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Showing posts with label france satmar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label france satmar. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2016

French leader calls for ban on Jews wearing kipa in public! Satmar Encourages Jews to remain in France!

Far Right: French National Front leader Marine Le Pen has called for a ban on Jewish headgear

Just this past week, all the Satmar weeklies were chastising the Zionist State of Israel, because they were reasonably encouraging French Jews to make Aliyah! 

All, and I mean ALL European countries are soaked with Jewish blood, yet the Satmars have learned nothing from past history, trusting the Christians and the Muslims to be kind to the Jews, and are busy re-writing history, writing lies that the Arabs lived peacefully with the Jews until the Zionists came .... 
One just opens the Rambam's Iggeres Teiman to see that Satmar History is a distortion of the truth!

Now these crazed anti-Zionists are telling French Jews to stay put in France.....
and are totally fabricating stories about what they call "Yaldei Tzarfat" the children of France!
They are telling the naive sheep that the Zionists are taking French children and are making them into chilonim....
What crazy stuff????

Hey Satmar? Are those children orphans???? They don't have parents?

Aren't the parents of these children sending them to those Chilonei institutions?

Is Satmar telling us that the parents are Chareidim and sending them to Israel without any supervision, and the Zionist are grabbing them at Ben Gurion Airport and shipping them to chilonie schools???

How sick are these Satmars.... and now they grabbed R' Markiel Kotler to help them fund raise for this fraudulent endeavor!
I say it's a fund raising gimmick!

If they are really sincere, open up schools like the ones R' Aron Kotler did, ala Chinuch Atzmaie and ask the parents if they would agree for their children to attend....
but no .....another propaganda gimmick against the Zionists!
Mesheegeh Umetoreh!

Far right politician Marine Le Pen has caused outrage across France by calling for the banning of the Jewish skullcap in public.

The leader of National Front won a fifth of the popular vote during the first round of May’s presidential election on a largely anti-Muslim immigration agenda.

Now in an interview she has called not just for a ban on the wearing of Islamic veils in public, but also the kippah – leading to France’s most senior Rabbi to describe her view as ‘deeply deplorable’.

Her inflammatory words come at a time of heightened tensions caused by a Paris satirical magazine’s decision to publish a series of cartoons mocking both Islam and Judaism.
One of the images in Charlie Hebdo shows a Prophet Mohammed character being pushed around in a wheelchair by a Rabbi.

Ms Le Pen told Le Monde that all religious headwear should be banned ‘in shops, on public transport and on the streets’.

‘It’s obvious that if the veil is banned, the kippah should be banned in public as well,’ she said. The French parliament passed a ban on full-face coverings, including the Islamic veil in 2010 and the law came into force last year. 

Miss Le Pen, whose infamous father Jean-Marie Le Pen is a convicted racist and anti-Semite, also called for a ban on public prayers.

And she said kosher and halal foods should be outlawed in schools, along with foreign governments being allowed to pay for mosques.