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Showing posts with label Zev Brenner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zev Brenner. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Moshe Stern "der chusid shoiteh" Bringing everyone down with him

Image result for moshe stern citi
Stern ripped off Citigroup for some 125 million dollars and was facing 455 years in prison, so he started singing like a canary and brought down the entire chassidishi community including Zev Brenner! 
So now that he is talking, he will only face 100 years in prison!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Yoisef Mizrachi will defend his asinine Holocaust Comments on Zev Brenner Show

Rumor has it that this Motzei Shabbos on the Zev Brenner Radio Show, Mr. Mizrachi will try to answer and defend his revisionist views on the Holocaust!

It's important to call the show and let him know that
 "Lo Zu Haderech" 
Let him know that he is a "Baal Loshon Harah" and that he should go back to a frum yeshivah to learn the basics...

Yossie was born to Chilonie parents and never had a proper frum Yeshiva Education and now pretends to be a "rabbi" and shoots his filthy mouth off about topics he has no clue on!

He is also obsessed searching for photos of dead nude non-frum Jewish women that were murdered by the Nazis, claiming that they "posed nude for the Nazis, knowing full well that they would be murdered minutes later"

This is a "rabbi" 

His claim that less than 1 million Halachicly Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis was strongly condemned by the Novominsker Rebbe, the head of the Moetzes Gedoilie Yisroel!

Call the Zev Brenner Show! 
(212) 769-1925
email your questions directly to  Zev Brenner


Sat night- midnight – 3 AM
WJPR 1640 AM -  Highland Park & Edison NJ
Mon-Thurs 8-9 PM
WSNR 620 AM Metro NY
WJPR 1640 AM -  Highland Park & Edison NJ

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Michael Sussman, Lawyer for Chaim Aaron Rottenberg, Says Rebbi Responsible for Violence

Michael Sussman

Michael Sussman in an interview with Zev Brenner, on Talkline, Saturday night, accused the Skverer Rebbi of having personal knowledge and having given approval of the violence perpetrated against Mr. Chaim Aaron Rottenberg. Mr. Sussman, the lawyer retained by the Rottenberg Family asked the District Attorney of the United States, Eric Holder to look into these accusations.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rabbi Handler on Zev Brenner Show Calls Rabbis of Monsey "lightweights"

William Handler
Zev Brenner
Rabbi William Handler Spokesman of the Vaad Harabonim of Monsey told the world on the Zev Brenner Radio Show on Motzei Shabbos February 6, 2011, that Rabbi & Posek Ben Zion Wosner Shlitah ( Head of the Shevet Levi Rabbinical Court in Monseyand Rabbi & Posek Yecheskel Gold Shlitah, Satmar Dayan, and Rabbi Leibish Rottenberg shlitah of Forshey, are "lightweights!" He then called Rabbi Rottenberg a "Rebbele with a Shteebel"
(Harav Chaim Leibish Rottenberg Shlita, is the Mora d'asra of Beis Hamedrash Netzach Yisroel of Monsey, and is a renowned scholar and posek of Bikur Cholim and Hatzalah)
This Handler guy had no problem being Mevazeh Talmedei Chachomim (ridiculing Torah Scholars) to thousands of listeners, while accusing others of the same. He insulted Harav Blau Shlitah, (Rosh Yeshiva Yitzchok Elchonon) who appeared on last week's panel on the Zev Brenner show. He had the "chutzpah" to lecture us about having respect for Gedolim and "Koved Hatorah."

This is in reference to Weingarten, the convicted Rapist. The above mentioned prominent Rabbonim of Monsey convicted Yisroel Moshe Weingarten in a Bais Din ... 
Handler in effect said that the Rabbonim that investigated the case and questioned the victims and witnesses are not Daas Torah, but only his  Rabbonim that never investigated and never questioned any witnesses and who are backing the convicted Rapist are Daas Torah!
 He then read a typed letter that clames that Weingarten is innocent and that letter was allegedly signed by Rabbi Kreisworth Z"L of Antwerp. Rav Kreisworth has long since died and no one can question Rav Kreisworth whether he in fact signed the letter and if he actually met with any of the victims (he didn't). The other signatures were signed in different ink and added later on so there is no way to ascertain whether any of the other signers had any knowledge if R' Kreisworth actually signed the typed letter, some "yukel" could have forged R' Kreisworth's signature... we will never know. Another signer Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss of Badatz Yerushalayim is the same Rabbi who enthusiastically supported the trend of religious women walking around covered head-to-toe in black clothes

R' Weiss also supported the haredi mother who starved her own child, leading to months of haredi riots against Hadassah Hospital. He supported Yisroel Valis who murdered his own handicapped child. And now he currently supports convicted child rapist Israel Weingarten.
Handler accused the trial of being fixed and claimed that some Satmar guy from Monroe by the name of "Witroel" influenced Judge Gleason. He said that he saw "Witroel leave Judge Gleason's chamber" but then in the same interview he says that he never attended the trial! One of the children of Weingarten called in and said a Satmar Guy by the name of Lefkowitz did him in. Let's blame everybody but Weingarten.

Turns out that the Monsey Rabbonim put up a guy by the name of Handler to be their spokesman, who never met Weingarten, never met any of the witnesses and admitted on live radio that he doesn't know anything about the case; mocked Gedolei Yisroel and poskim like R'  Wosner, R' Rottenberg, Rabbi Gold and Rabbi Blau!
 Handler said that in "America every body can be a Rabbi," but when Mark Meyer Appel called him "Mr. Handler," he immediately corrected him and said that he was a "Rabbi."
It is people like Handler that cause people to have zero respect for our Gedolim. 
He called Rabbonim and noted Poskim who don't agree with him "lightweights"and "Yechidim."
 Handler (a heavyweight physically) himself is a rabid Anti-Zionist; an extremist in his views and dismisses  the greatest of our Rabbinic leaders,  the Gerer Rebbe, The Belzer Rebbi, the Vishnitzer Rebbi, the Kloisenberger Rebbi  and the Lubavitcher Rabbi, who all supported Israel.  Handler prays every single day for the demise of the State of Israel, knowing full well that this would cause G-D forbid the annihalation of millions of his brethren.
 He once protested in front of the house of The Great Tzaddik the Bobover Rebbe, Reb Shlomo Z"l, when the Rebbe met with the then Mayor of New York, Ed Koch! 
 He supports "Daas Torah" only when it coincides with his twisted way of thinking, and this is their spokesman.

Shame on you Handler!!

http://talklinecommunications.com/index.htm#Zev Brenner Show