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Showing posts with label Hillary crazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary crazy. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hillary is sick .... is she also crazy?

Hillary Short Circuited

Recent news headlines tell a dire story:
  • “Trump’s descent into madness: 7 crazy, totally unhinged moments of the past 24 hours” (Raw Story)
  • “Donald Trump Just Gave His Most Unhinged Press Conference Yet” (Vanity Fair)
  • “‘Is Donald Trump plain crazy?’ Big-name writers now questioning GOP nominee’s sanity” (Yahoo News)
  • “Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?” (Washington Post)
  • “Trump’s Mental State Is Becoming a Campaign Talking Point” (NBC News)
Of course, not everyone in America agrees with the media, and if the polls are right, Trump remains within striking distance of Hillary Clinton.
But while everyone is discussing Trump’s sanity, what about Hillary’s?

Talk-radio titan Michael Savage finds it fascinating that the media would focus on Trump’s supposed craziness while failing to explore Hillary’s mental state.
“Very interesting, considering Obama is clearly a sociopathic liar,” Savage, author of “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder,” told WND. “Hillary is a sociopathic liar. Of course they would try to smear a man who built his own empire rather than stealing it from the taxpayers and foreign governments. Of course his mental state intrigues them given their own mental deficiencies and pathologies. To the coelenterates in the media, transsexual songs ring truer, Islamists do not exist and there is no terror, only a lack of jobs. So who is the sickest?”