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Showing posts with label nuclear deal iran schumer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuclear deal iran schumer. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Iran is a threat to the US & Israel, and Senator Schumer is busy with "long trucks on the highway"?

He is a Jew and represents the second largest Jewish population in the world. Iran is threatening to wipe Israel off the map, and what does this "yolt" do? 

Nothing .... Nada! He has no time for his fellow Jews, he  is busy fighting legislation that would allow large trucks on US highways.

So who voted him in to "represent" us? 
Yes.... you guessed it ... 
the "Heimishe" Gedoilim... who don't care about the USA and don't care about Israel! 
All they care about is how many $$$$ Schumer can bring into the "Heiligeh" Mosdos!

So now that Obama is on a slippery slope to destroy the USA and Israel, Schumer who should be screaming from the Capital rooftop has suddenly lost his voice!

Someone should tell Schumer what Mordechai told Esther:
"For if you persist in keeping silent at a time like this, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from some other place, while you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether it was just for such a time as this that you attained the royal position." (Esther 3, 14)

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer says he’ll fight legislation that would allow longer trailer trucks on the nation’s highways. 
The Democrat said Wednesday that a provision in a Senate transportation bill would authorize twin 33-foot trailers. Current rules allow for trucks to pull two trailers that are each 28 feet long.

Schumer says that when the length of the cab is factored in,the longer trucks could stretch to 84 feet. He says trucks the size of an eight-story building have no place on highways because they would present a “tremendous” safety risk and place too much weight on bridges and roads.Shipping companies support the larger trucks, saying they would allow them to move goods more efficiently around the country.