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Showing posts with label Naftuli nick Moster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naftuli nick Moster. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Naftuli Nick Moster the Spokesman "For English Education in Yeshivois" says "Lay off the Woman's March."

This little naive shmoiger, the egotistical former Satmar (Belz?) Chusid, writes on his facebook page:

Why is it that when Satmar & Belz ODTs' leave the fold they take their anti-Zionist shit'ah with them????? Huh???

The hate against Israel is so ingrained into their psyche, that even though they hate their past, they cannot open their stopped up hearts' and find a place to love the only Jewish country in the entire world.

They call themselves "progressives" but the truth is that they are really "regressives," regressing into the bottomless pit of hate, and can longer distinguish between their Chassidishe background and Jews in general. And so they want to show the goyishe world, who hate them, that they are more goyish then they will ever be.

Doesn't this irrelevant ignoramus have any clue that the  leaders of the "Women's March" are antisemitic and embrace openly Farrakhan ym"s?

Can you imagine? ... 
To this Romanian Gypsy, Linda Sorsour and Farrakhan are just  a "few bad apples."

He shoots his childish silly mouth off without realizing that the founder of the movement the actress Alyssa Milano, is separating herself from her own movement saying that she "won't speak at the Women's March ....because ....of  the Anti-Semitism Controversy."

In his comments on his FB page ... the dummy Moster asks:

Oh ...you learned a few new words .... "privileged" ...  "falters" mazal tov on working on your vocabulary... now work on your "galitzyaner" accent!

His dumb and stupid comment illustrates that he is a dangerous fool !

"Tis better to remain silent and be judged a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt."

Someone just informed me that the "shmoiger" Nick,  is actually from Belz ....
Belz .... Shmelz ...... is just as anti-Israel as Satmar but they keep it under wraps .... makes it a lot worse .....
Let's not forget that the Belzer Rebbe and the Monroe Satmar Rebbe are brother-in-laws!