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Friday, February 16, 2024

Putin endorses Biden for president in 2024


DIN: Wow!!! I thought that Trump collaborated with Russia ? Didn't Hillary and the DemonRats claim that Trump was a Russian plant. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin told Russian media about his preferred candidate in the 2024 US elections.

He stated that he would prefer incumbent President Joe Biden to continue his tenure, noting that Biden was more experienced and "from the old school of politics."

He also stated, “Russia will work with any leader that earns the trust of the American public.” His statement comes only a day after Biden accused Trump of “bowing down to a Russian dictator” by encouraging Republicans to vote against aid to Ukraine

Regarding Biden's age and mental competency, Putin stated: “This criticism is growing more and more unforgiving” and claimed that he did not see any evidence that Biden was unfit to continue to serve. He would later mention his last meeting with Biden, at the end of 2021, and said, “They told me that Biden was unfit to serve, but I did not see any such evidence. Perhaps he did look at a written list, and to be honest, I did too. It's not such a big deal. Perhaps he did hit his head on the way out of the helicopter - but haven't we all hit our head on something?”


Anonymous said...

I know that he's never been known to be deceptive in the past and has always been completely transparent, but is it possible that Putin is lying here and actually trying to boost Trump?

Garnel Ironheart said...

Putin knows very well that Trump would be accused of collusion with Russia and to clear his name might lob a few missiles at it.

Anonymous said...

Biden people are suddenly ok with boosting conspiracies?