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Showing posts with label satmar and rav shteinman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar and rav shteinman. Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Satmar Rebbe told Rav Shteinman in 1945 in Switzerland not to make Aliyah because "Zionists live there"

Satmar Rebbe ... and Rav Shteinman ( Circled) in 1945 in Switzerland 
Crazy stuff. 

It seems that when the Satmar Rebbe escaped Romania in 1945 with the help of the Zionists, he settled in Switzerland before making Aliyah himself!

But that didn't stop him from advising people not to make Aliyah.....

What was good for the goose is not apparently good for the gander....

At any rate, Rav Shteinman's Rebbitzen went to see the Satmar Rebbe (G-D only knows why) and asked him if she and her husband  should make Aliyah, the Rebbe advised her not to, because, as he put it   " Zionists live there and you have to be extremely careful from them and stay far away from them" 

The Rebbitzen told him that her husband is a "big Yirei Shamayim and he knows how to take care of himself"
The Rebbe then said that he heard about Rav Shteinman and would love to get to know him.

I ask you guys, here is a Chassidic leader that saw what the Murderous Europeans were capable of,  and he knew of the huge mistake that he made advising Romanian Jews pre WW2, who held Palestine and American  passports, not to emigrate, because as he put it ... "Hitler will never come to Hungary and Romania" and all those that took his advice, subsequently perished, ....... so now that he is safely ensconced in the mountains of Switzerland, he gives the same  advice!
How did he ever hold on to his Chassidim?
And weren't there Zionists in Sakmar in Romania? Why was it ok to advise people to stay in Romania with the Zionists, but not ok to be with the Zionists in Israel?

Why was the Rebbe's  scare tactics different then the Meraglim that said:
'Ameiliek dwells in the area of the south, the Hittie, the Jebusite and the Amorite dwell on the mountain and the Canaanite dwells by the sea and on the banks of the Jordan?"

The cherry on top is that the Satmar Rebbe himself did not listen to his own advice and made Aliyah?

What is even crazier is that Satmar Chasidim hate Rav Shteinman,.
Did he kill anyone?
Did he steal from anyone?
Did he call Reb Yoilish names?
Did he curse the Satmar Rebbe?
Did he call him an Apikoras and a Meen?
No No No
the hate him because they consider Rav Shteinman a "Tziyoinie" 
Satmar call themselves "erliche yeedin" and they hate another Jew because their philosophy is different! 
So they hate, yes hate Rav Shteinman!
Sick Romanian barbarians!