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Showing posts with label medrish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medrish. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Midrash "Pliah"

Translation for my English Speaking audience,

In reference to the Akidah:
Says the Midrash.... (Hashem told Avraham) "Take your son"
Avraham asks G-D: " I have 2 sons"
Hashem answers him: "Your favorite one"
Avraham answers G-D: "but I have two favorite ones"
Hashem answers him: "Yitzchok"

Says Rav Kahana:
"Look ... at the Jews ...constantly asking questions, If Avraham would have only taken Yishmoel and slaughtered him ...we would have avoided all that grief"

***Disclaimer: The above is a spoof ... but true :)