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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Irit Tratt to Zev Brenner: Jewish Families Should Visit Israel Instead of European Vacations

  In a wide ranging interview on the Talk Line Network with radio legend Zev Brenner, Irit Tratt from New York touched on issues ranging from why support for Israel is diminishing amongst young Jewish Americans ,to the alarming rise of Antisemitism on college campuses, to projecting that President Trump will receive a large portion of the Jewish vote nationally later this year.

Notably, Irit, a renowned columnist and National Board Member for the Republican Jewish Coalition and Steering Committee Member for the Jerusalem Center Public Affairs Board of Fellows, made sharp comments about Jewish families who travel to vacations at popular destinations, implying they are defacto choosing to withhold support for Israel.

Irit said that is the time for the Jewish diaspora to stand with Israel by actually going to Israel. “Instead of families going to Europe on their next vacation, they should go to Israel instead, which is important at this time,” Irit said.

Mrs. Tratt’s op-eds have been published in her own Newsmax column, as well as the Jerusalem Post, JNS, Israel Hayom, Washington Times, and Algeminer.

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

This is what I tell people all the time.
If I want to travel, I go to Israel.
If I want Italian food, I find an Italian restaurant. Same for Chinese and Bukharan.
Why would I go to China when there's a good chance that, as a Canadian, I'll be illegally detained and used as a hostage? Why would I go to Europe and step on soil saturated with Jewish blood and ashes?
Yes, Israel (and maybe Miami) should be our travel destinations.