Friday, June 28, 2024

Israel Gedoilim ... Ehud Barak and Parshas Shlach!


Let's start with this week's pasha! Parshas Shlach!

וישלח אתם משה ממדבר פארן על פי ה' כלם אנשים ראשי בני-ישראל המה

"Moshe sent them (the meraglim) from the wilderness of Paran at Hashem's command, they were all distinguished men; leaders of the Children of Israel"

Read that pasuk above, over and over!

 The meraglim were chosen by Hashem!! 

Wow!!!!!!!! That's right! 

Let me repeat that, the meraglim that brought the Jews into the mess we have today, were the Gedoilei Yisrael, hand chosen by none other than Hashem Himself!!

What does that tell us?? 

By the way, the ones that supported Korach in his rebellion were none other than the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin were chosen by Moshe himself! 

ויקמו לפני משה,ואנשים מבני ישראל חמשים ומאתים נשיאי עדה, קראי מועד אנשי-שם

"They stood before Moshe with 250 men from the Children of Israel, leaders of the assembly, those summoned for meetings, men of renown" 

I know that you all do "shnaim mikra" you are all familiar with the above pasukim! But I ask you to read those words very slowly so that it penetrates in your very neshama

Much ink has been spilled trying to decipher and understand what happened! But what is 100% true and everyone agrees is, that being chosen by Hashem Himself or by Moshe Rabbeinu himself, is no guarantee that they won't become Rashaim and Apikorsim! We see that many times in Tanach!

This week, the week that the entire Jewish world reads the parsha of meraglim, two things happened! 

A former Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, a leftist stooge, a leftist instigator together with a bunch of other Israeli former generals besmirched on foreign soil the Jewish State of Israel, writing an OP-Ed in the New York Times, defaming the Jewish State.

Ehud Barak, doesn't know what Parsha this week is, nor does he care! 

But the Torah was written for people who open a Chumash and learn it!

I wrote yesterday about  what the damage words coming out of the mouths of Gedoilei Yisrael can do! 

I am sure that those  Leaders believe that there are no coincidences! 

And therefore it is no coincidence that Israeli Gedoilim flew on Parshas Shalach, to Chutz Le'aaretz ,the parsha of the meraglim, and bad-mouthed the Jewish State. Well! You are thinking, NOOOOOO! They were bad-mouthing the Supreme Court's ruling! 

I don't have any issues if they would have criticized the Court, in Israel itself, but they did this in Fakewood!, on foreign soil on tumedikie soil, And they not only besmirched the rulings, which I can understand but they went after them personally. 

Let's go back to the meraglim

Moshe Rabbeinu gives them instructions:

וראיתם את הארץ מה-הוא, ואת העם היושב עליה החזק הוא הרפה המעט הוא אם-רב

"See the is it? and the people that live there, are they strong or weak? Are they few or numerous?"

What do the meraglim answer Moshe about this specific instruction on their return?

They didn't answer him on all the points, they didn't answer whether they were "few or numerous?"

What they did say is very strange! 

אפס כי-עז העם 

"But ..... the people that live there, are powerful!

The Ha'emek Davar says that the meraglim used the word "AZ" in the context of " עזות פנים "saying in effect that they were "Chutzpedik" 

And that was Loshon Hara!!!!! 

What? ....Loshon Hara? Weren't they talking about a bunch of murderers? Amalekites! 


They were talking Loshon Hara against who?? The Amalekim! Weren't we supposed to wipe them out?

Yes! But the Amaleikim were living in Eretz Yisrael at the time and if you talk against people even if they are Amalakeim, that live in Eretz Yisrael, that is in fact Loshon Hara! The meraglim were just supposed to come back with answers to the instructions that Moshe gave them, saying that they were "chutzpadik" is not part of the instructions! 

We must be careful of how we speak about residents of Israel, especially in a time of war where our enemies want to destroy us, and especially if we are in a position of leadership! 

Gedoiliei Yisrael speaking even about the Israeli Courts in Chutz Le'aaretz during a time of war, is not helpful and they must do what they preach to us, to watch what comes out of the mouths!


yidlmitnfidl said...

Beautiful Diyuk what Loshon Hara on EY really includes.
Kol Hakavod!

Anonymous said...

B’michilaas Kovodcha

It doesn’t say anywhere in the Torah that the Ribono shel Olam “chose” the Meraglim. To the contrary, Hashem specifically told Moshe, לדעתך.

I’ll concede that you have a point that they were Roshei b’Nei Yisrael that erred. Big Time.
But your take away is, in IMHO, very
misleading. People should not stop listening the Gedoley Torah.

My take away from this Parsha is a bit different than yours.

Here is my understanding of how the דור דעה erred so egregiously:

If you are in quandary who to follow:
Roshei b’nei Yisrael or Moshe Rabeinu?
Today, we look at this and ask:
What were they thinking?
Our whole Mesorah is based upon “Toras Moshe Avdi”
If the Dor midbar was wondering who to follow since they had so many chashuvim on the other side.
They (with our wonderful hindsight) should have stayed loyal to Moshe Rabbeinu
משה קבל תורה מסיני
Same question in Parshas Korach. Korach or Moshe?

But ch’v that we should become haughty and think for a second that we would be better than the Dor Midbar. We have to come to the Parsha with a bit of humility knowing that we are so so removed from their gadlus. (Even if we can’t understand)

However, on a superficial level, as we try to digest this Parsha I don’t think we should extrapolate the wrong message.

Furthermore as you eloquently stated The Rosh Yeshiva wasn’t talking about Eretz Yisrael; he was speaking about the self appointed Bagatz, and their misguided ruling. . That. Is. Not. Speaking. Bad. About. Eretz Yisrael. He was just stating that he needs funds because of them. If it wasn’t for the bagatz Medinat Israel is one of the biggest supporters of Torah.

Why do you think the shlechte Ehud Barak is so upset at Netanyahu???
Because Bibi wants to drain the swamp in Medinat Israel that a few unelected, unappointed can dictate political policy. It is really absurd. Yet the lefty's love this power grab of the old guard and they holding on for dear life.

In the USA where there is a Formal Constitution, not everything is adjudicated through the Courts.
I.e. Political Questions are not adjudicated through the Courts.

Unfortunately, the Bagatz won’t follow the US or other countries comparative laws.

In summary: I don’t think we should throw away our Rabbi’s spiritual guidance based upon the dor midbar’s mistake in choosing the lead of the ראשי בני ישראל over Moshe Rabeinu
(2) Rabbonim speaking badly about a few unelected misguided individuals that reside in Medinat Israel does NOT, in my opinion constitute לשון הרע about the Land.

Anonymous said...

Reb Avrumy Birnbaum writing in the English Yated brings a fascinating interpretation of הטובה היא אם לא from the Chidushei Harim.
I quote Reb Avrumy:
“The Chiddushei Harim explains that although Moshe Rabbeinu ostensibly asked them to check out the land and tell him if it was good or bad, Moshe Rabbeinu already knew that the land was good. Moshe Rabbeinu knew that Hashem wanted them to conquer it. So, what was he really telling them? He was telling them that they should recognize for themselves that the land was good. They should choose to see the good in the land.

The Chiddushei Harim explains that Moshe was telling them, “Look at the land that they inhabit – hatovah hee.” Moshe Rabbeinu was telling them, “Don’t ask hatovah hee, with a question mark. Don’t ask, ‘Is it good?’ Rather, say, ‘Hatovah hee!’ with an exclamation point. It is good! Even ‘im ra,’ if it appears to be bad, say, “Hatovah hee!”

Even if it Doesn’t Look Good…

“Think about it,” Moshe was saying. “If Hashem told us to conquer the land and promised us that we would inherit the land, then it is surely good!”

Moshe Rabbeinu was begging them to see the good even if it seemed to be bad on the outside.

He was telling them, and us, not to be hasty, not to be fooled or tempted to believe what our eyes seem to see. Even when we think that what our eyes are seeing is bad, we should try to see the good. He was reminding them, and us, to have emunah in Hashem’s promise even when what appears to the human eye seems to be the opposite”
Powerful Mussar vort from the Chidushei Harim but, my dear DIN, let’s not extrapolate something that that the חדושי הרי״ם is not saying :-)

Anonymous said...

Who do you think you are to speak against the gedolim

Dusiznies said...

To B’michilaas Kovodcha
You write:
"It doesn’t say anywhere in the Torah that the Ribono shel Olam “chose” the Meraglim. To the contrary, Hashem specifically told Moshe, לדעתך."

The אור החיים הקדוש
"ואם מצד האנשים המרגלים שהיו רשעים, הלא מצינו שנבחרו על פי ה' הבוחן לבות וכליות, והעיד הכתוב עליהם 'כלם אנשים' שהם צדיקים
see again further in the Orach Chayim
,ואם תאמר ולמה יסכים ה' לשלוח רשעים? ומה גם שאמר הכתוב על פי ה"
"ואמרו חז"ל שהיה הקב"ה אומר פלוני לשבט פלוני
The gemarrah cearly states that Hashem chose each and everyone of the meraglim!

Dusiznies said...

The Meraglim were also Gedoilim, the ones siding with Korach were not only the Sanhedrin but the leaders of the Sanhedrin according to Rashi, they were also Gedoilim!

Dusiznies said...

Dear readers
What is interesting is that there were three huge Aveirois that the "dor deah" did in the Midbar!
1) The Eigal (Avoda Zara)
2) Meraglim (kfira and apikorsas)
3) Korach Rebellion

Interesting that the Eirav Rav (some call the Zionists Eirav Rav)
were only involved in the eigal, the other two the Eirav Rav were not at all involved. the other two were committed by Shoimre Torah Unmitzvois, Gedoilei Yisrael hand Chosen by Either Hashem Himself and by Moshe... I know that's a lot to digest but the facts are facts.
I am not trying to disparage our Gedoilim but I storngly believe Gedoilim have to be sat down and taught Parshas Shlach and Parshas Korach!
And they have to be very careful how they talk about Eretz Yisrael Zionists or no Zionists!

Pareve said...

R’ Aron Kotler assered criticizing Tzionim even not in wartime, but only to goyim. Are you saying they cannot speak their minds among unzerreh? That would be like the corrupt gag order on Trump

Dusiznies said...

I'm not saying anything, I'm just quoting what the meraglim said and its repercussions!