Friday, June 21, 2024

Peleg Savages Hold Signs stating “Israel is an Antisemitic country”.

Who is this Putz????

 It was a regular day for a few dozen protestors of the Peleg Yerushalmi, who took to Highway 4 near Bnei Brak. The highway was brough to a halt in both directions, as the crowd protested the recent news about the IDF drafting Chareidim.

Police say they made four arrests.

One protestor held a sign which read “Israel is an Antisemitic country”.

An Associated Press photographer snapped a photo of the sign, and it has gone around the globe.

1 comment:

Frum but normal said...

These filthy TREASONOUS criminally insane rabies infected sewer rats, need to be immediately inducted into the IDF and air dropped into Gaza. And those so called Roshey Yeshivas who encourage this treasonous gangsterism, need to be given long prison sentences.