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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Violent “Meshichist” Bochrim Literally Destroy 770; Brawl With NYPD


Chaos ensued  at Chabad World Headquarters located at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights on Monday afternoon, disrupting the davening and learning that take place there around the clock.

The trigger: A cement truck.

The truck showed up on Union Street behind Lubavitch World Headquarters with the apparent assignment to fill up an underground tunnel that ran from the main shul to the now-closed Mikvah building next door.

Bochurim, mostly from Israel and wearing ‘Meshichist’ yarmulkas and pins, responded with fury. They have been reportedly behind the digging of the tunnel, claiming it was to expand 770 visited by residents and visitors on a daily basis.

They proceeded to tear down the iconic wooden panels that wrapped the walls of the main shul. They then tore down wooden beams and used what appeared to be a hammer to break the shul’s brick wall.

The result is a very visible opening from the main shul to the tunnel. Officers of the NYPD were seen entering 770 to survey the developments but have not made arrests.

The main shul of 770 has long been the subject of a legal dispute between Agudas Chassidei Chabad / Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch and Cong. Lubavitch Inc. over who is the rightful owner of the 770-788 Eastern Parkway complex. Bochurim have long had free reign in the main shul, even violently barring some from entering.

Around two hours later the NYPD entered the Bais Medrash and made a few arrests. The crowd of meshichist bochrim responded to the NYPD with violence befitting animals in Gaza (see videos below). It’s high time that the respectable greater Lubavitcher community rise up and seize control of this Makom Kadosh. The overwhelming majority of the Chabad community are sickened by what has transpired at 770 over the years, and have remained silent far too long. Perhaps this is a wake up call to some serious action.


Anonymous said...

"have remained silent far too long."
Because they themselves at least have some similar proclivities

Anonymous said...

Don't dare compare them to Gaza, the NYPD officers should have stayed away. Now they will be fired. Be a police in NY is a SS officer.