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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Chreidim in Beit Shemesh Continue their "minhag" of not paying Bus Fare Causing Huge Chilul Hashem

*Chillul Hashem on Bus Line 618*

A resident of the city, who witnessed the incident, writes to us:

This evening, an inspector boarded bus line 618 for a routine check and quickly discovered that a significant number of passengers had chosen not to pay.
The inspector asked the passengers to pay as required by law and Halacha.
The passengers refused his request, prompting him to ask the driver to stop the ride until a police officer arrived to assist in validating the unpaid fares.

Some passengers stood up and asked those who hadn't paid to validate their tickets in order to avoid delaying everyone who was in a hurry at the end of the day and to prevent a terrible Chillul Hashem. Unfortunately, their pleas were ignored.

*Who will compensate us for the wasted time caused by those who didn't pay?*
*Who will make up for this unnecessary Chillul Hashem?* 


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