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Saturday, February 3, 2024

Moment CNN host is stunned into silence after former NYPD cop tells her migrants commit more crimes in NYC than Florida because State will jail them


 CNN anchor Erica Hill was left stunned when the channel’s veteran law enforcement analyst voiced some unexpected home truths about crime in New York.

The awkward moment came as the panel discussed Saturday’s brutal assault on two police officers in Times Square, and the disappearance of the migrants arrested after they were freed without bond.

Just one of the six charged is still in jail despite multiple previous charges, and four are now thought to have fled on a bus to California with the help of a church-affiliated charity.

‘Does the fact that they were police officers change anything?’ pondered Hill as she probed ex-cop John Miller over the case and the suspect’s backgrounds.

‘What the detectives are telling me is that they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing then go to Florida to spend the money then come back,’ Miller told her.

‘And I’m like ‘why don’t they just stay and steal in Florida’ and they said ‘because there you go to jail’.’

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Church affiliated charity has the same motto as the NY unjustice system: "turn the other cheek".