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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Raza D'Shabbas Sung by Daskal, Srulik, Adler and Motti Bauer


DIN: I am a huge Chazzan Fan and love Chazzonis especially this beautiful piece which was written by the Zohar Hakodosh. 
The tune, however, was written and made famous by Cantor Pierre Pinchik who also wrote and sang the famous "Ribbono Shel Oilom" from Sefirah! 

So why is this interesting? Because Pierre Pinchik was not frum at all. 
Chareidim censure songs written by Chilonim but have no problem listening and performing tunes written by people who were "mechalleil Shabbos Be'frasyeh."
Just pointing out "hypocrisy" 

Below is the original with Pinchik singing 


moshe said...

Ironic that a supposedly mechalel shabbos would compose such a haunting niggun for rozza deshabbos. Talking about hypocrisy!

Anonymous said...

Pinhos Segal was raised as a skever hussid. " How a shaigets" was able to daven as a chazzan in orthodox shul like the big shul of TLV