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Monday, March 3, 2025

More Than Half Of American Jews Say They Rarely Or Never Daven


Very interesting! 

Way back in 1967 the Va'Yoel Moshe predicted that 20 years hence there wouldn't be any Moisdois Ha"torah in Israel because the Zionists would destroy all remnants of Torah! In fact, he wrote in his book "Al Hagilah" that there is no reason for Jews to move to Israel because there is no "Torah Future there" and issued a "Fatwa" for his followers around the world to stay in Chutz Le'aaretz and not make Aliyah! Read the Pew Research below and weep! 

The latest findings from the Pew Research Center confirm what any Yid could see with his own eyes: 

American Jews are more exiled from Hashem than ever before. In 2014, already a distressing 45% of Jewish adults admitted they seldom or never daven. But now the number has climbed to 58%, a staggering decline in personal connection to Hashem.

It gets worse. 

Fewer Jews in the U.S. even claim that religion is important in their lives. Jewish institutions—outside of the tzibbur of shomrei Torah u’mitzvos, of course—are in freefall, struggling to keep people engaged.They talk about a “surge” in Jewish identity because of the horrors of October 7th, but their solution has not been to turn to teshuvah. Sadly, they think a fleeting moment of solidarity is enough to replace what has sustained Klal Yisroel since Har Sinai.

To make matters even clearer, the Pew survey shows that Jews in America daven less than nearly every other religious group. Among Muslims, only 18% say they rarely or never pray. Among evangelicals, it’s a mere 7%. The only group lower than American Jews are those who follow the New Age movement, with is shtus and narishkeit by any standards.

Perhaps the most painful statistic of all: A growing number of Jews no longer identify with Yiddishkeit at all, except as some vague cultural inheritance. Half of those in this group actually identify as Christians—a horrifying sign of the continued assimilation that has plagued us for generations.


Anonymous said...

What page in Va'Yoel Moshe predicted that 20 years hence there wouldn't be any Moisdois Ha"torah in Israel because the Zionists would destroy all remnants of Torah? I want to see it inside.

Dusiznies said...

It's in the ......
קונטרס דבר ה
The booklet is a transcript of the Rebbe talking and it comes with an MP3
I believe it's in אות ה'
I am not home so I cannot look at it now!

Brisker Payois said...

Hey 2:31 DIN didn't say it's IN THE VAYOEL MOSHE he said that "the VaYoel Moshe said" and I know about this too as my grandfather used to tell us this prediction and would laugh on how crazed the anti-Zionist rebbes were!

Satmar 101 said...

I have the kuntres in my hand and it didn't take me long to find what the Rebbe z"l actually said. It's on Daf Yud Bais
Ois Gimmel

ח"ו א פאר יאהר אז ס'וועט דויערן וועט מען נישט קענען ממילא א יוד וואינען אין ארץ
The rebbe continues talking about the Mosdois
"מעביר צו זיין אינגאנצן די תלמוד תורה'ס מיט אלעס, אלעס האבן זיי שוין אנגערייט, נישט נאר וואס זיי ווין מאכן נאר זיי האבן שוין געמאכט"

The holy rebbe made these remarks on Parshas Shlach 1967 on Shalosh Seudis 58 years ago

I will translate this for those who are challenged with Yiddish

"it won't take very long when a religious Jew won't be able to live in Israel"
" as they (the Zionists) are planning to remove "Talmud Toras, not that they are planning they are already doing it"

Not one word came to fruition as the Charedie World has multiplied over 1,000 % and there are more Moisdois Hatorah in Israel than anywhere on the planet! What is hilarious is that the rebbes very own khilah in Israel is one of the largest and not even 1% of them lived in the USA, as Satmars do not make Aliyah, it's only from those who already lived there to begin with!
Why Satmar would publish these remarks that turned out to be patently false is beyond my understanding! But I'll bet anyone reading this Kuntres is no longer a Satmar supporter!

Garnel Ironheart said...

People say this but consider:
50 years ago, Rav Norman Lamm got in trouble for saying "In two generations, there won't be any non-frum Jews left because they're all intermarrying and their grandchildren won't be Jewish." And then Aish with their Discovery Seminar started using that line. In 2 generations, only the frum will be left.
Well 2 generations ago, the frum were 10% of the Jewish population in Israel and American. Today it's 15% in Israel and still 10% in America. Why?
Because the OTD numbers are huge and that's what's supplying the non-frum numbers. Each generation, the OTD's replenish what assimilation stole.