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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Some Sick Rabbi Has a "gematria' That the Sex Pervert Berland is "Moshiach" and will "Reveal Himself this Year"



Anonymous said...

He always reveals himself in the Mikvah, and nebech some other times as well.

He convinced some of his victims, that he's Moshiach.

Uriah’s Wife said...

Two clandestine, unrevealed Moshiachs bent on revealing themselves this year. The year of dueling Moshiachs — Schneerson and Berland!

Anonymous said...

the quote should be on "Rabbi", the r should not be capitalized

Anonymous said...

These idiots should get a job where their hands get dirty and their backs toil, they have too much time on their hands doing nothing all day but talking devorim beteilim.