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Showing posts with label skver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skver. Show all posts

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Did Skver Bully Monsey Magazine Not to Publish Neighborhood adjoining New Square?

There is a popular weekly magazine in Monsey called "The Monsey View." 

Every week they select a particular Monsey neighborhood and feature its advantages, listing the shuls and describing the people that live there. This is to inform potential buyers, of all the great benefits that the featured area contains.
See Bulletin  on Bottom Left advertising New Hempstead "next week"

Notice this week's bulletin stating that for the next 2 weeks they will feature Airmont

Last week  "The Monsey View" placed a bulletin (see above photo) notifying its readers that they will feature the "New Hempstead" area in its forthcoming issue!

It has come to our attention that the New Skver Askanim may have threatened the magazine with a financial boycott if it featured New Hempstead, because the neighborhood adjoins New Square!

Being naive, not really believing that frum Jews would do something like that,  I picked up the magazine this past week, quickly perused its contents and .......found ...............

"So .....What did you find?????

Hold on to your seat...........
I found that they are featuring Airmont .....

"But what about the promised New Hempstead ???? Did you find that??"

Nada!! Gurnisht! Zero!!!!!!!!!!!

The View apparently caved in to the terrorists! 

So you ask .....
"What's wrong with Jews moving near New Square?" 
You wonder:
"Why would Skver askanim, who lead thousands, care????
Why would they oppose the idea of Frum Jews moving into the neighboring area??? ".... 
We are not G-d Forbid, talking about moving into New Square proper ..... but moving a half hour walk from New Square!
"Why would a fellow Jew oppose that?"


The Skverer askanim are afraid that the Chassidim will find out that there are other Jews out there that do not not live in New Square. 

What? "There are actually Jews living in New Square that don't know that there is an entire world outside of New Square????"
The children don't know and the hierarchy of New Square don't want the "Holy Children" the "tinokas shel bais rabbim" to get contaminated by other frum Jews and they therefore brainwash the children into thinking that other Jews who don't live in New Square aren't as frum and holy as they are ........

They are frightened that if other Chassidic Jews move nearby Skverer chassidim will notice that you can actually be a pious Chassidic Jew and yet ...... not live in New Square!!!

They not worried if very modern Jews move nearby........
because in the brainwashed view of their children...these frum Jews are Goyim!....and the askanim aren't worried that the children  would want to be Goyim .... But they are petrified that they may continue to be frum Jews but not Skver!

But doesn't Skver welcome Modern Jews????
Yes .... they do invite the "moderneh" to hakofos ...and yes they will invite them for Shabbos to eat herring ..... but in the recesses of their holy hearts.... the "moderneh" are mocked and laughed at and in their elite view ... the "moderneh" and even the "Yeshivishe" are only good as long as they can drain their bank accounts! 

They are also worried that the naive Skverer sheep will discover that one can actually be an observant Torah Jew and not worship a mere mortal! 

In order to further their agenda to separate the village with the rest of Monsey, the Skver Dayanim were ordered to rule that New Square Eirav cannot be included into the Monsey Eirav and must remain separate!

They do not want "oifgeklerteh" Skverer Chassidim to move out of New Square and then buy houses near New Square and then come Shabbos with their baby carriages to visit their parents. 
If that would happen there would be a mass exodus of Skverer Chassidim!

 The Skver hierarchy also ordered the chassidim to buy up all available properties in a mile radius, to prevent other fellow Jews from moving in!

To actually carry out these insane anti-Jewish evil directives .... Skverer guys bought available properties and then rented them out to latino drug dealers to scare others from buying affordable housing in the neighborhood and to intimidate Chasidishe guys that had already bought houses! These disgusting tactics brought down the value of the homes nearby and scared away potential buyers!

On Hempstead Road, for example, they bought numerous 1 family homes and then rented them out to Latino criminals who are destroying the neighborhood!

About a month ago there were gunshots reported on Hempstead Road adjoining Brick Church Road...from one of the homes that these Skveres" bought and rented out, and this happened on a Friday night!!!

Last year two quiet Satmar Chassidim with large families bought homes near New Hempstead Road. 
The 2 Satmarer Families stupidly thought that they would be able to finally bring their families from the crowded city to the beautiful spacious New Hempstead neighborhood; walking distance to New Square, for very reasonable prices, and give their children space to run around and a better life!

Not so fast!!!!!!!

Skver bought 1family homes next door on both sides of the homes and rented them illegally to multiple Latinos families; and so now they have shiksas prancing around in bikinis and thongs, creating a non kosher hostile environment, to prevent the Satmar children from playing outside on Shabbos!

Last year there was a naive Chassidishe Rebbele that bought a home in the New Hempstead area and wanted to open a shul ...........
Pashkevlim and posters were all over the neighborhood threatening to burn his house down .... 

And that was no idle threat, if you remember not too long ago a Skverer Chusid attempted to burn down a house in New Square with an entire family sleeping inside.  The chusid succeeded to burn the owner of the house putting him into the hospital with severe burns!
The Chusid sat in Jail for a while ..... Skverer askanim arranged for people to learn with him in jail every day ... and when he was released, he was released as a hero, and this convicted arsonist and attempted murderer, got engaged to a prominent Skverer family and got married!!!

So what was the crime of the guy whose family came close to being burnt to death?
His crime???????????
Guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....................Yes Guess!!!!!!!!!!

"Oh .  .... I know .... I know ....... he was mechalel Shabbos????????"
You would think?.........right?......

Guess again!!!!!

"His wife didn't cover her hair????????????"
Ha ha ha ha ha ..... good guess ........ Nope!

"Oh.... I know ..I Know......I know..... this time I got it.....
He didn't go to the "Heiliger Rebbes'" tish?????"
Nope..............but your'e getting warmer!

"Enough with this guessing game... I can't take it anymore......tell me ... tell me ...."

Ok ... here goes ...

He went to daven in the nearby nursing home to help with a minyan......

"You liar!!!!!! You are crazy..... you Skverer Hater..... you lie! Can't be!!!!!" You want me to believe that the Skverer arsonist wanted to burn the whole family to death .... all because the owner of the house went to daven in a nearby Nursing Home????

I wish I was lying .... I wish it was all not true .....!

Note to the Skverer Askanim: 
We have cameras monitoring all our homes in the neighborhood.... don't try anything funny ..... we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law!

Reach out to The Monsey View 
Phone: 845-600-8484
Fax: 845-600-8483
Email: ads@themonseyview.com
Website: themonseyview.com

Friday, February 6, 2015

Satmar buys property on William St near New Square, defying New Square's requested "1 Mile Ban"

The Bais Din Zedek D'Shikun Square, previously requested Jews to "not purchase any lots within a mile of New Square" to keep the community isolated so that the community stays "completely impervious to outside influences."
Map if New Square got its way
Well, Satmar saw things differently and bought property on William Street, in order to build a new Bais Medrish and to basically start a new community adjacent to New Square.
 The problem is that William Street is about 1/4 of a mile south of New Square, within the 1 mile radius! 

New Square re-published it's request in this week's Community Connections, again requesting Jews not to buy houses within 1 mile of New Square, writing that they are posting it again "for the community's benefit"?

The reason they don't want Jews (goyim are ok) to live nearby , is because as the New Square Bais Din put it , they want  Jews to uphold the "holy tzaddik's (previous Skverer Rebbe) desire for his kehilla to retain its unique identity in complete isolation." 

 If the surrounding Jewish communities were to spread even further towards New Square , to the point of reaching the parameters of New Square, the "blurring of our borders would defeat the founding-purpose of the shtetl."

They are afraid that if Satmar is a neighbor, the New Square residents  might find the Satmar lifestyle more appealing and might G-D forbid leave New Square to join the more "liberal" Satmars!
What Har Sinai looked like according to New Square

So far, it looks like that Satmar will ignore the request, and as of this writing the  30 shuls that are within that 1 mile radius, are not planning to pick up and leave, and sell their shuls for churches.
Just a sampling of the shuls:
Cong Knesses Yisroel, Cong Kehilat New Hempstead, Rabbi Senter's Shul, Rabbi Teichman's Shul, Cong Ohaiv Shalom, Rabbi Spiegal's shul, Rabbi Neuberger's shul etc

We don't know whether the Satmar guys that bought the property are Aroinim or Zaloinim, my guess is that they are Zaloinim, Because Reb Aaron, the Satmar Monroe Rebbe, the leader of the Aroinim faction, is a brother-in-law to the Skverer Rebbe.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yeshiva Boy in New Square attempts to burn down house with family sleeping inside

Reports are still very vague and sketchy,but reports are coming in that a young yesivah boy of New Square attempted to burn down a house in New Square this morning. There were 4 people sleeping in the house. The owner of the house refuses to pray in New Square and prays in Friedwald, a nursing home outside the community. This was done to teach him a lesson.The victim Chaim Aaron Rottenberg had to be hospitilized with 3rd degree burns.There is confidential information that the surveillance video tapes were handed over to the Chassidishe Sheriff Koenig, if that's in fact true, then according to people close to the investigation those tapes "may very well disappear."

Chaim Aaron Rottenberg in burn unit

Here read report from The Journal News:

A Truman Avenue man suffered severe body burns early this morning when he fought off a village resident armed with a incendiary device during a fight over a simmering religious controversy, Ramapo police said.
Ramapo police said they later arrested 18-year-old Shaul Spitzer of Adams Lane on felony charges. He had serious burns to his hands and arms and has been hospitalized, police said.
The victim, 43, whose name is being withheld by the Journal-News, suffered burns to 50 percent of his body and remains hospitalized.
Police charged Spitzer with felony counts of first-degree attempted arson and first-degree assault, police said.
Other charges are possible, including attempted murder or possibly murder if the victim dies at Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, police said.
Police said they are aware that the Truman Avenue family had been targeted before with violence and protests by religious zealots because the victim prayed outside the community's main synagogue used by the Skver Hasidic grand rabbi, the worldwide community's dynastic leader.
Police investigators said today that they have no evidence of any connection between today's attack at 4:12 a.m. and past incidents gainst the family and other dissidents in the community. The vacant upper floor of a Bush Lane house caught fire recently where another dissident family lived.
"I know there is a history there and we're aware of problems within the community," Ramapo Police Detective Lt. Mark Emma said today. "We have no evidence there is a connection. We're still investigating."
The Truman Avenue family installed surveillance cameras because of previous incidents at the house.
Just after 4 a.m. today, a young man living in the Truman Avenue house woke up his father after hearing people out on the porch, police said. Four people were in the house.
The family members began watching a security camera monitor when they saw a man later identified as Spitzer throw something onto their rear deck, Emma said.
Emma said the item turned out to be a rag soaked in flammable liquid.
The father and a son went outside, where the father confronted Spitzer, Emma said.
"Somehow — we're not sure yet — the victim's clothes caught on fire," Emma said. "He has severe burns to his face, arms, and chest."
The victim's son rolled his father on the ground to put out the flames, Emma said.
"The suspect fled the scene, but we were able to track him down" at 8:30 a.m., Emma said.
Rockland Paramedics Inc. and police found the victim sitting on the front steps of his house.
The suspect was taken to Nyack Hospital for the burns and later transferred to Cornell Medical Center in New York City, Emma said.
Ramapo police were later assisted by the Rockland Sheriff's Office Bureau of Criminal Investigation fie unit and the Rockland County Computer Crimes Unit.