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Showing posts with label herbal supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label herbal supplements. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Herbal Supplements that Target, GNC, Walgreens and Walmart sells have no herbs!

The following  are some of the herbal supplement items tested by the New York Attorney General!

GNC, Herbal Plus brand:
Gingko Biloba:
  • No gingko biloba found
  • Did detect allium (garlic), rice, spruce and asparagus
St. John’s Wort
  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Did detect allium (garlic), rice and dracaena (a tropical houseplant)
  • No ginseng found
  • Did detect rice, dracaena, pine, wheat/grass and citrus
  • Contained garlic
  • No echinacea found
  • Did detect rice in some samples
Saw Palmetto
  • One sample contained the clear presence of palmetto
  • Other samples contained a variety of ingredients, including asparagus, rice and primrose
From Target, Up & Up brand
Gingko Biloba
  • No gingko biloba found
  • Found garlic, rice and mung/French bean
St. John’s Wort
  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Found garlic, rice and dracaena (houseplant)
  • Contained garlic
  • One test identified no DNA
  • Most but not all tests detected Echinacea
  • One test identified rice
Saw Palmetto
  • Most tests detected saw palmetto
  • Some tests found no plant DNA
Valerian Root
  • No valerian root found
  • Found allium, bean, asparagus, pea family, rice, wild carrot and saw palmetto
From Walgreens, Finest Nutrition brand
Gingko Biloba
  • No gingko biloba found
  • Did detect rice
St. John’s Wort
  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Detected garlic, rice and dracaena
  • No ginseng found
  • Detected garlic and rice
  • No garlic found
  • Detected palm, dracaena, wheat and rice
  • No echinacea found
  • Identified garlic, rice and daisy
Saw Palmetto
  • Contained saw palmetto
From Walmart, Spring Valley brand
Gingko Biloba
  • No gingko biloba found
  • Found rice, dracaena, mustard, wheat and radish
St. John’s Wort
  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Detected garlic, rice and cassava
  • No ginseng found
  • Found rice, dracaena, pine, wheat/grass and citrus
  • One sample showed small amounts of garlic
  • Found rice, pine, palm, dracaena and wheat
  • No echinacea or plant material found
Saw Palmetto
  • Some samples contained small amounts of saw palmetto
  • Also found garlic and rice