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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Hamas in shock trying to find out how Israel got precise intelligence information about the location of the two hostages


Sources in the Gaza Strip estimate that, following the successful operation in which Israeli forces rescued hostages Fernando Marman and Louis Har, Hamas will take measures to increase the security of the hostages it is holding.

Kan 11 News reported on Monday evening that, according to estimates, Hamas will increase the number of guards and may even try to transfer more of the hostages to the underground tunnels, with the understanding that Israel will find it more difficult to carry out a rescue operation inside the tunnels.

The same sources claimed that Hamas is trying to find out how Israel managed to get intelligence on the exact location of Marman and Har.


Circle said...

Did Biden and the progressive Jews condemn Israel for illegally snatching the hostages back?
I don't believe Israel got the information of their whereabouts through the proper channels, for example, the UN or the Red Cross or even US intelligence.
Israel shouldn't fight dirty by surprising the Chamas freedom fighters who are just going about their regular day. Would you like it if people snuck up on you, killed people around you, destroyed houses all with the lame excuse of snatching back two hostages? Legally kidnapped by the way.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's a pretty bad victory, 50 days of fighting for saving one hostage.

Brisker Payois said...

Shows how much u know, stick to fighting with your ugly wife, the war is about destroying Hamas and they are doing a fantastic job, it took 444 days for the US hostages in Iran to get released.
And it wasn't one hostage it was actually 2 and a total of 3, very impressive considering there are hundreds of miles of tunnels.