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Showing posts with label williamsburg bans ami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label williamsburg bans ami. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ami Magazine banned again in Williamsburg!

The pashkevill was originally posted all over Williamsburg in December of 2011. 
See post on December 30, 2011.
I wrote: 
"Yitzchok Frankfurter editor of Ami Magazine, the chief panderer of Satmar just got kicked in his lower posterior by Satmar."

Well, the Ami ban didn't work, because the Satmar vobelech ignored the ban and thumbed their noses at their husbands who tried getting them to read Der Goy! They told their husbands that this is  "veibereshe zachen" and they should stay out of this and  continued to buy the English Ami .... 

Der Yid, the spokes-newspaper for the Zaloinie faction of the feuding Satmar Brothers, noticed that their readership plummeted, so they added a "ladies Section" calling it  "family section" to attract the Satmar vobelech to help bolster sales and circulation ... but the bald Satmar Vobelech, wanted nothing of that yiddish gibberish....using it instead to wrap fish.

The editors of Der Goy were beside themselves with frustration, so they cried and pleaded to Hershel Klar
(the Rosh Tzoreir Ha"yehudim), of the Vaad Hatzniois, begging him to urge the Satmar "dayanim" to put the ban "laman Hashem in effect again!

So the "Daynim" said .. the hell with Yitzy Frankfurter, the clown, as much as he tries, he is still not one of us...he is just a scraggly tuches leker.......why should The Frank rake in all those $$$$$? So they banned his rag even-though Yitzy has a anti-Zionist agenda ..... because money is after all ...still money... 
they also banned the semi- pro-Zionist Mishpacha ... for good measure!
Shevuois is over and the hell with Achdus!