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Friday, February 6, 2015

Letter to Yated Editor says that Rav Yaakov Ruderman's pro-Israel views are now irrelevant

When a guy writes that what a Godol who passed away said years ago, is now irrelevant because if he were alive today he would have changed his mind, then how do we now know if anything any Godol says now, is relevant?

 How do I now know that what any Rishon or Achron said is true? 
Maybe it was true only when he was alive?
More of my thoughts after the letter:

Dear Editor,
In the last edition of the Yated, there was an interesting interview with the previous chief rabbi of Israel, Rav Yisrael Meir Lau.

One of the points in the interview was, in my opinion, mis-leading.

 Rav Lau mentions that when he met with Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman zt"l, the rosh yeshivah was talking to someone about whether it was permissible to have a Magen Dovid in a shul (as there was a machlokas whether a particular shul should allow this). 

Rav Ruderman said in Kovna, this was a common practice and therefore it was not a problem. When one of the people in the room argued that this was before the founding of the State of Israel, the rosh yeshiva said, "What's bad about the state? It saved many Jews from  death. It saved many Jews from death. It opened the gates of Aliyah to people with nowhere to go. Please leave the paroches as it is. The Magen Dovid is not  treif. The man is correct. There is nothing wrong with it, and you can tell that to the people in the shul in my name."

It would appear that even if the rosh yeshiva had this opinion at that point in history, we can't say with certainty that he would utter such a statement after the current terrible matzav in Eretz Yisroel, with a government under Yair Lapid that has caused such terrible damage to Torah in so many ways. To publicize something that the rosh yeshiva said so many years ago, when the matzav is so different now, could lead to a lack of clarity to our olam and/or a lack of respect for the gadlus of the rosh yeshiva.
An Alumnus of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel

What a chutzpah from a conceited smarkatch! ... 

Rav Ruderman clearly said :

"What's bad about the state? It saved many Jews from  death. It saved many Jews from death. It opened the gates of Aliyah to people with nowhere to go. Please leave the paroches as it is. The Magen Dovid is not  treif. The man is correct. There is nothing wrong with it, and you can tell that to the people in the shul in my name."

What changed about that statement?

He writes: 
"Yair Lapid that has caused such terrible damage to Torah in so many ways."

First of all: Yair Lapid is no longer in the government....

Second of all: What did he do that's knegged Ha'Toirah?

He wants Yesivah boys to go to the army? 
Didn't Rav Shach and Rav Ovadia Yosef say many times, that any boy whose "Torah isn't Umnusoih" should not a get a Petur from the army?
see the attached letter from Rav Shach

He cut money from Yeshivos and Kollolim?

I never ever saw so much as a "thank you" to the State of Israel that wrote checks for over 60 years to the Yeshivos and kollilim...
I would think that if they had shown a bit of appreciation, things would have turned out differently!

About the Magen Dovid...
The Satmar Shul in Satmar where Reb Yoel davened had a Magen Dovid...
see the photo from DER YID!
Notice the Magen David above the Aron Kodesh

Ezriel Tauber the Fanatical Anti-Zionist "lady" Speaker will be boycotted in England

"rabbi" Ezriel Tauber, who is an alleged molester of women, decided like a fox guarding the chicken coup, to speak to "Ex Sem Girls" in London. 

Ezriel is also a rabid hater of the State of Israel and can't stop spewing his fanatical hate against the country that hosts millions of Jews, at his seminars. 

He is also the author of many books, written allegedly to broaden his Shalheves ("Keep the Flame Burning") Organization and  trap innocent women in his snare of molestation and to brainwash them to hate their fellow brothers and sisters in Israel.

This poster touts a "unique experience" at this seminar. 
My advice to the "Ex Sem Girls" get your "unique experience" somewhere else.
Lady "speaker" Tauber

Satmar buys property on William St near New Square, defying New Square's requested "1 Mile Ban"

The Bais Din Zedek D'Shikun Square, previously requested Jews to "not purchase any lots within a mile of New Square" to keep the community isolated so that the community stays "completely impervious to outside influences."
Map if New Square got its way
Well, Satmar saw things differently and bought property on William Street, in order to build a new Bais Medrish and to basically start a new community adjacent to New Square.
 The problem is that William Street is about 1/4 of a mile south of New Square, within the 1 mile radius! 

New Square re-published it's request in this week's Community Connections, again requesting Jews not to buy houses within 1 mile of New Square, writing that they are posting it again "for the community's benefit"?

The reason they don't want Jews (goyim are ok) to live nearby , is because as the New Square Bais Din put it , they want  Jews to uphold the "holy tzaddik's (previous Skverer Rebbe) desire for his kehilla to retain its unique identity in complete isolation." 

 If the surrounding Jewish communities were to spread even further towards New Square , to the point of reaching the parameters of New Square, the "blurring of our borders would defeat the founding-purpose of the shtetl."

They are afraid that if Satmar is a neighbor, the New Square residents  might find the Satmar lifestyle more appealing and might G-D forbid leave New Square to join the more "liberal" Satmars!
What Har Sinai looked like according to New Square

So far, it looks like that Satmar will ignore the request, and as of this writing the  30 shuls that are within that 1 mile radius, are not planning to pick up and leave, and sell their shuls for churches.
Just a sampling of the shuls:
Cong Knesses Yisroel, Cong Kehilat New Hempstead, Rabbi Senter's Shul, Rabbi Teichman's Shul, Cong Ohaiv Shalom, Rabbi Spiegal's shul, Rabbi Neuberger's shul etc

We don't know whether the Satmar guys that bought the property are Aroinim or Zaloinim, my guess is that they are Zaloinim, Because Reb Aaron, the Satmar Monroe Rebbe, the leader of the Aroinim faction, is a brother-in-law to the Skverer Rebbe.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thomas Friedman, the Jewish Anti-Semite, at it again!

The self-hating Jew Friedman with Jew Hater Stalin

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who has repeatedly claimed that Israel controls Washington, is warning that if Israel's prime minister addresses Congress next month, "anti-Semites will claim Israel controls Washington."

by Binyamin Korn

Does Friedman really believe that? Or is he cynically using Jewish fears of anti-Semitism to stir opposition to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?

In an emotion-laden February 4 column, Friedman mustered every argument in his arsenal against the invitation to Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. It would be "churlish," "reckless," and even "dangerous," Friedman thundered. He revealed that he has "polled many of [his] non-Jewish friends…and they don't really like this."

The notion that non-Jews dislike the invitation is one of the major arguments of Friedman's column. He cites it again and again, most notably when he declares that if Israel's prime minister goes ahead with the address, "anti-Semites, who claim Israel controls Washington, will have a field day."

Yet it is Friedman himself who has repeatedly given them that field.

Recall, for example, his New York Times column of February 5, 2004, in which he wrote that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has "had George Bush under house arrest in the Oval Office…surrounded by Jewish and Christian pro-Israel lobbyists, by a vice president, Dick Cheney, who's ready to do whatever Mr. Sharon dictates…"

To make sure that nobody missed the implications of a Zionist conspiracy, Friedman added that Sharon, Jewish lobbyists, Cheney, and unnamed "political handlers" were "all conspiring to make sure the president does nothing [regarding Israel].”

Friedman raised the Jews-control-Washington canard again in his December 13, 2011 column in the Times. Furious that Prime Minister Netanyahu received 29 standing ovations--from Democrats and Republicans alike--when he addressed Congress that year, Friedman wrote: "I sure hope that Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, understands that the standing ovation he got in Congress this year was not for his politics. That ovation was bought and paid for by the Israel lobby."

In his November 19, 2013 column in the Times, Friedman did it again. "[N]ever have I seen more lawmakers — Democrats and Republicans — more willing to take Israel’s side against their own president’s," Friedman declared. "I’m certain this comes less from any careful consideration of the facts and more from a growing tendency by many American lawmakers to do whatever the Israel lobby asks them to do in order to garner Jewish votes and campaign donations."

So, let's see: Friedman has America's president "surrounded" by Zionist conspirators; Congress is "bought and paid for" by Jewish lobbyists; and "many" Members of Congress will "do whatever the Israel lobby asks them."

Now Friedman warns that if Prime Minister Netanyahu addresses Congress again, that will cause anti-Semites to say that Israel controls Washington!

There are two possible explanations for this remarkable contradiction. The first is that Friedman has simply forgotten what he has written in the past on the subject. That's implausible. Which leaves only the second explanation--Friedman knows full well what he has written in the past, but he assumes most readers won't remember, so he can get away with contradicting himself.

But what is at stake is much more than the contradiction between Friedman's past columns and this one. What he is doing is consciously, and very cynically, playing the Fear of Anti-Semitism card. He assumes many American Jews are so terrified of what anti-Semites might say, that he can use that fear to intimidate them into opposing the Netanyahu invitation.

Friedman's assumption is an insult to American Jewry. Perhaps an earlier generation of immigrants or children of immigrants would have been so nervous about their status in America that they would have let such fears cloud their political judgment. But this is 2015. Today's American Jewish community consists largely of those who marched proudly for Soviet Jewry, who are not ashamed to support Israel, and who are not embarrassed by their Jewish identity. Fear of what some anti-Semite somewhere will say is not going to determine what position they take on the issues of the day.

So who is doing more to foment anti-Semitism? Prime Minister Netanyahu and House Speaker John Boehner? Or New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman?

(The authors are president and chairman, respectively, of the Religious Zionists of America, Philadelphia, and candidates on the Religious Zionist slate in the World Zionist Congress elections.)

Watch MSNBC'S Brian Williams tell his false ‘war story’ on ‘Letterman’

Brian Williams repeated in full detail his false tale of being shot down in a helicopter during the Iraq war on David Letterman’s show in 2013.

 During an interview with Letterman on what he said was the 10-year anniversary of the alleged attack, Williams recounted: “I am mostly New York-based, I do go cover these two wars we've been fighting, and when I do, I like to go out on patrol, I like to get out in it. 
A guy like Richard Engel [NBC’s chief foreign correspondent], the amount of fire we took that day, he calls Tuesday.” 

Describing the incident, Williams continued, “We were in some helicopters. What we didn’t know was we were north of the invasion. We were the northernmost Americans in Iraq. We were going to drop some bridge portions across the Euphrates so the 3rd Infantry could cross on them. Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire, including the one I was in. RPG and AK-47.” 

When Letterman asked what happened when they realized they’d been hit, “We figured out how to land safely, we landed very quickly and hard and we put down and we were stuck — four birds in the middle of the desert — and we were north out ahead of the other Americans.” 

Williams continued, “We got hit, we set down, everyone was OK, our captain took a Purple Heart injury to his ear in the cockpit, but we were alone, they started distributing weapons, we heard a noise and it was Bradley fighting vehicles and Abrams tanks coming, they happened to spot us. 

“This was the invasion, the US invasion. They [US troops] saw us, they surrounded us for three days during the sandstorm that was so big it suspended the war effort, it was called Orange Crush, and they got us out of there alive.”

 Letterman added, “I have to treat you with renewed respect, that is an incredible story … you are a true journalist and a war hero.” 

Williams starts telling his story at around 3 minutes in the video, dug up last night by Mashable’s Brian Ries. 

On Wednesday night, “NBC Nightly News” anchor Williams apologized on air for his “bungled” story about being shot down in Iraq. 

Williams told viewers, “I made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago … I want to apologize. I said I was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by RPG fire. I was instead in a following aircraft.” 

He was forced to own up after military members who were with him on that helicopter and in the aircraft that was actually hit called him out on Facebook and to US military news outlet Stars and Stripes after Williams repeated the story on Friday night’s “NBC Nightly News.” 

Lance Reynolds commented on the “Nightly News” Facebook page, “Sorry dude, I don’t remember you being on my aircraft. I do remember you walking up about an hour after we had landed to ask me what had happened. Then I remember you guys taking back off in a different flight of Chinooks from another unit and heading to Kuwait to report your ‘war story’ to the Nightly News. The whole time we were still stuck in Iraq trying to repair the aircraft and pulling our own Security.”

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Obama soft on ISIS because he is "Muslim Himself" says popular Radio Host

Islamic State terrorists — who burned a Jordanian pilot alive in a cage and filmed the atrocity — are "Nazis on steroids" out to rape murder and bury people alive until they conquer the world, radio talk-show legend Michael Savage tells Newsmax TV.

"These are Nazis on steroids and for (President) Obama to say they are not Islamic is ludicrous because, excuse me, the acronym of their invented nation is ISIS; the first letters standing for Islamic State," Savage said Tuesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show.

"It doesn't say Buddhist state, Jewish state or Christian state, it's not 'BISIS' nor 'JSIS', it's ISIS for a reason. 

They are interpreting their religion from the strict teachings of Muhammad," said Savage, author of the new book, "Stop the Coming War: The Savage Truth," published by Center Street.

Savage said ISIS members are attempting to take over the Middle East the way their ancestors conquered in the sixth century.

"By burning, killing, raping, murdering and burying people alive — in other words, through terror. 

This is nothing new. It's what's been done from the beginning of this religion," he said.

"This is how they masterminded to takeover so much of the world, not through the love of Christianity, not love thy neighbor as thy self, but kill thy neighbor.

As to why Obama will not identify them as Muslim extremists, Savage said it's all in the president's name: 
Barack Hussein Obama. 
"The answer is in his name. I'm sorry. His father was Muslim. His adoptive father was Muslim and by patrilineal descent, which is the Muslim belief, he is Muslim by definition," Savage said.
"He's not a terrorist sympathizer, but he's soft on Islam in general. He's afraid of saying what's obvious to the whole world. This is the problem. If you can't define your enemy, how can you defeat your enemy?"

Obama's "liberal fears" also prevent him from speaking the truth, according to Savage.

"This is the university mentality, which is, don't call Germans Nazis during the 1930s because you're liable to get Germans mad," he said.

"Of course, not all Germans were Nazis, but they took over Germany and it was essentially a Nazi state. Wasn't it?"

In his new book, Savage said he discusses Obama's ideology.

"He treats our enemies as friends and our friends as enemies, but let's stick to the big lie coming out of Obama's mouth … 

I believe one day, if this country should survive this monster, there will be a psychological analysis of this president who was a pathological liar," he said.

"The man cannot tell the truth. He doesn't know what the truth is or he knows what the truth is, but can lie about it sufficiently that he actually believes his own lie while he's saying it."

He pointed to Obama's decision not to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is visiting the U.S. next month at the invitation of Congress.

"Let's go back to why he wouldn't meet with Netanyahu. 

In his lie, he says because our general policy is we don't meet with any world leader two weeks before their election. Really? Because it's inappropriate, Mr. Obama?" Savage said.

He charged that Obama has sent his campaign wizard Jeremy Bird and 173 other activists to Israel in an attempt to manipulate the upcoming elections and oust Netanyahu.

"Who sent them there? 

Obama did," Savage said.

Savage, host of the syndicated radio talk show "The Savage Nation," renewed his contract with Cumulus Media’s syndicator Westwood One last month and announced a new format he calls "Unprotected Talk."

He also announced a $100,000 scholarship fund for conservative college students, which will award two-year scholarships to five recipients based on an essay contest.

Obama will defy Israel's Security to sign "Iran Deal": Says Poll

Sixty-one percent of Israeli Jews believe there is a high probability that U.S. President Barack Obama will approve the signing of a nuclear agreement with Iran even if Israel expresses that the deal endangers the Jewish state’s security, according to the newly released Peace Index poll by the Israel Democracy Institute.
The U.S. is willing to make concessions in the nuclear talks with Iran in exchange for Iran using its influence to ensure stability in Middle East hotspots such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, Army Radio reported Tuesday.
Regarding March’s Knesset elections, 58 percent of Israeli Jewish respondents in the Peace Index said that a government headed by current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is best suited to deal with Israel’s security issues, compared with 27 percent who prefer a government led by Tzipi Livni and Isaac Herzog on security matters.

Herbal Supplements that Target, GNC, Walgreens and Walmart sells have no herbs!

The following  are some of the herbal supplement items tested by the New York Attorney General!

GNC, Herbal Plus brand:
Gingko Biloba:
  • No gingko biloba found
  • Did detect allium (garlic), rice, spruce and asparagus
St. John’s Wort
  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Did detect allium (garlic), rice and dracaena (a tropical houseplant)
  • No ginseng found
  • Did detect rice, dracaena, pine, wheat/grass and citrus
  • Contained garlic
  • No echinacea found
  • Did detect rice in some samples
Saw Palmetto
  • One sample contained the clear presence of palmetto
  • Other samples contained a variety of ingredients, including asparagus, rice and primrose
From Target, Up & Up brand
Gingko Biloba
  • No gingko biloba found
  • Found garlic, rice and mung/French bean
St. John’s Wort
  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Found garlic, rice and dracaena (houseplant)
  • Contained garlic
  • One test identified no DNA
  • Most but not all tests detected Echinacea
  • One test identified rice
Saw Palmetto
  • Most tests detected saw palmetto
  • Some tests found no plant DNA
Valerian Root
  • No valerian root found
  • Found allium, bean, asparagus, pea family, rice, wild carrot and saw palmetto
From Walgreens, Finest Nutrition brand
Gingko Biloba
  • No gingko biloba found
  • Did detect rice
St. John’s Wort
  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Detected garlic, rice and dracaena
  • No ginseng found
  • Detected garlic and rice
  • No garlic found
  • Detected palm, dracaena, wheat and rice
  • No echinacea found
  • Identified garlic, rice and daisy
Saw Palmetto
  • Contained saw palmetto
From Walmart, Spring Valley brand
Gingko Biloba
  • No gingko biloba found
  • Found rice, dracaena, mustard, wheat and radish
St. John’s Wort
  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Detected garlic, rice and cassava
  • No ginseng found
  • Found rice, dracaena, pine, wheat/grass and citrus
  • One sample showed small amounts of garlic
  • Found rice, pine, palm, dracaena and wheat
  • No echinacea or plant material found
Saw Palmetto
  • Some samples contained small amounts of saw palmetto
  • Also found garlic and rice

Revenge for burning of Jordanian pilot, Jordan to execute all ISIS prisoners within hours

This is a lesson, if true, for Israel and the USA
From Sky News Arabia
Sajida Al-Rishawi, the failed female suicide bomber with tied to ISIS, along with several other ISIS prisoners, will be executed by Jordan in the next several hours according to Sky News Arabia.
The move is retribution for the death of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kassasbeh.
Earlier today, ISIS released a new video online reportedly showing Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kassasbeh being executed by being burned alive.
Negotiations between Jordan and ISIS broke down several days ago and Jordan feared for the safety of their pilot after two Japanese journalists were executed by ISIS.
Two days ago, Jordanian officials told ISIS they would execute several ISIS prisoners being held by Jordan if their pilot is not released.
President Obama addressed ISIS’ most recent execution saying, “Should in fact this video be authentic, it’s just one more indication of the viciousness and barbarity of this organization.”

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

An Open Letter to the World

When we were led into the gas chamber, YOU said nothing

When we were forcibly converted, YOU said nothing

When we were thrown out of a country just for being Jews, YOU said nothing
When we now defend ourselves all of a sudden, YOU have something to say
How did we take our revenge on the Germans for their Final Solution?
How did we take revenge on the Spanish for their Inquisition?
How did we take revenge on Islam for being Dhimmi?
How did we take revenge on the lies of the Protocols of Zion?
We studied our Torah
We innovated in medicine
We innovated in defense systems
We innovated in technology
We innovated in agriculture
We made music
We wrote poetry
We made the desert bloom
We won Noble prizes
We founded the movie industry
We financed democracy
We fulfilled the word of Hashem by becoming a light unto the Nations of the Earth
So World when you criticise us for defending our heritage and our ancestral homeland we the Jew’s of the World do exactly what you did, we ignore you.
You have proven to us for the last 2,000 years that when the chips are down you don’t care.
Now leave us alone and go sort out you own back yard whilst we continue our 5775-year old mission, enhancing the World we share.
by Howard Klineberg

Monday, February 2, 2015

The fight in Ponovitz, was, who should daven Maariv

From the absurd to the insane! I'm telling you guys, they need to be drafted in the army!


A long-running quarrel within the famed Ponovezeh Yeshiva in Bnei Barak has burst once again into bouts of violence and brawling among the two feuding sides loyal to two separate rabbis who both claim to head the institution.
On Sunday night, dozens of yeshiva students were involved in a fierce melee apparently over who which faction had the rights to lead the evening prayers. Some twenty students were reportedly injured during the fighting during which a prayer stand was thrown into a crowd of students and one of the yeshiva deans central to the conflict, Rabbi Shmuel Markowitz, was struck.
A student thought to be responsible for striking Rabbi Markowitz was arrested on Monday.
The latest skirmish follows a series of fights that have taken place in recent days and weeks which led last Thursday to a massive police operation in which several dozen yeshiva students were arrested for their part in the violence.
Most of those arrested were loyal to Rabbi Markowitz and his faction, known as “the terrorists.”
Those loyal to the faction of yeshiva president Rabbi Eliezer Kehanaman, son of Ponevezh founder Rabbi Avraham Kehanaman, along with Rabbis Gershon Edelstein and Baruch Dov Poborski are known as “the haters.”
Violence broke out again on Sunday night between the two factions over who would have the right to lead the evening prayers. The skirmish grew within the yeshiva halls during which Markowitz was hurt, allegedly by Rabbi Yossi Kehanaman, son of Preident Rabbi Eliezer Kehanaman.
Markowitz has now filed a complaint against the younger Kehanaman with the Bnei Brak police, although he has denied the charge and was released.
This led members of “the terrorists” faction to violently vandalize a dormitory belonging to “the haters.”
The dispute over the leadership of the yeshiva started back in 2001, with the death of Rabbi Elazar Menachem Shach, the undisputed dean of the Ponevezh Yeshiva and the spiritual head of the non-hassidic haredi community.
A power struggle for control over the yeshiva, its institutions and its valuable real estate ensued between one of the co-yeshiva deans Markovitz and yeshiva president Kahneman, along with rabbis and co-deans Edelstein Poborski.
Former leader of the non-hassidic haredi world the late Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv expressed his support for Markovitz, while most of the other leading rabbis in the haredi stronghold of Bnei Brak,have publicly supported Kahneman, who also has the backing of the veteran teaching staff of the yeshiva.
Content provided as courtesy of the Jerusalem Post

Chareidim block Traffic around Country, don't allow Working People to go to work!

Chareidim by in  large don't work in Israel, since the Roshei Yeshivas prohibit them from getting their hands dirty. 

Even those that do work, have to quit, if they want to marry off their daughters. According to last week's Hebrew edition of Mishpacha, a electrical engineer had to come to the US to collect for his daughter's wedding. 
When asked why he doesn't work, he said that no Yeshiva guy would marry her if he works....

But I'll bet he would be able to marry his daughter off if he blocked traffic so the other Zhlubs could go to work.

Hundreds of Chareidi youths took to major roads and intersections Monday morning to protest the arrest of four yeshiva students who have been arrested for failing to report to IDF recruitment offices for preliminary enlistment processing. 

Protests were staged in or close to Jerusalem, Ashdod, the Bar Ilan interchange and other locations in which the protestors tried to block traffic arteries, and routes 443 and 444 are both experiencing heavy traffic as a result. 

The police have advised commuters to find alternative routes to work. 

In Ashdod, some 40 protestors have been arrested so far with serious traffic delays resultant from the demonstration. Another four protestors were arrested close to the Bar Ilan interchange, and at least one protestor was arrested in Jerusalem. 

The protestors belong to a radical faction of the non-Hassidic haredi community and reject the mainstream leadership headed by Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman and follows the instructions of Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach instead. 

Unlike Shteinman, Auerbach has instructed yeshiva students to not present themselves for preliminary processing for IDF enlistment. 

Most yeshiva students belonging to the mainstream haredi community are able to do the preliminary processing and for the moment gain military service exemptions. 

Government legislation passed last year is designed to gradually increase haredi enlistment and decrease the number of exemptions and for this reason Auerbach has instructed yeshiva students loyal to his faction not to cooperate at all with the IDF, not even to report for preliminary processing. 

Eight people were arrested so far in in similar protests in El'ad and near Hadera.

Monsey Tours Bus Skids Off Road On Garden State Parkway; B”H No Injuries

American Seminary Girls Roasting Marshmallows Over Burning Garbage at Hafganah in Kikar Shabbos, Yerushalayim

Now... you know where your 20,000.00 is going!