Anti-Israel activists on Monday protested outside the Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah fair taking place in New Jersey.
The activists, including Frum Chareidim from the Satmar NK sect,who were holding Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flags, were chanting “From the River to the Sea, Palestine is almost free” and “Palestine will live forever”.
A group of Jewish people held a counter-protest, waving Israeli and American flags and speaking out against hatred.
“We can no longer remain silent. Things have to be done to change the landscape so that we’re able to come to have a peaceful event and not have to deal with that nonsense that’s going on,” said Jon Mantell, a New Jersey resident and Betar volunteer who took part in the counter-protest.
“Never again is now. Those are the chants that we’re singing. Listen to the vitriol and hatred that they’re saying. It’s simply unbelievable,” he added.
They need to be dropped off in Gaza or west bank and see what happens
Every Sunday in Toronto at the corner of Bathurst and Sheppard, there are competing demonstrations from 12-2 (yes, Canadians are so docile that they book times for demonstrations). On one side it's the Jewish protestors with Israeli flag, on the other side it's the Jew haters with their Arab flags and there's always a couple of NK guys with their little Arab scarves screaming with such hatred. Honestly, I hope these guys' wives become agunos.
Zeira Amolek. Shmutsika vilda chayos. Roidfim veRoitzchim.
There is a simple way to end these NK Amalecite beasts:
Uncover the corrupt cash they get from the criminal Teheran regime.
Do the NK men work for a living? If so, who are their employers?
As I wrote previously, satmer is opposed to NK , none of those NK animals ever stepped in to a satmer shull, they were not raised in satmer, please stop misleading your followers with misleading information,
YES satmer is opposed to the Israeli Govt but we never ever go with Arab רוצחים, every yid is a big צדיק
Mr weiss the biggest רשע ימ"ש
We hope he gets bomb out like all terrorist
You can write down what you want until the cows come home. NK were educated in Satmar Moisdois and there is no daylight between Satmar and NK, their entire theology is the Vayoel Moshe! They intermarry as well! Satmar "officially" denounces NK but that's like saying "Hezbollah is against Hamas"
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