers Brigade.

After one woman created a Facebook group outing the man, more than 100 other women joined, saying they too had been lied to and hurt by him. The first official police complaint is expected to be filed on Tuesday.

According to testimony shared with Israel Hayom, the women were told the man had tragic past relationships, including one girlfriend who was run over and killed after accompanying him to the airport, and another who was fighting cancer in the hospital.

During Operation Protective Edge last summer, he apparently told several women that he was stationed deep inside the Gaza Strip, and that five of his soldiers had been killed by his side. He sent pictures of the inside of armored personal carriers, adding color to his dramatic stories, the women said.
"He said he had a lot of money, property and family connections," said B., a 36-year-old single mother from central Israel who began a relationship with him in May 2014. "He said he worked for the Defense Ministry at several 'cover companies,' one of which worked to track funding to terrorist organizations."

At the seminary where he works, the man is in close contact with young women completing national service and with other young people.

According to B., "There's no question that he is a psychopath. He so calmly defrauded so many women over such a long period of time. He is evil incarnate. He would say over and over again, 'It is going to change soon, I will finish my reserve duty and this work, and we will be free to get out there and live out lives,' as if he hoped some woman would take him out of this hell, out of the elaborate trick.
"He said he was religious, but he was the furthest thing from God and religion."
'Your entire self is just devoted to him'

One of the women who said she was hurt by him did extensive research, and eventually uploaded his family photos online.
"I didn't have it in me to post it to the group with so many women I don't know, but it's enough for me if I manage to save one more person from this," she wrote.

B. said the manipulation took a turn for the worse during Operation Protective Edge.
"He used every bit of information to extort emotion, including saying that he was depressed because his friends had been killed while fighting alongside him," she said.
"He wrote to me, 'We took a bad beating. Many of my soldiers were killed,' and it broke my heart. All you can think about is this company commander in the Paratroopers Brigade, and your entire self is just devoted to him."

A 33-year-old woman from Hod Hasharon shared her experience, saying, "There was no writing on the wall. He got into character and stuck with it until the end. Now I am concerned for the girls at the seminary. They are 'crazy for him,' and he gives lectures on education. I saw a lecture he gave on controlling your evil impulses. It's shocking. This 'charm' must be stopped."

According to Aya, a 32-year-old single mother, "The women are talking about pursuing a civil suit. If everyone does, or at least if his wife starts the divorce process, then I will join them, and the same goes for a police complaint. I am getting married soon and starting this case now is just not suitable."

Iris, 39, from Beersheba, said she met the educator on the dating application Tinder: "Who could imagine that he is married? I knew that he was somewhat religious, and that he disappeared every weekend. He was all over the country in his officer's uniform that had all the correct ranks. He never made a mistake, he was very consistent with his story.
"He sent us all pictures from Gaza, asking us to pray for him and his soldiers -- and he wasn't even there."

Another woman, 39-year-old Hila, met him on a dating site six years ago.
"He would ask to meet in quiet areas, saying that he was with people all day long and had no energy to be around lots of people," she said. "To be honest, I fell in love with him immediately. I was desperate for a relationship. This kind of stupidity happens to us all."
However, the man slipped up in keeping his story consistent, Hila said.
"Toward the end of our relationship, he told me that his friend had died. A few months later, we got back in touch and he told me there had been a miracle and that his friend had awoken from his coma. In my eyes, there was one dominant theme in these relationships -- sex. That's all there was between us," she said.

Aya added that "there are women who are just torn apart by him, by these stories where he is always the hero. These stories just make you want to run to him and hug him, to protect him. He is great at telling stories, like fairy tales. Now we need to stop this crazy cycle."

The principal of the seminary where the man works sent a statement to Israel Hayom saying: "There is no side to take and no response. Everything will be revealed with the police; a different picture will come forward. As of now, none of these women have come forward to me or complained."

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Satmar Rebbe told Rav Shteinman in 1945 in Switzerland not to make Aliyah because "Zionists live there"

Satmar Rebbe ... and Rav Shteinman ( Circled) in 1945 in Switzerland 
Crazy stuff. 

It seems that when the Satmar Rebbe escaped Romania in 1945 with the help of the Zionists, he settled in Switzerland before making Aliyah himself!

But that didn't stop him from advising people not to make Aliyah.....

What was good for the goose is not apparently good for the gander....

At any rate, Rav Shteinman's Rebbitzen went to see the Satmar Rebbe (G-D only knows why) and asked him if she and her husband  should make Aliyah, the Rebbe advised her not to, because, as he put it   " Zionists live there and you have to be extremely careful from them and stay far away from them" 

The Rebbitzen told him that her husband is a "big Yirei Shamayim and he knows how to take care of himself"
The Rebbe then said that he heard about Rav Shteinman and would love to get to know him.

I ask you guys, here is a Chassidic leader that saw what the Murderous Europeans were capable of,  and he knew of the huge mistake that he made advising Romanian Jews pre WW2, who held Palestine and American  passports, not to emigrate, because as he put it ... "Hitler will never come to Hungary and Romania" and all those that took his advice, subsequently perished, ....... so now that he is safely ensconced in the mountains of Switzerland, he gives the same  advice!
How did he ever hold on to his Chassidim?
And weren't there Zionists in Sakmar in Romania? Why was it ok to advise people to stay in Romania with the Zionists, but not ok to be with the Zionists in Israel?

Why was the Rebbe's  scare tactics different then the Meraglim that said:
'Ameiliek dwells in the area of the south, the Hittie, the Jebusite and the Amorite dwell on the mountain and the Canaanite dwells by the sea and on the banks of the Jordan?"

The cherry on top is that the Satmar Rebbe himself did not listen to his own advice and made Aliyah?

What is even crazier is that Satmar Chasidim hate Rav Shteinman,.
Did he kill anyone?
Did he steal from anyone?
Did he call Reb Yoilish names?
Did he curse the Satmar Rebbe?
Did he call him an Apikoras and a Meen?
No No No
the hate him because they consider Rav Shteinman a "Tziyoinie" 
Satmar call themselves "erliche yeedin" and they hate another Jew because their philosophy is different! 
So they hate, yes hate Rav Shteinman!
Sick Romanian barbarians!


Der Yid, Satmar Newspaper Joins "J" Street to Support disastrous Iran Deal,

Der Goy's Editorial supporting Iran Deal
I've said this time and again, that Satmar is slowly separating itself from the Jewish religion, like the Christians did 2,000 years ago. 

Now they no longer care about the safety and concern for any Jew that lives anywhere except if they live in Kiryas Yoel or Williamsburg. Like the anti-Israel "J Street," they mock Benjamin Netanyahu's concern that this deal with Iran is dangerous to Israel and it's citizens...

It's interesting to note that the Satmar gypsies constantly write that the Jews in America, by in large, did nothing when 6 million of their brethren were being slaughtered like sheep in Europe during WW2.

Ironically now, that Israel's citizens are being targeted by the Iranians, who have sworn to annihilate 6 million Jews that reside in the State of Israel, the Satmar barbarians mock and deride Netanyahu's efforts to warn the world that this Iranian deal is a deal of appeasement.

I will loosely translate parts of the Editorial:
I will comment in Red

Der Goy: "American leaders have tried since Ronald Reagen's presidency,to reach a nuclear deal with Iran"

DIN: This is a blatant lie, Iran during Ronald Reagan's times hadn't even started a nuclear program, and Ronald Reagen never even attempted to talk to Iran ....  it was Carter, the Satmar Chuusid that tried, so that he could free the American hostages!

Der Goy:"four presidents worked on this, four presidents were just "touching the walls" and  weren't successful, 
it was President Obama, that had the right tools to deal with them"
DIN: Another blatant lie and just 3 lines into their editorial....
Bush called Iran the "axis of evil" and never sought any deal with Iran! ...

****I will now jump to the part where they deride the only sane diplomat in the entire world, Benjamin Netanyahu...

Der Goy:"The one who is the most opposed to this deal is the prime minister of the State of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu.... 
Netanyahu says he doesn't even have to read the deal to know that it isn't good,this deal without him reading it, is the worst deal of the century"

DIN: Hellooooooooooow! Netanyahu never said that, because as CNN, ABC, CBS, Fox, Reuters, Associated Press,  all reported, that Obama and the State Department briefed Netanyahu days before it was signed! 
So we all know (except for Dee Goyim at Der Goy) that Netanyahu knew every single part of the deal!
And that's how he knew that this was the "worst deal of the century"
And why isn't Satmar opposed to the deal?? Aren't there Satmar guys living in Israel? 
Why oh why is Satmar FOR this disastrous deal?

Der Goy: In this time that all world leaders see that the deal must go forward .... the big "Baal Gaaveh" (The haughty one) doesn't see it that way! He is waiting with bated breath that the Iranians should violate the deal so that he can say "I told you so"

DIN: Insane analysis by a bunch of childish morons!
This crazy way of thinking is how the Satmar Rebbe analyzed the 1967 war...
These naive haters of Israel,  will come up with this kind of warped news analysis even while the lives of 6 million Jews are at stake!

Now a word to my readers:

Israel has come under a threat with the shameful capitulation deal with Iran. The Iranian leadership never ceases to declare that Israel is the target of its nuclear program, a program titled "So long, Israel." 

The leaders of the world powers, and U.S. President Barack Obama first and foremost, eagerly allowed themselves to be misled. 

We Jews must not be dismissive of threats, even those that appear ridiculous. The 20th century taught us not to take it lightly when someone gets ready to annihilate us.

At a fateful crossroads, Most U.S. Jews are joining up to help Israel in its just and necessary struggle. Even Jews who have never visited Israel are certain that their ability to live in security in the U.S. is mainly due to the existence of the strong, flourishing State of Israel.

It's a real shame that Satmar and their minions are  abandoning its constituency. It's unclear to me whom it serves, but it's certainly not the interests of Israel, as the founder of the Satmar Chassidim made very clear decades ago.

Throughout the history of the Jews, there have always been groups that turned their backs on their own people -- there's nothing new under the sun. The Jews will get along very well without them and after 2,000 years, we have our own place in the sun.

Forget it, I cannot continue translating this BS, I'm getting acid reflux ... from reading this crap!

Friday, July 17, 2015

NO AMERICANS Will Be Allowed to Inspect Iranian Nuclear Sites : Susan Rice

This wasn’t a nuclear deal – This was a surrender!

Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice, of Benghazi fame, went on CNN to promote the nuclear deal with the Iranian regime.
During the discussion Rice admitted that
NO AMERICAN EXPERTS will be allowed in to inspect the Iranian nuclear sites

BLITZER: “Let’s clarify a few points as far as the nuclear deal with Iran is concerned. I take it that all of the IAEA inspection teams, all inspectors who go in will have to be from country that have formal, full diplomatic relations with Iran. As a result, no Americans will directly be involved in any on the ground inspections in Iran — is that right?”
RICE: “Wolf, yes. The IAEA, which is a highly respected international organization, will field an international team of inspectors. And those inspectors will in all likelihood come from IAEA member-states, most of whom have diplomatic relationships with Iran. We of course are a rare exception.”
BLITZER: “No Americans — I want to be precise on this. Sorry for interrupting. No Americans will be on the ground in Iran actually inspecting?”
RICE: “No Americans will be part of the IAEA inspection teams.”
BLITZER: “Will Americans be outside –”
RICE: “There are Americans in Iran on a daily basis, Wolf. I’m not sure what you are asking.”
BLITZER: “American government officials or military officials who could be inspecting?”
RICE: “They’re not going to be independent American inspectors separate from the IAEA. The IAEA will do the inspections on behalf of the United States and the rest of the international community.”
BLITZER: “I know there are American tourists and Americans who go visit family members in Iran. I’m talking U.S. government sent people, diplomats or others to go in there and see what is going on. I take it they will not be doing that?”
RICE: “I don’t anticipate that, no.”

Muhammad kills 4 Marines and the White House Releases Statement Wishing Muslims a Happy end to Ramadan

A gunman unleashed a barrage of gunfire at two military facilities Thursday in Tennessee, killing at least four Marines and wounding a soldier and a police officer, officials told CBS News.
The shooter also was killed. Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. According to a U.S. intelligence official, a "first review" of intelligence databases have not found any references to Abdulazeez.
"Today was a nightmare for the city of Chattanooga," Mayor Andy Berke said. "As a city, we will respond to this with every available resource that we have."
U.S. Attorney Bill Killian said officials were treating the attacks as an "act of domestic terrorism," though FBI Special Agent in Charge Ed Reinhold said authorities were still investigating a motive. The first shooting happened around 10:45 a.m.; the attacks were over within a half-hour.
Berke said five people died in all, including the gunman. A police officer was shot in the ankle, and others were wounded, he said.
U.S. officials told CBS News correspondent David Martin that four U.S. Marines were among the dead.
A Marine recruiter was treated at a hospital for a gunshot wound to the leg, the Marine Corps said on its Facebook page.
"Lives have been lost from some faithful people who have been serving our country, and I think I join all Tennesseans in being both sickened and saddened by this," Gov. Bill Haslam said.
The shootings began at a recruiting center on Old Lee Highway in Chattanooga where five branches of the military all have adjoining offices. A gunshot rang out around 10:30 or 10:45 a.m., said Sgt. 1st Class Robert Dodge, 36, the center leader for U.S. Army recruiting at the center.
"Shortly after that, just a few seconds, the shooter began shooting more rounds. We realized it was an actual shooting," he said.
He and his colleagues then got on the ground and barricaded themselves in a safe place. Dodge estimated there were 30 to 50 shots fired.
He did not see the shooter or a vehicle. The Army recruiting office was not damaged, but doors and glass were damaged at the neighboring Air Force, Navy and Marine offices, he said.
After the shooting, the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that it was "enhancing the security posture at certain federal facilities, out of an abundance of caution."
Law enforcement officials told recruiters that the shooter was in a car, stopped in front of the facility, shot at the building and drove off, said Brian Lepley, a spokesman with the U.S. Army Recruiting Command in Fort Knox, Kentucky.
One witness told CBS affiliate WDEF that a man who was in a silver Mustang convertible was "just unloading a large gun on the Naval recruiting office."
The recruiting center sits in a short strip between a Cricket Wireless and an Italian restaurant with no apparent additional security. Nearby, Nicholas Donohue heard a blast of gunshots while working at Desktop Solutions. But he had music playing and wasn't quite sure what the noise had been. He turned off the music and seconds later, a second blast thundered. He took shelter in a back room.
"Even though it knew it was most likely gunfire I heard, you also don't want to believe it's happening in the moment," he said. "Since I didn't see anything, I couldn't be sure."
By the time he emerged, police were cordoning off the area.
Within minutes of that attack, the shooter then opened fire at the Navy Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center Chattanooga, about 7 miles away. Reinhold said all of the dead were killed there.
The center sits between the highway and a pathway that runs through Tennessee RiverPark, a popular park at a bend in the Tennessee River northeast of downtown Chattanooga. It's in a light industrial area that includes a Coca-Cola bottling plant.
The two entrances to the fenced facility have unmanned gates and concrete barriers that require approaching cars to slow down to drive around them.
In a statement, Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren addressed security measures at recruiting facilities around the country:
"We have our recruiting centers set up in places easily accessible to the public. For example, a strip mall. So security there is not what you'd see at a Ft. Bragg, a Norfolk Naval Air Station or at Quantico. So this is something we have to face. Security is not as extensive as it would be at a major installation. This is because we have to be in contact with the American public. We're continuing to look into this incident, working very closely with both federal and local law enforcement agencies to determine exactly what happened and if we need to make any adjustments."
Marilyn Hutcheson, who works at Binswanger Glass across the street, said she heard a barrage of gunfire around 11 a.m.
"I couldn't even begin to tell you how many," she said. "It was rapid fire, like pow pow pow pow pow, so quickly. The next thing I knew, there were police cars coming from every direction."
She ran inside, where she remained locked down with other employees and a customer. The gunfire continued with occasional bursts she estimated for 20 minutes.
"We're apprehensive," Hutcheson said. "Not knowing what transpired, if it was a grievance or terroristic related, we just don't know."
They saw dozens of emergency vehicles rush by: bomb teams, SWAT teams, and state, local and federal authorities.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Wendy Sherman the behind the scene US negotiator on Iran Nuclear talks is the same idiot that negotiated the North Korea Nuclear talks

I have a secret to all those naive stupid Jews that are posting support for the Iranian Nuclear Deal on the blogs and on facebook, ....... 

One only has to know who the negotiator is, to know if this is a good or a bad deal!

The Chief US negotiator for this deal was not John "liar" Kerry.... nope .... Kerry was only the face ... that Obama used to fool the Jews and the world  .... 
the Chief US negotiator was the "yenta" Wendy Sherman! 

For those who remember, ..... Wendy Sherman was the chief US negotiator, under the Clinton Administration, for the North Korea nuclear weapon and ballistic missile programs, that has now been declared a disaster even by the leftist media.

So who is this insane women, that would put the world at risk of a nuclear holocaust? you ask?

What are her credentials in negotiating complex deals? You ask?

She is now the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs...

Oh.... Ok .....

Again.... what was her experience in negotiating complex deals with foreign governments? You ask?

What does she know about Nuclear Programs? 

So, DIN, for heavens sake .... tell us already ..... I can't take the suspense?

Ok, here goes, but first take a seat and put your drink on a steady table....

If you, G-d forbid, have a heart condition ... don't read any further!
She was a social worker! ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She was also the director of a far left feminist group that is now in the business of selling body parts of unborn fetus', called ....EMILY'S LIST!

She then became....... listen carefully, and read this very slowly .... ........ Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State and North Korea Policy Coordinator under the Clinton Presidency.

No experience in political affairs. No experience in negotiations with foreign regimes friendly or hostile. No experience or prior knowledge in Nuclear or Ballistic Programs...

But, and this is a big "butt,"...... she was  the chief negotiator with the blood thirsty Iranians ....a deal that puts the entire world in jeopardy!

Oh ... did I mention that this witch is Jewish? 
Ok.... I won' t mention it!

read on:
The Pentagon says that North Korea likely has a nuclear weapon that can be mounted on a missile. Hats off to Wendy Sherman, architect of the 1999 nuclear deal with North Korea that was supposed to prevent this sort of thing. 

In return for hundreds of millions of dollars of food and oil at a time a million or more people were starving to death under the North Korean regime, the United States received meaningless concessions that did little or nothing to stop North Korea’s nuclear program. 
That deal was described by former Secretary of State James Baker as “appeasement.”

"The only positive thing that could be said about the latest agreement is that it will probably avert a short-term crisis. But at what price? It will make the United States even more reluctant to adopt a more muscular approach toward Korea and thus could actually increase the risk of war on the Korean Peninsula. And the North Koreans may well conclude that their bad behavior will continue to be rewarded."

And so they did and so it was.

For her part, Ms. Sherman displayed a disturbing tendency to gush about Kim Jong-il, the North Korean dictator with whom she negotiated.

Now what is she saying about the laughing, Zarif?

Yiddishe Mamzeirim - Neturei Karta Savages Supporting Terrorists and Murderers on Al-Quds Day

Speech by Rosh Ha'mamzerim Joseph Kohn, Yemach Shmo V'zicroh, of Neturei Karta International [www.nkusa.org] at the International Al-Quds Day Rally, Jul. 10, 2015, in Huston, Texas