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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Crazy!! UN Counts Jews Visiting their very own Temple Mount as ‘Settler Violence’


Hakol Hayehudi reporter Elchanan Groner on Thursday presented a UN Excel sheet depicting Jewish visits to the Temple Mount as violent incidents.

As can clearly be seen for this batch from 2019, the Incident Description is always, “Israeli settlers and other groups, accompanied by Israeli forces, entered and toured the yards of Al Aqsa Mosque compound.” The source is always “other” or UNRWA, and the region is described as “West Bank.”

Last week, Ynet’s Amit Segal quoted Dr. Michael Wolfowicz, a criminology researcher at the Hebrew University’s Faculty of Law, who examined the UN reports of 5,656 incidents of settler violence against “Palestinians” between 2016 and 2022.

Dr. Wolfowicz discovered that 1,600 incidents occurred in Jerusalem, predominantly concerning Jews accessing the Temple Mount or confrontations between police and Muslims engaging in violent behavior in the vicinity.

2,500 incidents encompassing property damage or assault, including instances such as a terrorist attack where a PA Arab assailant targeted Jews and was subsequently subdued.

Meanwhile, according to the IDF, between 2019 and 2022, there were 25,257 instances of PA Arab assaults on Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria (without Jerusalem), with more than 20,000 incidents of stone-throwing, about 4,000 Molotov cocktails, about 400 shooting attacks, and more than 50 stabbing attacks. And the annual figure rose much higher in 2023. However, according to the UN reports on the same period, there were only 1,935 Arab-on-Jew assaults in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem.

It turns out that many of these Arab-on-Jew attacks were recorded by the UN as… “settler violence.”

On April 8, 2018, Muhammad Abed el-Karim tried to stab Israeli citizens at a gas station in the Ma’ale Adumim industrial area. An Israeli citizen with a firearms permit neutralized the threat with his weapon. The attacker then died of his wounds on April 9, 2018. It turns out this incident is recorded in UN data as an act of settler violence. Moreover, two separate incidents of “settler violence” were recorded on April 8 and 9 for the same incident, one for the shooting of the stabbing assailant, and one for his subsequent death.

A July 26, 2018 incident is described in the UN annals as “a 31-year-old settler (Yotam Ovadia Hy’d) was killed and two settlers (41 and 58 years old) were wounded when they were stabbed by a 17-year-old Palestinian man in the settlement of Adam near the village of Jaba. The murderer was identified as Muhammad Dar Yusuf from the village of Kauber; he was shot to death A settler shot a settler in the settlement with live ammunition. The body of the slain Palestinian was detained by the Israeli authorities (Jerusalem).”

On March 1, 2017, an Arab broke into the Mor farm in South Hebron Mountain and stabbed the Jewish homeowner with his family watching. The Jewish man managed to kill the assailant and – you guessed it, another recorded case of “settler violence.”

Instances of Arab rioters who attack Jews praying in Joseph’s tomb or visiting archaeological sites in Judea and Samaria were also recorded by the UN as “settler violence.” Essentially, whenever IDF forces eliminate a terrorist near a Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria, this is recorded as “settler violence.”

It can be cautiously estimated that only about 35% of the reported incidents actually describe events in which there are settlers and violence, and they too have not been examined, and include questionable descriptions such as car accidents (a settler ran over a PA Arab child), or Arabs who “ran away from settlers” and fell and hurt themselves while running.

Naturally, no one in the Biden White House wants to be confused by the facts, and no amount of well-documented proof that “settler violence” is the early 21st century’s version of medieval blood libels against Jews will move the needle.

Having appointed a special Holocaust Czar, the Biden folks are much nicer to dead Jews than to Jews who fight to stay alive.

By Davis Israel JP

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