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Friday, February 2, 2024

Ezra "Kapo" Friedlander Back to his old tricks Stabbing Holocaust Survivors in the Back!


Let's not forget Ezra's perfidy, when he backed Obama's Iron Deal, and went to the frum media to convince Holocaust survivors that making a deal with Iran was "Good for the Jews!" see sidebar!

But that was not enough for this kapo, he organized a Congressional Medal of Honor for the murderer of Jewish children and husbands, Anwar Sadat, who murdered over 2,000 Jewish troops leaving widows and orphans in its wake! 

Did he organize an honor for Menachem Begin? The answer is a resounding "no!" and that is because he can get more money from Arab Countries than he can from Jews! 

The UN General Assembly designated January 27 as "International Remembrance Day" the day which coincides with the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenu.

Ezra smelled the "Benjamins" so he coordinated on behalf of Project Legacy a gathering of US Senators which included Ben Cardin, Bill Hagerty, Tim Kaine, Rick Scott, Mike Braun and he invited ambassadors of various countries to observe this annual day of commemoration in a roundtable discussion "to prevent future genocides." 

The purpose of this gathering was to award Congressional Gold medals to 60 diplomats who took heroic actions to save Jews fleeing Nazi Germany, including issuing passports and travel visas and setting up safehouses and getaways to hide Jews from Nazi authorities.

So I know that you are scratching your heads wondering "What is wrong with that?" Isn't this a "good thing?" 

Yes! You are right its actually a great thing, but guess who he invited and introduced?

Muath  Alamri the CEO of an organization called "The Muslim World League."  Its entire website is dedicated to condemning Israel, and has no mention of the Hamas atrocities against Ezra's brothers and sisters! 

Don't be fooled by Muath's pandering words at this gathering, he is an antisemite and would slit Ezra's throat given the opportunity! 


Ezra Friedlander scams must be exposed said...

Has the MWL condemned Turkey and its attacks on Israel?

Turkey, the country that paid Friedlander big bucks to lobby for them.

Black Americans stop Ezra Friedlander Group scam said...

Project Legacy is a front for Ezra Friedlander.


Get this now - Evidently the Liska crook, Ezra Friedlander, tried to make a pretty penny, by exploiting the memory of Harriet Tubman via sale of commemorative coins, something related to his gold medal business. But they smelled and caught the rat, and diverted the money away from him.



Will Ezra Friedlander end up in jail like his mentor did? Time will tell.

Wondering said...

Look at all the money that Friedlander's tax exempt Project Legacy banked.

Who gave all that money? What have they done with it?