Friday, June 28, 2024

Demented Ehud Barak Commits Treason Writing Op-Ed Against Israel In antisemitic New York Times


Even in the wake of the horrific massacre of Jews in Israel on October 7th and more significantly, the shocking surge of antisemitism and hatred toward Israel since then, some Jews still haven’t learned the obvious lesson to stay united as the non-Jews are not our friends.

A group of six left-wing Israelis decided to renew their divisive pre-October 7th tactics, writing a New York Times opinion article calling on the Biden administration to rescind their invitation to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to deliver a speech to Congress.

The group includes ex-prime minister Ehud Barak, the most failed prime minister in Israeli history who withdrew IDF forces from Lebanon, bringing us to the current precarious security situation in the north, and former Mossad head Tamir Pardo, who told the Associated Press in Sep. 2023, that “Israel is an apartheid state.”

They wrote in the libelous article that inviting Netanyahu is a terrible mistake” and his speech “will not represent the State of Israel and its citizens, and will reward his scandalous and destructive conduct toward our country.”

They also claimed in the article that Netanyahu is “the main obstacle to ending the war and returning the hostages.”

“Inviting Mr. Netanyahu will reward his contempt for US efforts to establish a peace plan, allow more aid to the beleaguered people of Gaza and do a better job of sparing civilians.”

“Time and again, he has rejected [US] President Biden’s plan to remove Hamas from power in Gaza through the establishment of a peacekeeping force. Such a move would very likely bring in its wake a far broader regional alliance, including a vision to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is not only in Israel’s interest but also in the interest of both political parties in the United States. Mr. Netanyahu constitutes the main obstacle to these outcomes.”

“His supporters in Israel will be emboldened by his appearance in Congress to insist that the war continue, which will further distance any deal to secure the release of the hostages, including several US citizens,” it adds.

“Giving Mr. Netanyahu the stage in Washington will all but dismiss the rage and pain of his people, as expressed in the demonstrations throughout the country. American lawmakers should not let that happen. They should ask Mr. Netanyahu to stay home.”

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