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Showing posts with label Victtoria Dwek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victtoria Dwek. Show all posts

Sunday, August 2, 2020

How A Boro-Park Rebbetzin is Encouraging Young Families to Move To Florida Instead of Eretz Yisrael

In the “living Section” of last week’s Ami Magazine, there was an article featuring Rebbetzin Malka Taussig, wife of the Rav of Beled, under the heading
 “Escaping New York.”

The article written by Victoria Dwek, touted the Rebbetzin’s great work on luring young Chassidishe families to Tampa Florida where a new development, which will  accommodate 2,500 homes…is being built.

Reading the article, on Shabbos Nachmu, I was astonished and disturbed to learn how leaders of the Chassidishe Communities in the year 2020, the year of Covid-19, are still excited and proud of the fact that they will lure thousands of frum  souls from Boro-Park, Williamsburg, Monroe, Monsey and Lakewood and move them to another state in Chutz-Le’aaretz…

When asked how quickly this project will come to fruition, she enthusiastically said,”in the fall,” and like the Tzadikis that she is, she compared this to the building of the "Third Bais Hamikdash" :

“I told my husband, we learn that the third Beis Hamikdash will come down in one piece, but we truly began to understand how that could be, when we saw this big map of the area, with all their homes and a place for the school and community facilities, already planned and waiting for us.”

Barf! ........Barf! 

She "learned" how the “Third Bais Hamikdash will be built” from a building project in Tampa Florida! 

Mrs. Dwek writes why the Beleder Rebbetzin chose Florida:

“Let’s move to a red state. Red states are those where Republicans lead the state governments. Taxes tend to be lower in many of those states, regulations tend to be more business-friendly, and the environment is also usually friendlier towards religious groups and their needs" 

But listen carefully to the holy words from the lips of the “tzneesdeki” “shpitzel” wearing Rebbitzen:

“They are dismantling police departments in bits and pieces and taking away the authority of what policemen can do at a crime scene. It’s dangerous. They’ve allowed business to be destroyed. People are afraid to go into Manhattan. Store windows were broken, pogrom-style, and the mayor condones it. When riots broke out, red states did not tolerate looting like blue states did.”
“For it to come to a situation where Agudah couldn’t influence Cuomo to open camps… we know that it had nothing to do with coronavirus.”


“A lot of people live their lives pretending that this isn’t happening around us. We pretend not to be bothered by it. But we don’t know where it will end.”

Listen and weep at her blasphemous words, shlepping Hashem, into her treacherous scheme.

“When I saw how things began to unfold, it almost didn’t make sense. I saw so much Hashgacha Pratis every step of the way.”
And added …
“We know that uprooting is not simple, But, be’ezras Hashem, everyone who comes down there should be able to call it a success story.” “It’s a zechus that I am able to organize this. I see how excited people are about it. They feel like they’ve being liberated.” We’re still in galus, but at least we’ll be able to ride the galus in a better place.

She calls herself the “Beled Rebbetzin” … 
Question: where is Beled?
No not the one Boro-Park……
I'm talking about the City of Beled in Europe….?
How “excited” were her ancestors when they first moved to Beled centuries ago?
I'm sure they also  “felt liberated!”
Didn't they feel then when they first immigrated to the Shtetel Beled that Beled would be a "safe place" and that they would “be able to ride the galus in this better place, Beled?”
I'll bet they did, they had the same and if not more the enthusiasm as their "Tampa" descendants..

How many Jews still live in Beled? 
Better yet…. How many Jews from Beled were murdered? How many survived?
Where is the shul in Beled… is it now a stable where horses crap, or was it totally destroyed?

Nowhere in the entire eight pages dedicated to this Rebbetzin with her grand altruistic ideas, is the word Eretz Yisrael mentioned … No where !
Not even in an apologetic way..not even saying with "regret"…
 “I wish we could go to Eretz Yisrael”…. Nope . It  never crossed her mind …. 
She sure wasn’t from the daughters of Tzlafchad, that desired a piece of land in Eretz Yisrael..

Ironically, this article appeared when the entire Jewish world  read Parshas Ve’eschanan, where the Torah describes how Moshe Rabbeinue  pleads to Hashem begging to enter Eretz Yisrael and the Medrish states that Moshe told Hashem, that if he couldn't enter Eretz Yisrael as a human being then he was prepared to enter Eretz Yisrael as a small animal..
Can you imagine?

Have we learned nothing from Jewish History? 
Have we given 5 minutes of thought of why Hashem sent this virus?
Why Hashem closed our Moisdois Ha’Torah, Our Batei Midrashim, our parnassah, our Weddings, Bar-Mitzvas etc etc…

How quickly have we we sunk into the “tumedika”mentality way of thinking, of trying to find a safe haven in a world where all countries .... all ...want to kill us... no ..not deport us.. ... but kill us ..

“Oh … let’s go to a red state” …. How insane is this remark?

How is it.... that a Chassidishe Rebbetzin, and I presume  that she is very "te'mimisdik", doesn't have any yearning in the very recesses of her heart to return to her ancestral homeland, a country that is ready and able to welcome her and the 500 hundred families that she is encouraging to uproot to another state? The year is 2020, one need not be a pioneer any longer.
There is no indication in the entire interview that Eretz Yisrael is in any way related to her and her saintly husband the Rav of Beled. None! 

How is it that Chareidie girls from Chareidie moisdois have no connection to Eretz Yisrael? None what-so-ever?
What sort of "chinuch" are they getting that they are not aware that they are in the diaspora and that they will never find peace in Chutz Le'aaretz?

What was she thinking when her tzaddik, her husband, shouted out by the Seder .."Leshana Habbah be'Yerushalyim" "next year in Jerusalem" ... was she laughing in her heart? 
or was she thinking "Leshana Habbah be'Tampa Florida?"

She is proud of her Chassidishe heritage ....  

Question: Is the founder of the movement, the Baal Shem Tov, looking down from Gan Eden and listening to this interview ..proud?

Did her grandparents from Beled daven so that their grandchild should be a leader of a group that is boasting and excited to shlep innocent sheep to graze in a land steeped in materialism... ? 

If her Beled ancestors could only speak to her... 
what do you think they would tell her?

Wouldn't they tell her .... 
"We also looked forward to living with goyim in peace.... we thought that we 'could ride out the galus' in this better place ... but we were slaughtered like pigs." "Don't do it! Don't do it for your sake and the sake of your grandchildren" There is nothing that Tampa could offer you ... there is no future there for Jewish people..." 

Did she even entertain the idea that any red state can turn blue in a matter of seconds ….?

How fast did the virus paralyze the entire world… how long did it take?
How long will it take for Florida to turn blue?

Shame on Victoria Dwek who is in awe of this misguided "Rebbitzen" 

And a Message to the Rebbetzin from DIN...
I searched for the town of Beled on a map and  couldn't find it....... 
I couldn't .....but  ....Hitler did find it.