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Showing posts with label tamar ariel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tamar ariel. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hiker describes how Frum girl IAF Pilot died in Blizzard in Nepal

Tamar Ariel A"H

An Israeli backpacker that survived a snowstorm on the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal almost a week ago recalls the loss of three Israeli hikers and their fight to survive.
Eitan Idan was one of the Israeli survivors of the storm, which took the lives of Nadav Shoham, Tamar Ariel, Agam Luria and Michal Cherkasky, reports the Times of Israel (http://bit.ly/1oq2B61 ).

Idan said Ariel, 25, and the first female Orthodox combat navigator in the Israeli Air Force, was exhausted by helping other hikers and reached the point where she could not walk. Shoham helped Ariel by picking her up as she fell over and over again into the snow.
“I remember that Nadav didn’t stop; he kept on catching her. She fell, and he caught her, and she fell, and I’m helping him from the front, and you reach a point where you closely follow the person clearing the snow from the path so as not to waste your own strength clearing it,” said Idan.
The group of Israeli hikers were following a French group of backpackers who had a GPS unit, however, because of Ariel’s exhaustion, they were not able to keep up with them and soon lost site of the group.
Idan said he made the decision to leave Ariel because he knew they wouldn’t be able to continue with her. In that moment, Idan said, “it was clear to me that if we stay, we die.”
He recalled Ariel’s strength in trying to keep moving forward even through severe exhaustion.
“The whole time it was difficult for her, and she fought and even pressed on,” he said, “far more than any other person would have continued, which revealed her strength.”
Idan and another hiker, Shani, made it through the night, but Shoham had frozen to death overnight.
Approximately 40 people hikers, including those from Canada, India, Israel, Slovakia, Poland and Japan, died in the blizzards in the Himalayas last week. Nepalese officials rescued 407 people total, 226 of them foreigners.
Information taken from Times of Israel

Sunday, October 19, 2014

'She Flew Jets, Rode Motorbikes – but Died on a Hike' ....Frum IAF Girl Pilot

Captain Tamar Ariel A"H
Anat Ariel, whose daughter, Captain Tamar Ariel z”l, was killed in an avalanche in Nepal's Annapurna Ridge last week, said that she had not worried when Tamar went on the trip, because she knew her daughter was a very responsible person.

"I was not worried on her trip to Nepal,” she told IDF Radio “The trip was planned down to the last minute and I trusted her and G-d. This is her fate; G-d wanted her. She flew jets, rode on motorcycles, yet she departed from us on a hike through picturesque scenery, of all things.”

"The circumstances do not matter to us,” the mother insisted. “As a family with faith, we know that the deposit has been reclaimed – this amazing girl – and that is all.”

Tamar took part in Operation Protective Edge, Anat said, “and did her job in the most professional way possible.” She was a person who touched and made all those around her better people, she said. “We have an amazing and perfect family, with a missing piece. We will not stop living and being happy, remembering her and missing her.”

The casket bearing the remains of Tamar, 
the IAF's first religious female navigator, 
will arrive in Ben Gurion Airport Monday evening, and the funeral will take place Tuesday.

Seven of the Israelis who were hurt in the avalanche arrived in Israel Saturday night. They were taken by Magen David Adom ambulances to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer and Hadassah Ein Karem in Jerusalem, and are suffering from frostbite, mostly in the extremities.

As of Monday morning, the total of deaths in the catastrophe is 43. Dozens of hikers are still missing, among them one Israeli woman, Michal Gili Cherkesky of Givatayim.

The government of Nepal announced Sunday that it had called off the search for the people who went missing in the avalanche. However, Israeli crews are still looking for Michal Gili Cherkesky.

Michal's family has received eyewitness accounts according to which she was stranded at an altitude of over 5,000 meters (15,000 feet).