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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Obama Threatens to Cut US Support at UN in Israeli Interview and lies about Iran's Nuclear Stockpiles

US President Barack Obama gave an interview with Israeli media on Tuesday, in which he threatened that an Israeli refusal to renew peace talks with the Palestinian Authority (PA) will "make it hard" for the US to veto motions in the UN against Israel
In an interview with Ilana Dayan for Channel 2's "Uvda" (Fact) TV show aired Tuesday night, Obama commented on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's statements before elections in which he said that a Palestinian state won't be founded on his watch.

Obama noted that later Netanyahu distanced from the statement and "suggested that there is the possibility of a Palestinian state. But it has so many caveats, so many conditions, that it is not realistic to think that those conditions would be met anytime in the near future."
Those conditions have included the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and demilitarization, conditions that proved problematic in the last round of peace talks that Obama pushed into existence in late 2013.

The president continued, "and so the danger here, is that…Israel as a whole loses credibility. Already the international community does not believe that Israel is serious about a two states solution...the statement the Prime Minister made compounded that...belief that there's not a commitment there."

Describing Netanyahu, Obama said, "I think that he also is someone who has been skeptical about the capacity of Israelis and Palestinians to come together on behalf of peace. I think that he is also a politician, who's concerned about keeping coalitions together and maintaining his office."
"Netanyahu…is somebody who's predisposed to think of security first. To think perhaps that peace is naive," he continued. "To see the worst possibilities, as opposed to the best possibilities in Arab partners or Palestinian partners, and so I do think that right now, those politics, and those fears are driving the government's response. And, I understand it, but…what may seem wise and prudent on the short-term, can actually end up being unwise over the long-term."

No US backing in the UN?
Obama then issued a threat to Israel, referring to his remarks after the recent Israeli elections when he said America would have to reassess its policy towards Israel, and clarifying that at the time he was referring to something specific.
"If there are additional resolutions introduced in the United Nations...up until this point we have pushed away against European efforts for example, or other efforts. Because we've said, the only way this gets resolved is if the two parties worked together," he said, referring to European moves to unilaterally recognize the PA as a state.

The president said security aid to Israel won't cease, but warn that, "if in fact, there's no prospect of an actual peace-process, if nobody believes there's a peace process, then it becomes more difficult, to argue with those who are concerned about settlement construction, those who are concerned about the current situation, it's more difficult for me to say to them 'be patient! wait! Because we have a process here.' Because, all they need to do is to point to the statements that have been made saying there is no process."

The last round of peace talks, which were torpedoed by the PA last April when it joined international conventions in breach of the 1993 Oslo Accords and sealed a unity deal with the Hamas terrorist organization, only brought the release of 78 Arab terrorists.

Referencing the Jewish nature of Israel, Obama said, "I am less worried about any particular disagreement that I have with Prime Minister Netanyahu. I am more worried about...an Israeli politics that's motivated only by fear. And that then leads to a loss of those core values, that when I was young and I was admiring Israel from afar...were...the essence of this nation. There are things that you can lose, that don't just involve rockets."

Turning his attention to Iran and the deal being formed with it on its nuclear program ahead of a June 30 deadline, he claimed that sanctions have caused Iran to keep its agreements in negotiations.
"I've said that, in exchange for some modest relief in sanctions, that Iran is going to have to freeze its nuclear program, roll back on its stockpiles of very highly enriched Uranium - the very stockpiles that Prime Minister Netanyahu had gone before the United Nations, with his picture of the bomb and said that was proof of how dangerous this was."
"At that time, everybody said 'this isn't going to work! They're going to cheat, they're not going to abide by it.' And yet, over a year and a half later, we know that they have abided by the letter of it," claimed Obama.

His assertion is in fact false; Iranian nuclear fuel stockpiles grew by a massive 20% over the past 18 months of negotiations between Iran and world powers, as revealed in a report last month by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Obama had claimed their nuclear program would be "frozen" during negotiations, but the IAEA report clarifies that they indeed breached the conditions.

Mir Yeshivah in Yerushalyim orders it's students to ignore "Bomb" drill!

You got kids in Mir?  Does your precious child know what to do in case of, G-D forbid, a war?
Well there is a nationwide drill in all of Israel, and people must run to shelters to practice and get familiar with the locations ...
But the Mirrer "ober- chachumim know better, and advised their talmidim to ignore the drill!
We  know how important fire drills are, but it seems that the Roshei Yeshivah know better!

When protective edge started last summer, yeshivahs in Ashdod and Ashkelon closed up and their talmidim ran back home like poisoned mice.
So much for the theory that "Torah is Matzel" ... 

What lesson was that for Bnei-Torah? 

Why is it that the Hesder and Bnei Akivah yeshivos were open and their talmidim ran to help the local residents to shelters?
I strongly believe that  the Torah of those Hesder Yeshivas' Torah, were Matzel!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Neturei Karta "Chuchem" Protests Israel Day Parade

See the "Chuchem fin Deh Ma'Nishtaneh" holding an upside down sign!
It's people like this that gave the late Satmer Rebbe his information on the six day war!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Satmar hires Mexicans to protest Israeli Day Parade

The Romanian gypsies DBA Satmar, came up with an ingenious plan .... instead of coming out in the rain to protest the Israeli Day Parade, they went schnorring by Shachris in Williamsburg and in KJ and hired Mexicans and dressed them up with Tzizis and Yarmulkas and gave them anti-Jewish signs......

Some people would say that "Satmar would never do anything like that" that's Neturei Karta, so the readers of my Blog already know that my shitah is that it's all one.... Satmar is Neturei Karta, and the Neturei Karta is Satmar....  Satmar only use the Neturei Karta for their dirty work... but the SHIT'a is the same. There is absolutely no difference in their ideology ..  ....
So for this they have $$$$$!
But I think they saved some money because instead of  having to serve hot KJ chicken soup to the usual Chassidishe protesters ... they got away with some cheap jalapenos!
Hasta La'wego!

Lone IDF soldier sentenced to military jail for eating non-kosher sandwich

A lone soldier who made aliya to Israel from the US was sent to military prison for 11 days for eating a non-kosher sandwich during an operation of his military unit, Israel Radio reported on Monday.

According to the report, the soldier offered the sandwiches, which he had gotten from his grandmother at her kibbutz, to several of his fellow soldiers.

The soldier was punished by his battalion commander despite telling him that he was unaware of army regulations regarding kosher food.

According to Israel Radio, the army decided to lighten the soldier's punishment from time in military prison to confinement to his base after a reporter informed the IDF Spokesman's Office of the incident.

The IDF stated that the soldier's actions were not in keeping with the army's expectations of cadets in its officer's course and therefore he was punished. However, the army added, after reexamining the incident, it was decided to lighten the punishment.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

New Clinton Scandal but Chareidim will vote for her anyway

Chareidim need programs, and Israel be damned.... they will vote for the scandal ridden Hillary...
The fact that she gave Mrs. Arafat a wet kiss, and she hates Israel, makes no difference as long as she fills the coffers of the holy Mosdos!

The fact that she is now for Gay Marriage, which violates  the precepts of our holy Torah, means absolutely nothing to the Chareidishe community as long as she throws money at them; witness how they tuches lekked DeBlasio!

Bill and Petra
How is it possible that 676,000 Republicans are running for President while the Democrats can only only come up with one candidate? And that one has more scandals under her belt than a Clinton.

Oh wait, she is a Clinton!

Crazier still, just when you thought the worst had come out about the Clinton couple candidacy, three more bombs exploded this week. And some of them really are bombshells. Literally.

Not surprisingly, one bombshell involves Bill and a blond — a gorgeous, blond supermodel bombshell. Very surprisingly, the scandal doesn’t involve sex. 
But not surprisingly, it does involve money. A lot of money.

On Friday, the New York Times revealed that Bill had actually rejected the solicitations of supermodel Petra Nemcova. No, not for doing the nasty, but it doesn’t mean he didn’t do something really nasty. The former Prez allegedly rejected an invitation from the model to accept an award from her charity, the Happy Hearts Fund — until it agreed to fork over $500,000 to the Bill, Hilary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Nemcova, who barely survived the 2004 Indonesian tsunami and lost her boyfriend in the disaster, began the charity after she recovered from extensive injuries, in order to build schools in the ravaged country.

The “donation” from her charity to the Clintons’ charity cost, according to The Times, almost one-quarter of the event’s total proceeds.

Makes you kind of want to shower for the rest of your life, no?

But don’t turn off the hot water just yet. The International Business Times reported earlier in the week that, under Hillary Clinton, the State Department managed to clear gigantic arms deals with 20 foreign countries worth $165 billion to countries that donated to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation. 

In addition, $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered arms deals were approved to 16 countries such as Algeria, Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar, who also were cleared “to buy cachés of American-made weapons” even as the department singled them out for a range of human-rights violations.

As in all things Clinton — how much money was donated to their foundation? Who knows? Maybe $54 million, maybe $141 million. What’s a hundred million bucks between friends – and Emirates?

No scandal is too far-fetched or too far for the long octopus tentacles of the Clintons. Their charity even received (again, who knows exactly how the hell much) between $50,000 and $100,000 from soccer’s corrupt governing body, FIFA! 

Bill was once honorary chairman of the bid committee to get the U.S. to host either the 2018 or 2022 World Cup. Sadly, we didn’t get it. Maybe he didn’t either. (A big enough donation, I mean.)

It’s almost impossible to believe that one couple can always be this close to so much corruption in one lifetime. Well, not without serving that lifetime in a federal lockup, that is.

But the Clintons prefer the White House to the big house.

Honoring Israel at Parade !

"One" Bed Bug Closes down Reform Temple in New York City

Central Synagogue the Reform "Bais Hamikdash"
Lexington Avenue’s Central Synagogue, dubbed New York’s “mega-shul” and boasting the longest-running Jewish congregation in the city, has been abruptly closed due to bedbugs. Worshippers were alerted last week via e-mail.
The Community House and Pavilion of the temple, which has a reported $30 million-plus endowment and counts Loews Corp.’s Jonathan M. Tisch as a major donor, closed Wednesday and will re-open Monday after a full fumigation.
The popular synagogue draws huge numbers on live-streamed services, boasts 2,300 households in its congregation and reportedly has had a waiting list of up to two years for membership. Its Web site reads, “We are not currently accepting new member applications, though we are maintaining a simple wait-list.” But the unwanted critters still made it inside.
The Central Synagogue community counts numerous high rollers. Michael J. Fox and his wife Tracy Pollan are longtime members, and Drew Barrymore has been known to drop in. Geraldo Rivera married Erica Levy there in 2003, and David Lauren and Lauren Bush were married by Central’s senior cantor, ­Angela Buchdahl, at the Double RL ranch in Colorado. Bernie Madoff’s brother, Peter, attended his granddaughter’s bat mitzvah there.
The synagogue’s annual Shofar Award, given to those who exemplify Jewish principles and beliefs, has been bestowed to “All in the Family” creator and TV icon Norman Lear, playwright Tony Kushner and Dr. Ruth Westheimer.
A rep for the reform synagogue, which also runs nursery and religious schools, tells us that the word “ ‘outbreak’ is a gross exaggeration. They found one bedbug, but as a precaution they decided to close the building for a thorough fumigation. It’s more precautionary.”
We’re told the intruding insect was on the eighth floor in the Community House building. The Sanctuary, a national landmark, was not ­affected at all and will have services on the regular schedule.

Friday, May 29, 2015

KJ Mesheguim Prohibit Shushi because it's not "tznius"

The KJ (Kiryas Joel in Monroe) leadership, not satiated with their power over the sheep in their midst, have gone bonkers! 

A sushi company started selling take-out sushi in a supermarket in Monroe that had the Hashgacha of the Volover Rebbe's son. The Volover Hashgacha is very respected in all Chassidishe circles, 
but the Vaad Hatznius in Monroe nixed it because eating sushi "is not tzneesdik"and  "sushi is a goyishe zach"!
In Williamsburg and Boro-Park, sushi is sold in all stores, without any problems.

The irony is that one of the bullies in the Vaad Hatznius of Monroe is a guy by the name of Glick that is the owner of Fashion Plaza in Boro-park that sells bras, panties and sexy lingerie.

Here is a Romanian Satmar zhlub, that is drowning in thongs and other women's intimate apparel, and screams if a Jew wants to eat a California Roll, because it's "goyish'!
Glick competing with Victoria Secret's and Pink .... sells sensual bras for kallas and Yingeh Voblich.... and is totally absorbed,  yoimom ve'leilah, in sensual women's underwear  for his parnassa, ...... so he  gets upset and objects if his customer's husband wants to eat an Avocado Roll ?.... how insane is this?

I can't understand why a Chassidishe guy " mit vaaseh zukin" and "langeh gatchkes" sells girdles to women .... he must be  a closet pervert. 
And why are  perverts sitting on a Vaad that deals with Tzneeus? 
Why is a guy whose whole head is in bra sizes and plus size panties .... telling women what to wear and what not to wear...? 
How ironic is it that  Glick gets his jollies off yelling at Yingeh Voblich that bought their underwear from his store,Fashion Plaza?

Meanwhile,  Satmar guys in Monroe are very upset about this craziness, and a revolution is slowly simmering.
Some suggest that one of the Vaad Ha'tznius guys want to open a sushi store in about 6 months and so they did this to close down the "out of town" sushi guy..... but this has not been confirmed and only time will tell.

Obama has Israel's back?

The President of the United States has reassured us and proclaimed that “America has Israel’s back”. 

Given the recent controversies between the prime minister of Israel and the president of the United States, this message was meant to soothe the relationship between the two countries and to allow for a more positive progression of policies that would be in their mutual interest.

The president of the United States also said that he retains the right to criticize and chastise Israel over policies that he feels to be wrong and even harmful to its own welfare. He declared that Israel somehow has departed from the founding views and policies that almost seventy years ago created it as a state. He. like many others before him and probably after him as well, knows better than we do what is good for us and how moral and just we should be. By stating that “America has Israel’s back” he is now free and even compelled to judge Israel and its policies and government from the lofty level of the high ground that he has staked out.

There is no question that the United States from the beginning of the State of Israel till today has remained a loyal friend and a great supplier of practical and diplomatic help to the Jewish state. There is also no question that the wise course for any Israeli leader is not to be viewed as being hostile or unfriendly to the persona and policies of the American president. 

Yet, over the decades since the establishment of the State of Israel, America and its presidential leaders have often adopted policies that have proven to be counterproductive to the interests of the State of Israel and in fact of the United States as well. 

America is not blameless nor spotless in the creation of the terrible mess in which the Middle East finds itself today. It should therefore be somewhat wary, if not even humble when offering advice to those who actually have to live in that Middle East.

Over the long history of the Jewish people we have had many enemies but we have also had numerous non-Jews who were good friends and appreciated the special role of the Jewish people in the story of human civilization.

 Nevertheless, at moments of terrible danger and crisis when Jews were being persecuted and slaughtered no nation, no matter how friendly its citizens may have been disposed towards Jews and Judaism, ever really had our back. In World War II when European Jewry was almost completely annihilated, the Allies were or felt themselves to be powerless to somehow prevent the Holocaust from occurring.

The debate amongst historians and scholars as to why the railroads and trains leading to the death camps of Poland whenever bombed will undoubtedly continue for years to come. But whatever the reason and no matter how legitimate the justification for inaction may have been, the simple fact is that those trains and rails never were bombed. And the behavior of most of the Allied countries towards refugees and survivors of the Holocaust and the emerging State of Israel was at the most tepid and at the least hostile. Thus Jews can be excused for not excitedly responding to words and platitudes about others, no matter how well meaning, having our back.

Does anyone really believe that the United States will go to war on behalf of Israel?

The reality of truth teaches us that we alone have our back and and front as well. We need help from the world and we certainly hope to receive it in diplomatic political, financial and organizational bases. We hope that the United States will continue to provide us with that type of help in the future as it has in the past.

However, nations have interests and not friends, strategic goals that are not usually affected by emotion or bravado. 

We would do well to accept the words of the president of the United States and be thankful for his statement. But we would be foolish if we somehow relied that the United States or any other country in the world truly has our back and will take up the cudgel of actual military action on our behalf. And we all know that ultimately the God of Israel has our back.

The Talmud long ago taught us that relying on humans is a futile policy and that ultimately our reliance can only be placed in the God of Israel Who has guided us and preserved us against all odds until today. It is nice to hear reassuring words of support but let no one think that somehow those words gives one license to play with the future of the Jewish people and its state.  With God’s help, Israel survives and will prosper because of Israel itself.
by Rabbi Wein

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ami Magazine banned again in Williamsburg!

The pashkevill was originally posted all over Williamsburg in December of 2011. 
See post on December 30, 2011.
I wrote: 
"Yitzchok Frankfurter editor of Ami Magazine, the chief panderer of Satmar just got kicked in his lower posterior by Satmar."

Well, the Ami ban didn't work, because the Satmar vobelech ignored the ban and thumbed their noses at their husbands who tried getting them to read Der Goy! They told their husbands that this is  "veibereshe zachen" and they should stay out of this and  continued to buy the English Ami .... 

Der Yid, the spokes-newspaper for the Zaloinie faction of the feuding Satmar Brothers, noticed that their readership plummeted, so they added a "ladies Section" calling it  "family section" to attract the Satmar vobelech to help bolster sales and circulation ... but the bald Satmar Vobelech, wanted nothing of that yiddish gibberish....using it instead to wrap fish.

The editors of Der Goy were beside themselves with frustration, so they cried and pleaded to Hershel Klar
(the Rosh Tzoreir Ha"yehudim), of the Vaad Hatzniois, begging him to urge the Satmar "dayanim" to put the ban "laman Hashem in effect again!

So the "Daynim" said .. the hell with Yitzy Frankfurter, the clown, as much as he tries, he is still not one of us...he is just a scraggly tuches leker.......why should The Frank rake in all those $$$$$? So they banned his rag even-though Yitzy has a anti-Zionist agenda ..... because money is after all ...still money... 
they also banned the semi- pro-Zionist Mishpacha ... for good measure!
Shevuois is over and the hell with Achdus!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sadugera Rebbe Sees Gaza Rocket As Sign To Observe Shabbas

 A number of rabbis are musing about the possible spiritual meanings behind Tuesday night’s rocket fired at Israel and have called upon residents in the area to strengthen their observance of Shabbos as a means of ensuring the area’s safety.
According to a report from popular Charedi news website Kikar Hashabbat , the Sadigora Rebbe, who heads that Chassidic dynasty, said Wednesday that “we have merited to see miracles since the rocket did not injure anyone or cause damage to property,” crediting this to the “thousands of Jews that observe Shabbat and the right to prayer [in Ashdod].”
The Sadigora Rebbe also took the location of where the rocket fell as a sign, since it fell close to the Big Fashion shopping mall, which is open on Shabbat.
He called on Israelis to strengthen their observance of Shabbat, and to “do everything necessary to stop the desecration of Shabbat that is threatening the safety of the city’s residents.”
“It’s now upon the residents to see this as a sign from heaven that Shabbat is the Mezuzah and the city’s protector.” Mezuzahs, which are placed on doorposts of buildings, are sometimes thought to protect buildings and their inhabitants from harm.
Meanwhile, the Rebbe of the Shomer Emunim hassidic dynasty weighed in on the rocket attack, saying that “Shabbat is the source of blessing and there is no doubt that in the merit of those on the stricter side of Shabbat observance, ... as well as the prayers of thousands of the city’s residents…we merited to see God’s goodness directly.”

74 Years since the bloody Massacre of Jews in Baghdad

Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini with Adolf Hitler

The pogrom happened 7 years before the founding of the State of Israel. 
Contrary to Satmar propaganda, Jews were murdered in Arab countries way before Zionist State was created...
This myth that Arabs only murdered Jews because of Zionism, was promulgated  by the Romanian gypsies from the town Sata Mary.... these uneducated and unsophisticated brutes managed to re-write the history  of the Jewish people so that it fits neatly into their anti-Jewish agenda!

Read the following and weep!

“Violent dispossession.” In an Arabic dialect, the word is Farhud.

 For decades after it occurred, many thought the nightmare was a sudden and unexpected convulsion that afflicted the Iraqi Jewish community, one that lived in that land for some 2,600 years. 

But in truth, the wild rape and killing spree of June 1–2, 1941 was not unexpected. For years, the Jew hatred, anti-British rage, and Nazi agitation seethed just below the surface, like a smoking volcano waiting to erupt.

Soon after Hitler took power in 1933, Germany’s chargé d’affaires in Baghdad, German Arab specialist Fritz Grobba, acquired the Christian Iraqi newspaper, Al-Alem Al Arabi, converting it into a Nazi organ that published an Arabic translation of Hitler’s Mein Kampf in installments. 

Then, Radio Berlin began beaming Arabic programs across the Middle East. The Nazi ideology of Jewish conspiracy and international manipulation was widely adopted in Iraqi society, especially within the framework of the Palestine problem that dominated Iraqi politics.

As Arab Nationalism and Hitlerism fused, numerous Nazi-style youth clubs began springing up in Iraq. One pivotal group known as Futuwwa was nothing less than a clone of the Hitler Youth. In 1938, Futuwwa members were required to attend a candlelight Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg. When the delegation came back from Germany, a common chant in Arabic was, “Long live Hitler, the killer of insects and Jews.”

By the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, and a coterie of transnational Palestinian agitators, had thoroughly permeated Baghdad’s ruling circles. For example, Taha al-Hashimi, Iraqi Chief of Staff, doubled as the head of the Committee for the Defense of Palestine.

To lure more Arabs to the Nazi cause, Grobba employed such tactics as dispensing lots of cash among politicians and deploying seductive German women among ranking members of the army.

 German radio broadcasting in Baghdad regularly reported fallacious reports about non-existent Jewish outrages in Palestine. Grobba, in conjunction with the Mufti, cultivated many Iraqis to act as surrogate Nazis.

By April 1, 1941, with WWII in full swing, a group of pro-Nazi Iraqi military men known as the Golden Square staged a coup, ousting the British-dominated government. Quickly, the Golden Square welded Iraqi actions to Berlin’s iron will.
 Why did they become partners? 
The Golden Square wanted Germany to destroy the British and Jewish presence in their country. The Third Reich craved what was beneath the ground — oil. Without that oil, still controlled by a British oil company, Germany could not invade Russia.

An abortive effort to seize British oil and military facilities in Iraq roiled throughout May 1941. But on May 28, 1941, a British military column determined to protect the oil installations finally punched toward the outskirts of Baghdad to defeat the insurgency. 

The Nazi-allied Golden Square and the Reich’s wirepuller, Grobba, fled the capital. On May 31, at 4 a.m., with the morning still more dark than dawn, the acting mayor emerged with a white flag on behalf of the residuum of official authority in Iraq.

The next day, on June 1, with British authority nominally restored but still withdrawn beyond the outskirts of Baghdad and the Golden Square coup plotters out of the country, the British puppet regent, Prince ‘Abd al-Ilah, returned to Iraq. During the few hours surrounding the regent’s return, a power vacuum existed in the country.

 It resulted in the bloodbath of June 1–2 that became known as the Farhud.

The original plans for a sweeping anti-Jewish action on June 1, organized before the pseudo-success of the British, were intended to mimic Nazi mass murder campaigns in Europe. Lists of Jews had already been compiled. Jewish homes had been marked in advanced with a blood-red hamsa, or palm prints, to guide the killing. The text announcing the mass murder and expulsion was already prepared and scheduled for radio broadcast.

But Jewish leaders who learned of the impending disaster begged for mercy from the temporary local mayoral authorities, who successfully engineered the expulsion from Baghdad of the massacre planners. The radio broadcast on May 31 merely announced that the British-appointed regent would return to his palace from his temporary refuge in Trans-Jordan.

Baghdad’s Jews had every reason to celebrate. June 1 was the joyous holy day of Shavuot, commemorating when the Law was given to the Jews on Mt. Sinai. Baghdad’s Jews thought stability had returned to their 2,600-year existence in Iraq. They were so wrong.

At about 3:00 p.m. that June 1, Regent ‘Abd al-Ilah had landed at the airport near Baghdad. He was making his way across al-Khurr Bridge to the Palace when a contingent of Baghdadi Jews went out to greet him. As the group came to the bridge, they encountered a contingent of dejected soldiers just returning from their dismal surrender to British forces. The mere sight of these Jews, bedecked in festive holiday garb, was enough to enrage the soldiers.

Suddenly, the Jews were viciously attacked with knives and axes. Several were hacked to death right then and there on the bridge. The planned systematic extermination, now foiled, broke down into a spontaneous citywide slaughter.

The victims were buried in a loaf-shaped mass grave in Baghdad, seen in this undated picture Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Baghdad became a fast-moving hell. Frenzied mobs raced throughout the city and murdered Jews openly on the streets. Women were raped as their horrified families looked on. Infants were killed in front of their parents. Home and stores were emptied and then burned. Gunshots and screams electrified the city for hours upon hours. Beheadings, torsos sliced open, babies dismembered, horrid tortures, and mutilations were widespread. Severed limbs were waved here and there as hideous trophies.

As Baghdad burned, Jewish existence became smoke spires against the sky. Jewish shops and homes were looted and then torched. A synagogue was invaded and its Torahs burned in classic Nazi fashion. 

Yet British troops remained minutes away, under orders from London not to move in lest it stir Arab sentiment against the oil infrastructure.

The streets were not safe for Jews. Their homes, already well-marked as Jewish residences, were even less safe. Gangs comprised of soldiers, police, and civilian looters invaded Jewish neighborhoods with impunity.

In home after home, furniture was moved up against the door to create a barricade. As the invaders pushed at the doors, more and heavier furniture was shoved into place. The ceaseless battering and kicks eventually made progress, and inevitably, in house after house, the killers broke in. As the Arabs breached the entrances, many families would escape to the roof, one step ahead.

Fleeing Jews jumped from one roof to another. In some instances, parents and siblings threw children down from roofs to waiting blankets below. When there was no place beyond the roof, some Jews held off their attackers with boiling oil, stones, and whatever other makeshift defenses they could muster.
Women were defiled everywhere. Arabs broke into the girl’s school and the students were raped — endlessly. Six Jewish girls were carted away to a village fifteen kilometers north and located only later. One young girl was raped, and then her breasts slashed off — an all too typical crime that day. Young or old, Jewish females were set upon and mercilessly gang raped and often mutilated.

Finally, the Mayor telephoned the Regent, momentarily the supreme authority in the country, and beseeched him to issue orders to loyal troops. That he did. As the order circulated, loyal units began opening fire on the rioters, especially when they turned to Muslim neighborhoods to continue their pillage. Once the shooting began, rioters fled.

Days later, when the Regent eventually restored order, the British entered the city limits. The oil was secure. The Jews of Baghdad were not.

In truth, no one will ever know many were murdered or maimed during those two dark days. Official statistics, based on intimidated and reluctant witnesses, listed about 110 Jews dead. Hundreds were listed as injured. But Jewish leaders said the real numbers were far greater. One Iraq historian suggested as many as 600 were murdered during the overnight rampage. The Jewish Burial Society was afraid to bury the bodies. The corpses were ignominiously collected and entombed in a large, long, rounded mass grave that resembled a massive loaf of bread.

Farhud — in Arabic, the word means violent dispossession. It was a word the Jews of wartime Europe never knew. Holocaust — it was a word the Jews of wartime Iraq never knew. But soon they would all know their meaning regardless of the language they spoke. After the events of June 1–2, 1941, both words came together.

Memorial to Jewish victims of the Farhud in Ramat Gan, Israel Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Edwin Black is the author of IBM and the Holocaust, and The Farhud -- Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust. On June 1, 2015, he will proclaim International Farhud Day at a live globally streamed side event at the United Nations.
Copyright 2010 Edwin Black
All Rights Reserved

Running Scared? Hamas Evacuates Terror Sites After Rocket Attack

After rockets were fired by Gazan terrorists at Israel on Tuesday night, with a grad rocket striking just outside of Ashdod, the Hamas terrorist organization that controls Gaza is evacuating in fear of an IDF airstrike response.

Hamas's media channels reported that the terror group has started evacuating all of its "security headquarters," with the evacuation likely to last until the morning according to Yedioth Aharonot.
Palestinian Arab news sources reported that Hamas's interior ministry ordered the evacuation of Hamas military sites and headquarters.

Apparently Hamas has good reason to fear; an Israeli military source said Tuesday night that Israel views Hamas as responsible for the rocket fire that came from territory under its control.
The source said that Israel holds Hamas responsible for all terror activity that is conducted in Gaza.
The appraisal apparently is that Hamas didn't itself fire the rockets, but that other terror sources in Gaza did instead. 

Sources in the Hamas stronghold told Walla! that the Islamic Jihad terror group was likely behind the strike, citing internal tensions as causing the move out of an apparent desire to instigate an Israeli reprisal to harm competitors.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

KJ Satmar want Israeli Zionist President to influence US to free Satmar guy sitting in US jail?

So you think you heard it all? 
Well read the following  bizarre article! These KJ guys curse the Medinah, they hate what it stands for, (which is basically giving every single Jew a right to come home) but when one of their crooks is rotting in prison, they send a message to the Israeli Gedoilim to ask Israeli President Rivlin to interfere and influence US officials to free this guy!
I'm not judging this guy, but it's interesting that KJ like the Arabs do not recognize the State of Israel, but when it comes to their own, they will ask even the Zionists to help them.... 
The Zionist did come thru during WW2, saving the late Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l from certain death! So maybe they think that the Zionists will come thru again.

 President Reuven Rivlin told a large group of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community that he has no control over a Chardi’s man’s imprisonment in a U.S. jail during a meeting at the president’s home Monday.
The leaders spoke to Rivlin about freeing Mr. Mordechai Yitzchak Samet, who was found guilty in 2002 of embezzling millions through various financial frauds, reports Haaretz (http://bit.ly/1FNfAF9). They asked Rivlin to make a plea to the U.S. to request leniency for Samet, but Rivlin said he has no control over Samet’s sentence.
Samet, who has already served almost half of his 27-year sentence, filed false death claims and gathered money for fake lotteries totaling $4 million. He lived in the ultra-Orthodox community of Kiryat Joel.
The rebbes of the Hasidic dynasties of Vizhnitz and Rachmastrivka, the head of the Lithuanian Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman of the United Torah Judaism party and other ultra-Orthodox dignitaries attended the meeting.
Information taken from Haaretz

Photos from the State of Israel... Enjoy!