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Showing posts with label the yesivah world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the yesivah world. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Yeshiva World Blog Has the Exclusive on A Story That Never Happened!

First they put their watermark on pictures that are not theirs ..... 

Just yesterday they featured a video from a terrorist attack in Israel that had their Logo all over it ... it was a u-tube video that any shmoiger could download, but they stole it and made it look like  Yeshivah World has reporters in the field, and that their reporters  shot the video !

 Last night because it was  slow news night, they fabricated  a story that the Erlauer Rebbe Shlitah, died, (Chas Ve'sholom,)  and had an instant obituary, all because they so crave the "exclusive"...
it was crucial for them to beat the Satmar Blog VIN to the punch!

If I was a family member of the Erlauer Rebbe, I would make sure that no one gets near his IV tube ...I wouldn't put anything thing past these news hounds!

They must have written his obituary years ago, ...waiting for the Rebbe to die ..... because they were ready for it and posted it within seconds of the imaginary death ...

I'm wondering how many obituaries they have on Gedoilim that are still breathing? 
But the good Rebbe defied the editors of the Yeshiva World and he is B'H still alive!
I'm wondering what their Poisek, Rabbi Yair Hoffman has to say about having Obituaries ready in case they die!

After they posted the story 1:00AM .... they pulled it down 45 minutes later ....