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Showing posts with label The Yeshiva World Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Yeshiva World Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Yeshiva World Blog Has the Exclusive on A Story That Never Happened!

First they put their watermark on pictures that are not theirs ..... 

Just yesterday they featured a video from a terrorist attack in Israel that had their Logo all over it ... it was a u-tube video that any shmoiger could download, but they stole it and made it look like  Yeshivah World has reporters in the field, and that their reporters  shot the video !

 Last night because it was  slow news night, they fabricated  a story that the Erlauer Rebbe Shlitah, died, (Chas Ve'sholom,)  and had an instant obituary, all because they so crave the "exclusive"...
it was crucial for them to beat the Satmar Blog VIN to the punch!

If I was a family member of the Erlauer Rebbe, I would make sure that no one gets near his IV tube ...I wouldn't put anything thing past these news hounds!

They must have written his obituary years ago, ...waiting for the Rebbe to die ..... because they were ready for it and posted it within seconds of the imaginary death ...

I'm wondering how many obituaries they have on Gedoilim that are still breathing? 
But the good Rebbe defied the editors of the Yeshiva World and he is B'H still alive!
I'm wondering what their Poisek, Rabbi Yair Hoffman has to say about having Obituaries ready in case they die!

After they posted the story 1:00AM .... they pulled it down 45 minutes later .... 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Yeshivaworld.com writes an Op-Ed, asking why we don't let Arabs know that we are also Anti-Israel!

The Yeshivashe World is getting crazier by the second.

They own a News Blog called Theyeshivaworld.com, and in that blog they print an Op-Ed and ask:
"where are we? What are we doing to let the Arab world know that we are not pro-Israel? Good, the Neturei Karta of Yisroel Dovid Weiss is fake and wrong, but where is the real Neturei Karta? We, the frum Jews of the world, know that it was not our idea to make a state, fight wars against the Arabs or arouse their anger. We are peaceful people. But how are the Arabs going to know that if we don’t find some way to tell them?"

We are not "pro-Israel"? We send our kids to learn Torah in their institutions, and have their children put their lives on the line to protect our bochrim ... and we are not "pro-Israel?

Yeshiva world states:
"We, the frum Jews of the world, know that it was not our idea to make a state, fight wars against the Arabs or arouse their anger. We are peaceful people."

Its not "our idea...to fight wars against the Arabs?
What a stupid ignorant comment. The Israelis want war with the Arabs? They want their children to die?
Doesn't the Torah write "Habo Lehorgach" If someone wants to kill you, kill him first?
Arabs killed us before there was a State... did you forget about the pogrom that murdered yeshiva students in Chevron in 1929 almost 20 years before the state?
Here is the whole stupid and crazy article:

The latest episode in so-called Neturei Karta’s history of meeting with and marching alongside the enemies of the State of Israel – their participation in the March to Jerusalem from Jordan and Palestinian Land Day commemoration in Lebanon – must give us pause for reflection.
Of course, it is reprehensible to show support for terrorism of any variety, or to honor the memory of a terrorist with blood on his hands. But I wish to carry the criticism of this fringe group a step further. One of their stated purposes is to soften the Arabs anger at Jews by showing them that at least some Jews, in particular Orthodox Jews, oppose Zionism and the State of Israel. By claiming to represent us all, they aim to save us all from a would-be attacker. My question is: just how do they expect to succeed in this mission, when every action they take elicits condemnation from just about the entire Orthodox Jewish world? Do they think the Arabs will really believe that they represent anyone but themselves?
If these people are really serious about their goal, they must stop acting on their own, and seek out support from the Gedolei Hador for everything they do. If Gedolim tell them that their current approach is wrong, then they must follow the Gedolims guidelines for the right way to get the message out. As long as they don’t do that, they are doing more harm than good, because the picture of four Jews joining an Arab march while the rest of the Jewish people condemns them is enough to convince anyone that almost all Jews are pro-Israel.
Which brings me to my question for the larger frum Jewish world: where are we? What are we doing to let the Arab world know that we are not pro-Israel? Good, the Neturei Karta of Yisroel Dovid Weiss is fake and wrong, but where is the real Neturei Karta? We, the frum Jews of the world, know that it was not our idea to make a state, fight wars against the Arabs or arouse their anger. We are peaceful people. But how are the Arabs going to know that if we don’t find some way to tell them?
Yesterday, Rav Nochum Weissfish was attacked by an Arab youth with an axe as he walked in the streets of Yerushalayim. Two weeks ago, a rabbi and three Jewish schoolchildren were murdered in France. The perpetrators were evil murderers, but anyone with common sense knows that when there are murderers walking around, you have to make sure not to get caught in the crossfire. You have to distinguish yourself clearly from those whom the murderers hate. These innocent Jews could have been any of us. To a terrorist, we all look the same. What are we doing to address this problem? Where are we?