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Monday, August 12, 2013

Chabad member kills his child and himself , leaves suicide note in Hebrew, video

The man who killed his 9-year-old son during a supervised visit Sunday apparently did so to spite the boy's mother, authorities said.
54-year-old Muni Savyon was meeting with his son Joshua and a counselor at the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire when he brought out a hand gun and shot his son several times before turning the weapon on himself. The counselor escaped unharmed.
'There's a lot of sadness and also anger on the part of everyone involved that a father would take his son's life for no other reason than apparently to spite his mother,' New Hampshire Assistant Attorney General Jeffery Strelzin told the Boston Herald
Scroll down for video
Dead: Muni Savyon shot and killed his 9-year-old son Joshua Sunday during a supervised parental visit at a YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Dead: Muni Savyon shot and killed his 9-year-old son Joshua Sunday during a supervised parental visit at a YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
The boy's mother had dropped Joshua off at the YWCA around 9:30am and was not in the building when the shooting happened.The organization is open on Sundays for supervised child visitation and custody exchanges.The couple's marital status wasn't clear: Savyon's rabbi said the couple were divorced while law enforcement officials said the two were separated.
Muni, a software engineer, sent an email to a friend suggesting he was suicidal before the shootings. He had a troubled relationship with the boy's mother and threatened to kill them and himself before.
Response: Police arrived to the scene quickly and in force after 10am Sunday, forming a perimeter
Response: Police arrived to the scene quickly and in force after 10am Sunday, forming a perimeter
Shooter: Not knowing whether the shooter was alive or dead, police raided the building in a strategic manner
Shooter: Not knowing whether the shooter was alive or dead, police raided the building in a strategic manner
Intent: Savyon had threatened to kill himself, his son and the boy's mother before
Intent: Savyon had threatened to kill himself, his son and the boy's mother before
'She had reservations which is why he was having supervised visits,' Strelzin said. 
Savyon  also recently lost his younger brother who suffered a heart attack in their home country of Israel. 
His rabbi, Levi Krinsky of Chabad Lubavitch, said the man was depressed when he returned from Israel to bury his brother but that no one expected he was capable of killing his own son.
Motive: Savyon's rabbi, Levi Krinsky, said the man had become depressed after his younger brother died in Israel recently from a heart attack
Motive: Savyon's rabbi, Levi Krinsky, said the man had become depressed after his younger brother died in Israel recently from a heart attack

'He was just very broken, which I thought was directly related to his brother's passing,' Rabbi Krinsky told the Boston Globe. 'Did I think he was suicidal? No. Did I think he was dangerous? Not in the slightest. Apparently this is what he was thinking. End it all.'
Savyon's ex-wife Ellen Vig - not the boy's mother - got a copy of the suicide email written in Hebrew which she says spells out his intentions and what he wants done with his property. 
Vig divorced Savyon in 1997, but remained friends with her ex-husband. She described him as a kind-hearted person who loved his son and tried to give the boy varied experiences.  
'He was non-violent. He would try to help anyone he could. He was a really nice guy,' she said from her home in North Billerica, Massachusetts. 
Police and emergency services responded at approximately 10:30 a.m. to a report of shots fired inside the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Police and emergency services responded at approximately 10:30 a.m. to a report of shots fired inside the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Police and emergency services responded at approximately 10:30 a.m. to a report of shots fired inside the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Families: On Sundays the YWCA is open for supervised child visitation and custody exchanges
Families: On Sundays the YWCA is open for supervised child visitation and custody exchanges
Savyon was active in Libertarian causes, Vig said, and was a twice-defeated candidate for the New Hampshire Legislature, most recently in February.
Current New Hampshre State Representative Peter Sullivan said Savyon was a political hopeful in years past

Facebook removes Pro-Israel Articles

BY RUTHIE BLUM For the past two months, I have intermittently been barred from Facebook.
The first time it happened was in June, when I tried to post my Israel Hayom column. Suddenly, a window popped up, telling me that inappropriate material had been found on, and removed from, my page. I was warned that if I continued violating Facebook’s “community standards,” I would be banned from the social network for good.
The notice included a link specifying these standards, and a demand that I click to acknowledge I had read and understood them. Failure to do so, it said, would result in my inability even to open Facebook to read my newsfeed. I complied.
The following statement appeared: “Facebook gives people around the world the power to publish their own stories, see the world through the eyes of many other people, and connect and share wherever they go. The conversation that happens on Facebook–and the opinions expressed here–mirror the diversity of the people using Facebook. To balance the needs and interests of a global population, Facebook protects expression that meets the community standards outlined on this page. Please review these standards. They will help you understand what type of expression is acceptable, and what type of content may be reported and removed.”
Underneath the explanation, examples of unacceptable content were listed. Among these were “violence and threats,” “self-harm,” “bullying and harassment,” “graphic content,” “nudity and pornography,” and “hate speech.”
I was puzzled. Neither I nor anyone else who had shared articles with me had engaged in any of the above. And, as eagerly as I searched, I couldn’t locate a single dirty picture on my timeline.
Indeed, the only activity visible, other than the occasional photo of one of my family members, was political in nature.
Since global politics is what I write about–with an emphasis on the defense of Israel and criticism of its detractors–this is obviously what dominates my Facebook page. Comments on pieces I post are also related to issues of foreign policy, Zionism, anti-Semitism, the Middle East and the United States.
What, then, could possibly be the reason for my suspension?
Figuring at first that it must be some kind of error, I simply chalked it up to spam and waited until I was allowed back into Facebook’s good graces.
When this warning appeared a second time, however, I did what I always do when baffled by cyberspace–I called my kids. After admonishing me for being an idiot where the Internet is concerned, one of them told me to change my settings. This would prevent other people from posting on my page without my permission. I took his advice and assumed I had solved the problem.
The very next day, I received the warning again, this time with a slightly harsher tone. After all, I had become a serial offender. I was banned not for 24 hours, but for three days. This meant that not only was I unable to post anything, but I could not even “like” anyone else’s posts.
The only good thing about this was that it gave me the chance to snap back at my son that maybe I’m not such an idiot. I had done as he had instructed, and  was still getting the menacing message. Ha.
The next step, we decided, was to send a message to the folks at Facebook. Hey, I hollered, I haven’t been posting anything incendiary. Please advise. Alas, no response was forthcoming.
Again I returned to the rules of conduct, to see if I could decipher what I was doing wrong and how I could make it right. The clue was at the bottom of the “community standards” page, in a paragraph titled “Reporting abuse”: “If you see something on Facebook that you believe violates our terms, you should report it to us.”
In other words, someone has been complaining about me to Facebook, reporting abuse on my part. This person clearly doesn’t like what I have to say–which is always from a conservative viewpoint–and has come up with a way to silence me through bullying.
It is actually he or she who is violating Facebook standards, not I. But there is nothing I can do about it, other than go on the defensive, and so far not very effectively.
This is exactly how the enemies of Israel operate. They repeatedly accuse the Jewish state of acting in an illegitimate fashion, thereby placing the burden of proof on the unwitting defendant. It is a brazen and shameless tactic. And it works like a charm.
Facebook is a private enterprise that has the right to choose its users. Those users do not pay for the privilege; and it is a huge privilege for writers to have access to such a massive readership. Whoever has been targeting me knows this full well.
He or she is also aware that all one has to do to ruin Israel’s reputation is to cast aspersions. Social networking takes care of the rest.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Nechemya Weberman's devoted wife!

Nechemya Weberman and His Devoted Wife

Being Married to Jailed 'Devil of Williamsburg'

When Nechemya Weberman was found guilty and was sentenced to 103 years in prison for repeatedly raping a girl who he was supposed to be counseling, most thought the grisly tale was over. This was a record sentence for a Hasidic man convicted in a Brooklyn courtroom. The counselor had fallen, and his cloistered Satmar community — a shtetl in the shadow of the world’s hipster capital, Williamsburg Brooklyn — had cracked open, revealing secrets.
The victim, a minor whose identity is protected by the court, made headlines for withstanding four days of brutal testimony. Both Weberman’s defense and the prosecution later agreed that she was the best witness they had ever seen. Press coverage praised her courage and resolve in combating not just her abuser, but also her own community, which, rather than supporting her, united to raise funds for Weberman’s legal fees.
Even Rebbe Aaron Teitelbaum, the dynastic community leader, outrageously asked, “Is our sister to be like a whore?” The tale seemed well cast and clear cut: heroine, villain, justice.
Covering the case for Newsweek and The Daily Beast, I saw Nechemya Weberman’s wife, Chaya Weberman, in court every day. It became clear that this was a story of not one woman, but two: the traditional heroine — the victim, now a young and beautiful newlywed — and the wife who stood beside her husband as shame cloaked all he touched. I wanted to know that woman.
In court, where the seating was gender segregated like at a religious wedding, the victim’s supporters wore expensive wigs and big jewels, announcing an Orthodoxy that was more modern, while Weberman’s small female faction dressed in funeral black with Old World hats attached to somber wigs. They didn’t smile. Who could blame them?
My eyes met Chaya Weberman’s while waiting for our bags to be searched by court police. Each day she sat beside her husband in the gallery before proceedings began. She was often with a daughter, or with her husband’s sister, women who stared coldly and wouldn’t return hellos. Looking calm and grim, Chaya Weberman nodded in recognition.
After Nechemya Weberman had been shipped to prison in upstate New York, I called his wife again and again, learning more about her and her husband and their 10 children each time, asking repeatedly when we could meet.
She told me that she and her husband had first met, like most Satmar couples, under the gaze of their parents. She liked him from the start, thought him kind and imagined they could make a life together. I told her I remembered first meeting the man who would become my husband, the first Jew I’d ever dated, and thinking the same thing.
The day of their wedding, she fasted and prayed that she and her husband would be compatible and have healthy children. Not long afterward, he became a driver for Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum, worked in information technology, founded a counseling business supporting their large family in one of the country’s costliest cities and at the same time became entangled in legal troubles concerning his real estate ventures. She said that he was still never too busy to take her shopping or to visit family, as Satmar women aren’t permitted to drive.
It soon became clear that if I wanted to meet Chaya Weberman in person, I’d simply have to show up at her door. It wasn’t the first time I’d gone to Satmar Williamsburg in an ankle-length skirt, thick tights and a sweater that hid my elbows and collarbone. Though the clothes were mine, I felt disguised, but still I expected she might not see me.
When I knocked, she was surprised, but she let me in. Passover was weeks away, but a vacuum hummed nearby, sucking up hametz. She wore a navy silk dress and a terry-cloth headcovering dotted in rhinestones. Her home was large by New York City standards, with a vaulted ceiling and a massive dining table for family meals. Chaya Weberman had recently returned from one of her biweekly visits to her husband. She had brought him a Megillah for Purim, which she proudly said he read aloud to 20 inmates. I asked if he had made friends, or enemies. She said he’s made neither: He prefers to read; books are his friends, and he doesn’t like to go outside.
Despite all the evidence — the victim’s vivid account, the confessions of other alleged victims in Williamsburg and in the press, and the rumors attacking Weberman’s character, claiming that he had long had a problem with girls — she won’t accept her husband’s guilt. After more than 30 years of marriage, she still believes he is a loving person who could never hate or do wrong. She mistrusts the legal system, and her friends and neighbors reinforce her belief in her husband’s innocence.
It’s easy to wonder how a woman could stand by a man incarcerated for such ghastly offences. Part of her strategy is demonizing the victim and her family; she even calls them “sluts.” It’s part of the narrative she must craft to get through the day. In her mid-50s, she still has children at home to raise and marry off. No easy feat beneath the burden of her husband’s crimes.
She maintains that he has been chosen to be tested by God, even though he did nothing wrong. She won’t ask why. She says doing so would require her to meet Hashem for an answer, and she’s not yet ready to leave this life. She is brimming with faith.
Life is harder without the head of her house, but she smiles when discussing his fan club: people who write to her to champion Nechemya’s innocence, and who are not all Satmar Jews. One woman, for instance, who was searching for a Weber grill came across the trial coverage and offered her support.
Though Weberman’s sentence was reduced, he’ll still likely die in prison. But his wife refuses to focus on that; rather, she repeats that he is “working on his soul,” pursing the gifts of the next life. She surrounds herself with family and friends who support this thesis. She is lonely, but she reassures me that she’ll survive.
Sometimes the only truth you can know is your own.
Allison Yarrow is a journalist in Brooklyn, a contributing writer at Time and the author of “The Devil of Williamsburg,”

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/181608/nechemya-weberman-and-his-devoted-wife/?p=all#ixzz2bTxd4EgF

Monsey residents are still in Galus, after 3 Blacks come to Monsey "to shoot Jews"

Ramapo Police arrested three individuals on Francis Pl in Monsey after they shot at bystanders with a paintball gun out of a moving vehicle on Rita Ave, hitting Yosef Margertetten in the stomach and damaging another vehicle.
The individuals that were shot at are volunteers with Chaverim of Monsey, which helped with the quick apprehension of the alleged suspects, the volunteers gave over the description of the vehicle to police who caught up with the suspects on Francis pl., Police discovered numerous paintball guns and knives in the vehicle.
Hatzoloh EMS transported the victim to Good Samaritan hospital where he is being treated for his injuries that he suffered from the Paintball pellets.
Paintball is a popular game played by millions of people throughout the world. It is also a controversial sport due to what critics believe is an unreasonable risk that players could suffer serious injuries, including blinding and death, Paintball guns use compressed carbon dioxide to propel the small paint-filled pellets, which explode on contact with an object or target. When shot from a paintball gun, paintball pellets can travel 250 to 300 feet per second, or up to 200 miles per hour. 
These "toy" guns which use compressed air instead of gunpowder to launch projectiles, but they are often nearly as powerful as firearms that use gunpowder, Hospital emergency departments see over 20,000 injuries per year due to air and paintball guns,

police are investigating the motive behind this shooting, and It is not clear on what charges the suspects will be charged with, More Information will be posted as soon as they become available. 

Convicted Sex Offender Moshe Turner looking for more boys in Wesley Hills

The chief "Chazir" of Monsey, Moshe Turner, convicted of being a repeat sex offender, is on the prowl again to try to satisfy his perverted desires! 
Read the following e-mail sent to Wesley Hills & Monsey residents.

Dear YDN Parents/Faculty Members and Members of the Monsey Community:
It is becoming increasingly evident that the matter of child safety overall and specifically the issue of the recent abduction attempts in our community continue to need our urgent attention. Increased awareness and vigilance will help create a safer environment for all of our children and grandchildren.
Consider these incidents that took place in our neighborhood since last week’s email:
1.      Moshe Turner, A Level-2 Sex Offender (his picture here), of 65 Decatur Road was seen davening in a Wesley Hills shul even though it is located far from where he lives. Mr. Turner recently pled guilty to viciously sodomizing a teenage boy, and as reported here, escaped the prison sentence he richly deserved due to the communal pressure placed on the victim and his family not to testify in court.
Mr. Turner was recognized by members of the shul who followed the advice of Ramapo Police Chief Brower disseminated in last week’s email, that parents become aware of the registered offenders who live in the area. As a result Mr. Turner was told in no uncertain terms to immediately leave the shul and never return. (Click on this link and enter your zip code and the zip codes of surrounding areas to review the list and see the pictures. You can also click here to receive email notification whenever a convicted sex offender moves into the area, relocates, or when there is a new conviction of a child molester.) 
2.      This past Tuesday, August 6th, a 13-year-old boy was approached from behind by an individual driving a car on McNamara Drive and was asked to enter the vehicle. The boy’s parents had spoken to him about this matter over the past weekend due to our awareness campaign. He knew exactly what to do – run away and tell his parents.
3.      This past Monday, August 5th, an individual in a parked car was seen taking pictures of children playing in Jacaruso Park near the Pupa Yeshiva where Darchei Noam once rented space. Thanks to the efforts of Chaverim member Aron Slater, a grainy picture was retrieved from a nearby security camera and the information was passed on to the Spring Valley Police. (Picture of car attached to this email.)
There is no need to frighten your children needlessly, nor is it helpful to do so. What we all must do is increase our awareness and vigilance as adults and train our children in the basics of both “stranger danger” and comprehensive child safety.
May Hashem watch over all our children and please see to it that they are properly trained and supervised at all times. 

Best wishes for a Gutten Shabbos,

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Convicted Sex Abuser "Rabbi" continues to give Shiurim even after being heckled! Video

Within hours of his having been convicted of sexually abusing a minor, Rabbi Moti Elon was interrupted while giving a weekly Torah lesson by a man who claimed to be a sexual abuse victim and who pleaded with the rabbi to “admit he sinned.” YNETnews. com (http://bit.ly/132SN6R) reports that the heckler, 40 year-old Nahum Pechnik, stunned attendees as he confronted Elon, yelling, “I want to tell you that you are a great man, but you need to find the courage to say ‘I have sinned.’ You are a great man, admit you have sinned.” Pechnik later described himself as a married father of four who was sexually abused in 1993 by another prominent rabbi who, like Elon, refused to admit fault. Pechnik said the mental anguish he suffered as a result of the abuse ultimately forced him drop out of his elite IDF service path. “I couldn’t go on; I didn’t have the mental strength for it,” said Pechnik. “I came in the name of all who were hurt. I hope (Elon) will have enough courage to admit he sinned. If he wasn’t such a great man I wouldn’t have bothered. I just hope he gets out of his denial, and admits that great men also fail.” Disciples of Elon began singing loudly over Pechink before the lights were cut and Pechnik was unceremoniously dragged from the hall. As the lesson resumed, Elon reiterated that he viewed his conviction as a test, and a mission from God. “What happened (in the courtroom) is a mission that the Lord wants us to take on. If the mission is hard, we must take it with a smile,” said Elon value='http://mediadownload.ynet.co.il/zeri/flowplayer.commercial-3.2.7.swf'/>

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

BENGHAZI BOMBSHELL REPORT: Valerie Jarrett Gave The Stand Down Orders

If these Conservative Report confidential sources are right, It looks like the known commie Valerie Jarrett (AKA Obama’s Brain) gave the orders that caused the murders of our boys in Benghazi. 

“Confidential sources close to Conservative Report have confirmed that Valerie Jarrett was the key decision-maker for the administration, the night of the Benghazi terrorist attack on 9/11/2012.” 

The chronology of the evening of 9/11 are as follows: At approximately 5 PM Washington time, reports came in through secure-channels that Special Mission Benghazi was under attack. Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey summoned the President,and briefed him on the crisis, face to face. 

Subsequent to that brief meeting, President Obama proceeded to the White House to dine in his living quarters. After supper, Barack Obama had a telephone conference scheduled with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu… As that meeting drew to a close, Ms. Jarrett, who is also the Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, went from the living quarters to the White House Situation Room, where the attack in Benghazi was being monitored by Dempsey, Panetta and other top-ranking officials. 

Whether she was instructed by the President to go there, or if she went of her own volition, is only known by the President and herself. 

Remember this is the “payback time bitch” who was quoted as saying:

 “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready, because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded; the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over, and we have two judges ready to go.”

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Neturei Karta guy charged with Spying for Iran, said he would kill a zionist!

A haredi man from the anti-Zionist Naturei Karta sect was charged Thursday with allegedly making contact with Iranian representatives abroad with the intention of passing them sensitive information about Israel.
The Jerusalem District Attorney’s Office filed the indictment with the Jerusalem District Court on charges of intent to commit treason and contacting a foreign agent.
There had previously been a media blackout on the case and a gag order remains on the haredi man’s identity.
At an unknown date, the man, 47, decided to make contact with the Iranian government in order to collect intelligence on Israel and send it to them, the indictment alleged.
In order to do this, he went online to check where he could approach an Iranian embassy, said the indictment.
The indictment said that in January 2011, he flew to Berlin and two days after arriving, approached the embassy to tell the Iranians that he was an Israeli and wanted to speak to them. At the time he was clothed in his regular haredi dresswear, including black and white clothes, and tzizit (ritual undergarments).
Next, he met Hagi Baba and two others, said the indictment.
According to the indictment, he told Baba that he was against the Jewish state, wanted the state to be taken over by non-jews, was ready to provide them intelligence and was even ready to “kill a Zionist,” if necessary.
The Shin Bet General Security Services and the Israel Police simultaneously announced their prior arrest of the defendant.
According to the Shin Bet, the man was arrested in July, two years after he traveled from Israel to Berlin, Germany in 2011, where he made his way to the Iranian embassy, and reportedly told officials there that he was willing to help gather intelligence for the regime from Israel.
The Shin Bet said Thursday that after returning to Israel he kept up his connection with the Iranian officials through an email account that he would use from public internet cafes and through phone calls made from public phones near his place of residence in Jerusalem.
The Shin Bet said that under questioning the man confessed that he worked “out of a hatred for the state of Israel and in exchange for financial compensation.”
A fringe ultra-Orthodox sect established in Jerusalem in 1938, Neturei Karta (Aramaic for “Guardians of the City”) believes Israel can be reestablished only after the coming of the Messiah. The group therefore rejects Zionism and opposes the existence of the State of Israel.
Members of the sect in Israel and the US are known to burn the Israeli flag and have sent representatives to attend conferences in Iran in the past.
Last year, Arabic media reported that members of the sect met with Hezbollah officials in Beirut.

Content is provided courtesy of the Jerusalem Post

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mondrowitz, the child molester beaten in Yerushalyim, video

Avrohom Mondrowitz, a notorious fake rabbi and child psychologist who fled US arrest warrants for child molestation in 1984, was attacked and beaten by an unknown vigilante assailant last week in Jerusalem, according to cellphone video footage of the incident released exclusively to The Algemeiner.

“Isaac,” a 22-year old American studying in Jerusalem who recorded the scene, asked that his full name not be used and that his voice be altered in the footage.
Isaac, who recognized Mondrowitz from a newspaper report last year in which he was labeled the “Bin Laden of pedophiles,” said he first called out to him by name. “He stopped, turned around and responded ‘yes’ with a heavy New York accent,” Isaac said.

The video begins shortly thereafter with Issac following from a distance, then, loudly, calling Mondrowitz a “molester,” and telling passersby that Mondrowitz ”molested 100 kids in New York.” At that point, an unknown vigilante, who appears to be at least six feet tall and well-built, also apparently recognizing Mondrowitz, grabbed the hat from the fake shrink’s head, beat him with it, then let him escape, briefly, before racing after him, catching up to him, and throwing Mondrowitz to the ground.
The cameraman said he did not know the identity of the assailant nor was he, personally, someone who typically resorted to violence, but the frustrating circumstances surrounding Mondrowitz’s continued freedom from hundreds of accusers made this an occasion where “vigilante justice could be justified.”
Isaac, originally from the New York area, said that he was neither a victim of child abuse nor an activist, but knew many people who had suffered abuse and felt “someone has to do something,” and that he had to “speak up.”
“It’s really upsetting to see this man living freely and openly in this community of Nachlaot, a tight-knit neighborhood, with children everywhere, and apparently he goes to a synagogue, where people need to know who he is and what he’s done,” Isaac said. “It’s just outrageous that someone wanted for these crimes in the US, accused of raping and sodomizing hundreds of kids, has the opportunity to offend again, to commit these heinous acts here, in Israel. I’m a non-confrontational kind of person, but I couldn’t just do nothing, I couldn’t just continue walking. Someone has to do something. I had to speak up.”
“My hope is that by calling him out, by identifying him in the neighborhood, by releasing this video, that people here won’t believe that he’s repented, that he’s been cleared of these accusations. No, his neighbors deserve to know the truth about this evil man, this pedophile, living in their midst,” Isaac said.
Mondrowitz has been living in Israel since skipping out on the New York warrants almost thirty years ago. Twelve hours after he left on a plane for Chicago, then to Canada, then to Israel, NYPD officers entered his Borough Park, Brooklyn, home, after following up on an anonymous tip. They found child pornography and lists of hundreds of names of local boys, many referred to him by Jewish families and children’s services agencies for counseling, the New York Post reported. E-mails on his computer turned over to the FBI also showed that Mondrowitz trolled child-pornography Web sites. “Moshe Rosenbaum, one of the activists who first aired concerns about Mondrowitz in the late 1980s, estimates the number to be 300,” reported Tablet magazine in 2011.
In 1985, Mondrowitz was indicted, in absentia, on four counts of sodomy and eight counts of sexual abuse in the first degree against four Italian-American boys, ages 11 to 16, who also lived in the same Brooklyn neighborhood and had agreed to press charges and testify. The same year, the US federal government sought his extradition from Israel, but the treaty between the countries at the time did not cover his crimes. In 1993, Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes dropped the deportation effort.
In 2007, the treaty was revised, and Mondrowitz became eligible for extradition. A search of his home in Israel found four child-pornography films, and he was arrested and jailed. But in 2010, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled Mondrowitz was grandfathered and exempt from the revised treaty, and set him free.
At the time, The Jewish Week published selections from a 2006 document allegedly found on Mondrowitz’s computer, which indicates that he was still a threat in Israel, again, posing as a psychologist. In the document he provides a mental health evaluation of a 15-year-old boy, based on in-person interviews, and notes the “hormonal and physical changes in his body.” “Mondrowitz’s name appears at the end of the assessment, followed by the credentials “Ph.D., L.N.H.A.” (Licensed Nursing Home Administrator)” reported The Jewish Week further. On a resume obtained by the paper Mondrowitz claimed to have received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 1977 from “Teachers College, Colombia [sic] University,” but a NYPD detective told Israeli daily Haaretz in 2007 that all of his diplomas, including his rabbinic ordination, were “fakes.”
Last year, the New York Post published a photo of Mondrowitz, dressed similarly to how he appears in the new video, wearing religious garb, as well as tefilin, a tallis and carrying his fedora, near his apartment on Yizreel Street, in Nachlaot. The photo sparked outrage as proof that the alleged child molester was living freely in Israel, while many young men who claimed to be his victims still suffered many years later from harrowing physical and mental abuse.
Mark Appel, Director of Voice of Justice, a non-profit that works with child abuse victims in the Orthodox community and lobbies for their rights, said the Mondrowitz case was “truly sickening” and one of the reasons he became involved in the field.
“There were hundreds and hundreds of victims, Jews and non-Jews alike,” Appel told The Algemeiner. “This was the case that really opened up the wounds of society, a major case that energized the movement to get justice for these kids.”
“In the Chasidic community, Mondrowitz was very high-profile; a rabbi, a psychologist, with his own radio show, a very prominent person, who, because of the high esteem everyone had for him, was getting lots of referrals to evaluate even more kids in trouble,” Appel said. “This was in the early 1980s, and I had just begun working with at-risk youth and on early intervention programs, and there was just this very high percentage of kids coming forward; it was as if every second kid were telling us they had been abused. It just didn’t register, until the pieces came together; Mondrowitz was a monster.”
Mark Weiss, at 13 years old, was molested by Mondrowitz. “I would love to see the guy run over by Egged’s finest,” Weiss told The Algemeiner, referring to the drivers of Israel’s largest bus company. “But I just think that even more than seeing Mondrowitz get beaten up, I’d rather see his whole support system, what allowed him to continue for so long, be ‘hit over the head.’ The mentality of irresponsible people that led to his continued ability to roam free is what needs to be assaulted.”
“This is something that we’ve been working very hard on as advocates, and cases are bearing fruit,” Weiss said, adding that “the Charedi (Orthodox) community has been slowly learning to no longer tolerate this, and education has been key.”
“Symbolically, I think the assailant is representative of a bigger thing happening, that this is a form of people showing outrage. Mondrowitz will one day get what’s coming to him, and I’m certainly not in control of that. The random guy getting pissed off and going ahead, assaulting Mondrowitz, that’s good to see, the outrage is starting to show. But Mondrowitz is just symbolic of the problem. We’ve reached a certain critical point where parents are talking to their kids, parents today check the right box, and say the right things to them; we’re not going to tolerate this c*** anymore.”
Jerry Schmetterer, Director of Public Information for the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office, told The Algemeiner simply, “If Mondrowitz came back to the US, we would arrest him.”

Content provided as courtesy by the Algemeiner

Halachic ruling issued by Rabbi Karelitz says because advanced cellular phone is 'not kosher,' there is no obligation to give it back to its owner

An innovative halachic ruling issued recently states that there is no need to return a lost "non-kosher" phone to its owner.

 The ruling was given following an incident which took place in a bakery in the central city of Bnei Brak, when a saleswoman refused to return a smartphone to its owner. The case sparked a halachic debate on social networks on whether the saleswoman had violated the "thou shalt not steal" commandment. The new halachic ruling, issued by Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, states that banned cellular phone are not considered a property which, if lost, must be returned to its owner according to the Torah. Meanwhile, a new court on communication affairs was established in the ultra-Orthodox sector at the initiative of Refael Meir, the brother of haredi journalist Yedidia Meir. The court will headed by five leading rabbis, who will issue rulings on the use of cellular phones and the Internet. The decision to set up the new institution was made during a meeting held at the home of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the leaders of the haredi Ashkenazi public. The court will also run a PR campaign against haredi websites which rabbis have ordered their followers to boycott. Some of these websites have been taken down as a result of the boycott calls, yet many other websites have been launched recently.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Missing 10 year old found! Updated

Kiryas JOel, NY - After a frantic search that lasted over twelve hours, Shimon Zorger, the 10 year old Williamsburg boy who vanished last night from Kiryas Joel, has been located.  Zorger had been in Kiryas Joel for the day to pay a visit to his grandparents who live on Lizensk Boulevard.
“We found him,” Moses Vitriol, director of the Kiryas Joel Public Safety Patrol, told VIN News.
It was New York State Trooper Danny Harter who found the missing autistic boy in the woods near the V’Yoel Moshe school, which backs onto Lizensk Boulevard.  Zorger, who is reportedly in good condition, was found at approximately 9:50 AM and was transported to Westchester Medical Center as a precautionary measure

Chassidic 10 year old Shimon Zorger missing

A full scale search continues in the village of Kiryas Joel for a 10 year old autistic boy who has been missing for several hours.
Shimon Zorger, who was outside his family’s Lizensk Boulevard home with his father, wandered off at approximately 6 PM this evening and a massive search, which includes state troopers, K-9 units, Chaverim and other volunteers, is currently underway and it is believed that he is still within the village of Kiryas Joel.
“There was a report that he was seen in the village at around 9:30, but because he is autistic he has a tendency to run away when approached,” Donald Marshall of the Kiryas Joel Public Safety Patrol told VIN News.
A spokesperson for the New York State Police confirmed that the ground search, which currently does not include any helicopters, encompasses a wide circumference around the town of Monroe and the village of Kiryas Joel.
Zorger was wearing a black and white striped shirt at the time of his disappearance.  This is the second time within a week that the boy has wandered off.
Anyone with any information regarding Shimon Zorger’s whereabouts is asked to contact the State Police at 845-782-8311 or the Kiryas Joel Public Safety Office at 845-782-5577.
Director of Kiryas Joel Public Safety director Moses Witriol is reporting that the search is still continuing, as of 11:30 PM, with state police, KJPS and volunteers searching the wooded areas around Lizensk Boulevard.  Anyone wishing to join the search is asked to report the the KJPS command center at Lizensk Boulevard and the public is requested to say Tehillim for Shimon ben Raizel Devorah.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Chassidishe Chussen dumps his Kallah at the wedding

The dumped Kallah

The "dumper" Chussen

From yourjewishnews
By: Debbie Gross 
 A man, who was moments away from tying the knot, ditched his bride at the altar and ran, according to reports in Israel.

The overjoyed ultra-Orthodox Jewish families of the bride and groom were already at the wedding hall, “Hod Vehadar Yad Ezra”, located in the city of Bnei Brak on Shlomo Hamelech Street. A few moments before the chuppah ceremony, the groom fled from the wedding hall. His horrified parents reached him on his cell phone, but the groom told them that he doesn't want to get married.

Meanwhile, the guests at the wedding hall were anxiously waiting for the wedding to continue. Later that night, the groom returned, but then, the bride refused to go ahead with the wedding. The waiters, realizing that the wedding will probably not take place, began to distribute the wedding meal to the remaining guests.

The groom began dancing with family and friends despite the fact that the bride locked herself in a room.
At around 1:00 am, Rabbi Moshe Shafran along with a government social worker arrived. They spoke with the parties. The wedding was officially canceled and the bride, groom and their families went home.

The bride and groom are followers of Eliezer Berland, a Breslov rabbi accused of sexually assaulting hundreds of girls. Berland fled Israel and is currently holding up in Morocco.

Muslim needs facial surgery after horse he tried having sex with kicks his head in.

When it comes to sex it seems Muslim men seem to live by the saying of "any port in a storm" and have no boundaries where they get it regardless of whether its morally or legally right.To their warped minds anything is fair game, consensual or by force, of legal age or under age, dead or alive,human or animal. The Muslim world is quite partial to a bit of bestiality.
 So I couldn't help but have a little chuckle to myself when i read this Spanish story. Turns out a North African Muslim immigrant in Almeria, Spain was feeling a bit frisky thought he would rape a horse. Having already been disturbed twice before by the farmer he must of hoped it was 3rd time lucky.
Just a shame the horse had other ideas than let some perverted muslim rape her. Kicking the sicko so hard in the face that he needed reconstructive surgery haha. As if the incident itself and being arrested wasnt bad enough for him. He now faces deportation. What a shame!!!!

A mare smashes him the face of a Moor in Almeria when he tried to rape her

Torre Cardenas hospital image center of the capital, where the Maghreb remains degenerate input.
A North African had to undergo emergency Torrecárdenas hospital after a horse to give him a kick in the face and the destrozase while trying to abuse her sexually. According to Diario de Almeria account, the events occurred in a private estate in the municipality of El Ejido.
Apparently not the first time the individual was served in the farm to be with animals, mainly mares. In fact, the owner of it surprised him twice, but not known to have filed a complaint.
Health officials confirmed that the wounded man entered the same day of the incident through the Emergency Unit and immediately underwent surgery in which surgeons had to reconstruct his face. He was part of the facial bones and multiple bruises parties. The blow caused her to haemorrhage ceased after it was treated at the hospital.
After discharge, a week ago, the individual left the Torrecárdenas Hospital and the Civil Guard has identified and located as it is in an irregular situation in the country. On completion of the arrest, the immigrant could be deported to their country for an offense against the Immigration Act.