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Showing posts with label ezra friedlander wants money for yeshivas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ezra friedlander wants money for yeshivas. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ezra Friedlander Back to His Lies ......

How Ezra "Lisker Ligner" Friedlander gets a forum to write to frum Jews is mind boggling...
He managed to get on VIN, TheYeshivahworld and Matzav with his foolish and childish "opinion"

This two timing fool wrote an opinion piece , titled: 
Our Community Is Powerless: Here’s Why in "VosIzNies" yesterday, urging heimishe yeedin to register to vote for DemocRATS! ......

This "kapo"who is on Nadler's payroll, and who actually urged Brooklyn Jews to vote for Hillary, Schumer, De'Blasio and Cuomo writes:
"For those who are frustrated and don’t understand why our community is not being heard, I have a simple solution. Start voting."
This is the same guy that just three months ago dragged that Fat Jewish mamzer, Nadler, to the Munkatcher Rebbe ....

This fleabag is asking those Jews registered as Republicans to register as DemocRATS! ... Why?
"By registering as Republicans we have essentially opted out of the system. We may be making a statement or standing on principal but in the end we have abdicated our voice in the conversation"

He wants Jews with Torah Values to"abdicate" their Torah principals and vote for his clients, who are pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, and promote BLM values and are BDS supporters and who are actively trying unseat the best friend the Jews ever had...Donald Trump!! 
He writes:
"Look, I get it. As members of this community, we cherish our timeless values and traditions." 
Yes, Ezra, we "cherish our timeless values... Yes
but you want us to "abdicate" and vote for your clients ... who hate everything we stand for!

He tells the following story:
"Several months ago, I accompanied State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein as he stood outside a Boro Park shul requesting local residents to sign petitions that would allow our community candidates to appear on the ballot in the upcoming Democratic primary. It’s a simple petition but it’s significant because without the requisite signatures, our candidates would not be eligible to run for election. The only requirement is that those who sign must be registered as Democrats.
Shockingly, the response appalling. Many members of our community are reluctant to register as Democrats, and many are not registered at all. Of every five people that were approached, two were registered as Republicans, and two were not registered at all. That left just one out of five who were eligible to sign the petitions. This is deeply disturbing."
The only "disturbing" thing is that you don't get it...Frum Jews will never forget when you stabbed us all in the back and wrote an "Opinion piece" in the TheYeshivahWorld, that we should understand  FatNadler' your client, in his vote to support the murderous Iran Deal!  
Jews have finally taken their blinders off and see you as the liar that you are ... and that's why they will not listen to your filthy propaganda ...
They get it... you don't!
We are not fooled by your sidekick "Langeh Rekkel" Eichenstein ... he has zero experience on how to deal in the big leagues ... he is a political midget, an utter failure a huge "tuchis lekker" that couldn't convince a mouse to run from the cat chasing it ...stop lecturing us! 

These "langeh rekklich" want you to vote for a party that "booed" G-d on a DemocRAT convention...that have blatant anti-Semites in their midst... a party that is afraid to tell Tlaib, Omar and AOC where the hell to go.. a party that keeps threatening the State of Israel.... who want to defund police...who want the US to honor the Iran deal ...
why would a thinking Jew register for a party that honors anti-American, anti-Israel sickos....??

At the end of the day, Ezra did get all his candidates in .... that' what crazy with his headline ...
"Our Communities are powerless"
Why aren't YOUR candidates helping you ... why are you "powerless" .. aren't these the guys that you voted in ?... aren't these the the guys you shlepped and dragged to your rebbelich..?

The guys on the street that you met with Eichenstein aren't fooled by you anymore....... 
Go honor Sadat the one who murdered over 2,000 Jewish boys .... 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ezra Friedlander demands the City give Yeshivas $$$$$ with no oversight!

This Ezra Friedlander that stabbed Holocaust Survivors in the back, now wants Yeshivas to receive money even though  graduates of Yeshivah cannot read write or speak English  and cannot do simple arithmetic!

He admits that he himself cannot add, subtract and do simple division and never graduated High School. He admits that he cannot calculate a tip in a restaurant and claims that he functions in society.  
He seriously believes  that all Yeshivah graduates go into a field of "Tuchas Lekking" politicians, as he did with Fat Nadler who supported a bill to hand Nuclear weapons to Iran, a country that vowed to annihilate the State of Israel! 
 This business of "Tuches Lekking" requires minimal education and there is no need for arithmetic in that field!

My wife is a teacher in a boys school in Monsey and says teaching in Yeshivas is like walking into an active war zone. 
The kids have no respect for English teachers.