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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Naomi Babad Was a Rosh Kollel Now a Rebbetzin


Anonymous said...

He/she obviously relied on Ayatollah Khomeini's psak

Giraffe said...

I always found it strange that religions tolerate trans more than gays. Or at least used to tolerate them more, seeing trans more like nebach cases back in the day.

Anonymous said...

Before I checked, I just knew he used to be chasidish, sure enough, yup.

Anonymous said...

I think these people have a hard enough life without pissing on them for your entertainment.

Dusiznies said...

Hey Mr. "pissing," Babad is the one who went on nationwide TV, I'm just posting the interview.Actually She-He says that her life is now great!

Uriah’s Wife said...

Sometimes there is a real medical condition called gender dysphoria.
Not the goofballs who feel motivated to attempt to change their sex because they have some amorphous inclination that they’re body and minds aren’t on he same page and shaped by crackpot influencers to whom they’ve becomed enamored.
I think this lady’s transformation fits that medical clinical description. If she’ll truly be happy with the after-effect, I’m happy for her.

Anonymous said...

Hey dummy forsure he’s saying life’s great he’s in pain he wants attention it’s a big nebach

Cohen Y said...

Only if they don't seem to commit a homo*** act.
In Judaism you are- what you are born.Were you to try to be something else now you incur upon yourself every stringency of both- your previous erstwhile & also coveted out of reach gender. Shavyei anafshei chaticha d'isura

Anonymous said...

All sinners will-during the rebellion stage

Anonymous said...

Cannibals also have intrinsic satisfaction murdering..as long as they are happy.ex fortiori adulterers,incest,blood drinkers
& many can be proven to suffer from dysphoria
Corrupt degenerate that you are