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Monday, January 1, 2024

The Kanievski Family Raking in a Fortune From the Late R' Chaim ... Now Sold His "rashash" Siddur for $2 Million


I have to laugh, the Litvishe fakers always yell that those working for an honest living are "baalei-batim' and are looked down upon by the oilam ha'Yeshivah.

Turns out that the "thumb twisters" are having the last laugh with a fantastic scheme to make money out of nothing!
For years they were taking money from everyone who wanted to see R' Chaim z"l, no one has a clue where that money went.

Everything in the house of R' Chaim z"l is for sale to the highest bidder, the lust for money in this family is one of the largest found in the Lithuanian world, in the past they claimed that the name 'Kanievsky' was a symbol of modesty, remember the articles they did on television about what the house looked like and the old kitchen is old-fashioned, so now we learn the truth because under the floors of the neglected house, they kept many millions

It wasn't too long ago that they were selling R' Chaim Kanievski's pants on ebay for mucho dollars, until the secular press mocked and ridiculed the sale, and they had to withdraw the pants, I wonder who is wearing them now?

Just recently R' Chaim's Children were fighting over the millions of $$$$$ generated from selling his handwritten Torahlech. Last week they sold his Shtreimal for $1.8 million

The Litvishe Velt sees nothing wrong with mocking those "jerks" and "jlubs" who wake up vasikin, run home to get a bite and shlep their lunch that their wives packed in a brown paper bag, come home after a full day of work, try to play with their children for a couple of minutes then run off to a shiur. These guys are looked down upon and called "baalei-batim." but they fail to see the irony of  the oilim ha'Torah selling their venerated  Roshei Yeshiva's underwear !

Give me a break! 


Anonymous said...

The main problem is that the family is not machshiv Reb Chaims personal items. They are machshiv MONEY especially dollars. In the chassis world a heir would never ever sell a personal item from their Rebbe father or Zaire’s.
Just shows ‘ma Bain bnee Leven…’

Fair opinion said...

I generally don’t agree the slant of many of your reports although I do read them, this one is ‘spot on ‘from begin on end

Anonymous said...

It’s very embarrassing what they are doing it is a total lack of respect to r Chaim and to themselves

Anonymous said...

"hacesef yaaneh es hakol"

Anonymous said...

Litvish, chassidish...the only true and non-biased guide is the Torah, plain simple and unadulterated! Each group has its own agenda to further its needs and the older I get, the more that I realize that we just need the Torah, without any embellishments.
I remember when I was a child (I'm in my 60's now), the Litvishe kids (and adults too!) in my neighbourhood would make fun of a certain chassidus v'dal, that they had photos of their rebbe everywhere (of course, in the oren haKodesh too), that they all sported beards and that they did not make even one move without his consultation. Fast forward to today and that is exactly what the Litvishe world does now! Furthermore, when one 'gadol' is niftar, they just move on to the next 'gadol', until he's not around anymore and then it's on to the next...
Anybody had to read 'Animal Farm' in high school and remember the ending??!

FYI said...

B"H it is sizable mishpacha, they need parnossoh.

Do not stereotype all Litvaks in one way (by the way, the K. mishpacha is part Hasidic, as you know). Rav Chaim zt"l was a great man. If his descendants do not reach his level, that is common with great gedolim.

Selling possessions for needed funds is okay. Would you rather they come to you asking for funds to pay for simchas, living expenses...instead???