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Showing posts with label ahmed Mohammed Taxi driver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ahmed Mohammed Taxi driver. Show all posts

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cab driver Ahmed Mohammed. Taxi med: 6N76 Allegedly Harassing Jewish Passengers

    The following story just posted on Facebook 
    by Baila Sebrow

    "I was picked up by a cab. As he started driving, he turns around and asks, "are you Jewish?" I responded, "yes."
    He started screaming "all Jews must die." He then drove like crazy. I was terrified and began to scream. He then turned around and took me back where he picked me up from. Not to my destination.
    I got out and he started following me, making shooting signals with his fingers and taking pictures of me. He then said, "pay me...."
    I said, "for what?"

    At that point I was in a safe place and called the police. It took a long time. They came.

    This is the astonishing part:
    The police were nasty. They claimed it was hearsay and told the driver to charge me while I was even waiting for the police! I objected. 

    The officer said if I don't pay, she will arrest me!
    If in New York City please be aware: Taxi Med: 6N76
    Middle Eastern Driver. His name is Ahmed Mohammed
    Company Name: