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Thursday, February 1, 2024

Failed PM Ehud Barak's "Kaplan Group" Threating to Bring Down Israel Unless There Are Elections!


The fascist group calling itself “Kaplan Force,” after Kaplan Street where they disrupted life in Israel to thwart the government’s judicial reform in an effort to topple PM Netanyahu’s democratically elected government, on Tuesday night launched their latest campaign, intended to turn the Hamas atrocities of October 7, 2023, and the war in Gaza into a victory for the left.

By the way, Kaplan Street is named after Eliezer Kaplan (1891-1952), one of the signers of Israel’s Declaration of Independence and the country’s first finance minister. He was responsible for the first US and World Bank financial assistance to Israel. He died of a heart attack on a ship that was taking him to a vacation in Switzerland.

The Kaplan activists, Moshe Redman, Shikma Bressler, and Ronen Tzur, guided by former and shortest serving PM Ehud Barak, known for his fantasy about Jewish bodies floating in the Yarkon River when the revolution comes, brazenly threaten elected officials that if they don’t obey their demands, bad things will happen on Kaplan Street and Ayalon Highway.

All three are famously trying to establish a new, leftist party on the ruins of Labor and Meretz, hoping to attract the thousands of Israelis who protested the judicial reform. All three have also been usurping the plight of the hostages to create another power base while using the families of the hostages as fodder against elected officials.

Are there enough Israeli voters out there eager to replace the failed Labor and Meretz parties with these violent terrorists? In the November 1, 2022 election, the required threshold vote was 155,824. It’s unlikely that the protests ever gathered this many people in one day to hit the streets of Israel, but even if they did, for the Barak spawn to get into the Knesset would require that every single Israeli who ever grabbed a flag and went to protest choose the Redman-Bressler-Tzur party over whatever party he or she normally favored.

Still, the style of the threatening meme betrays an enormous sense of confidence, the kind usually associated with gangsters. It reminded me of the Monty Python sketch, The Mafia vs. The Army:

by David Israel JP


Anonymous said...

TREASON- Barak, Olmert, Eisenskot, et al must be confined in isolation in jail.

frum but normal said...

Why hasn't this treasonous filthy rabies-infected sewer rat been taken care of by an exterminator?.
In more normal times, rats were exterminated, not elected to the Knesset.

Wondering said...

Friedlander is back to his gold medal business.


Who did he have participate at his DC event? The CEO of the Muslim World League (third video). Looking at their website, I saw multiple recent releases attacking Israel and accusing it of crimes during the current Gaza war, without one condemnation of the October 7th massacre and atrocities (https://www.themwl.org/en/official-releases).

Based in the above, is that an appropriate choice?