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Monday, January 15, 2024

South African Christians Singing in Support of Israel



Frum but normal said...

Notice not one black face in that crowd, blacks are the biggest anti-semites and jew haters not only here in the U.S but also all over the world.
Blacks are destroying America and all of Western civilization, and that is the truth.
telling the truth is never racist, facts are not racist, they are just facts.
Yes not all blacks are criminals and racist scum, but the unfortunate facts are that the vast majority are, just take a look at how they have destroyed almost every big city in the U.S.And look how they have destroyed South Africa which was an oasis a Gan Eden in that hell hole called Africa.
It's the 90% of the criminals giving a bad name to 10% of decent blacks.

FYI said...

In response to comment # 1 - what in the world are you talking about? Are you blind??? The crowd is full of black people!

Watch the movie with your eyes open, and beg forgiveness ASAP for your libelous falsehood.

DIN - I don't know how you allow such a comment, which is so obviously false.