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Sunday, June 2, 2024

South African Minister: 'America is next in line for prosecution'


South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor says that countries that support Israel will be next to be targeted in the international courts.

In a speech at a mosque in Claremont, a suburb of Cape Town, that was published by the MEMRI institute, the minister stated: "I feel that I'm doing what I'm doing from too safe a position. I wish I were shoulder-to-shoulder with the men and women in Rafah. That's where I feel I should be. We have been denied that opportunity by the circumstances of geography and thus we must do what we can."

Later in the address, Pandor warned that "those countries and officials who continue to arm and fund Israel's war machine will be liable for prosecution as well."

According to her, "Civil society organizations will certainly take up such cases and hold those who facilitated genocide accountable by taking them to court."

She noted that there is already a planned class action suit "against all foreigners who have been serving in the IDF. A group of 140 international lawyers are working on this case. They are very carefully identifying each of these non-citizens of Israel, including South Africans, who have been fighting in Israel."

Pandor claimed that "it is very disturbing that the US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has responded to the ICC prosecutor's decision by saying 'America should punish the ICC and put Karim Khan back in his place.' He said that if the ICC can threaten Israel's leaders, then we know America will be next. Our answer is: 'Of course!'

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