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Showing posts with label yossi klein halevi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yossi klein halevi. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ami Magazine Dedicates 13 pages interviewing a Far-Leftist Israel Bashing Journalist

 In Ami's Feb 12 edition, Yitzy "the dunce" Frankfurter interviewed a former JDL member turned Far-leftist, Yossi Klein Halevi, and dedicated 13 pages to this vile scum.

Yossi Klein Halevi hates Netanyahu and is in favor of returning most of Israel's settlements beyond the green line to Hamas! He despises the settlers, and when I say "settlements' I mean areas where over a half million Jews presently reside! 

We are talking about the entire Gush, Maalei Adumim, Chevron, and East Jerusalem. East Jerusalem includes the entire Old City which includes the Kotel! If it was up to Halevi, Israel would give back the Kotel, Mearas Hamachpeilah, and Kever Rachel! 

To give you an idea of what I am talking about, I live in Beit Shemesh, Beit Shemesh is a 15-minute drive to the Gush! If Israel would G-d forbid return the Gush, Beit Shemesh would now be the border to a Palestinian State! 

Halevi lives in Yerushlayim, and when I asked him once when I was responding to his vile column in The Times of Israel against the settlements if he would give up his home to the Palestinians, after all, Palestinians consider his home "occupied" as well, he didn't respond! 

For Ami readers who don't have any idea who this Halevi is and what he stands for, Frankfurter, the "goilim" continued the interview even after he realized that Halevi was setting him up with his subtle niceties. Frankfurter should have never printed this garbage, but Yitzy is either not the sharpest blade in the drawer as I long ago suspected, or he printed the interview because Frankfurter himself "a Satmar tuchislekker" wanted to push this twisted agenda! 

Halevi also despises Trump and that comes through reading the interview! In addition, Halevi is  against Court Reform and is in favor of keeping these far-leftist self-appointed Judges on the Supreme Court!  Don't forget it was the huge Far-leftist protests against Court Reforms that encouraged Hamas to invade Israel on October 7! Halevi supported and supports those protests! 

In the magazine, Frankfurter posts a photo of Halevi with a Kipot, let me tell you guys that Halavie hardly ever wears a kipot even while living in Israel, I have seen him at conferences and have never ever seen him with a kipot. To place a photo of Haleivi with a kipot is either mocking his readers or trying to deceive them!

I see that in the "Letters of the Editor" in the Feb 19 edition a reader by the name of Aryeh Blum calls out Haleivi stating that "Halevi's criticism of Trump's Gaza plan is that he is basing it on all the tired old canards and lies, while Trump sees things as they are." 

You would think that in the midst of a war where Jewish Children are still dying, The Frank, would have some "seichal" and keep his dumb twisted ideas out of his magazine and stop interviewing haters of Netanyahu, Trump, and Israel! No such Luck! 

Happy Purim! 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Times of Israel Blogger Yossi Klein Halevi Keeps Lying about Judicial Reform

A trinity of respected names on the Left:

 Matti Friedman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Daniel Gordis, penned a blog post in the Times of Israel imploring Diaspora Jews to “support Israel” by joining the fight against the “judicial revolution” and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s democratically elected government.

They invited Diaspora Jews to learn more about the far Left’s narrative against the government in a Zoom seminar hosted by a TOI deputy editor, which will host leaders of the protests.

We do not expect much critical pushback against the leftwing narrative from that unbalanced panel. Nor is this the first time this unholy trinity of the left has called on Diaspora Jews to interfere and save the Left from the results of Israel’s democratic election.

They question the legitimacy of the vote and the electoral system which didn’t yield the results they wanted.

The Right Won the Popular Vote