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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Satmar Rebbe R' Aron Teitelbaum says that the Israeli Soifrim Have No "Yerei Shamayim"


Anonymous said...

I don't usually agree with the Satmar Rebbe but it is important to know that what he is saying that many people who write Mezuzahas and other stam in Israel are in fact just doing calligraphy as a job and can not be relied on for the kashrus of their product is unfortunately true.

It was a major issue in Flatbush last year because so many of their mezuzhas were found to be non Kosher

Anonymous said...

Bmechilas kvoduch,
We need ahavas chinam now. Please, DIN. We need Ahava more than ever!
And although I really have a difficult time
understanding the Satmar shita, nevertheless,
you should really know what context this 16 second clip was said in. (With my apologies to the plagiarist Dr. Gay for using her infamous word)
Maybe, just maybe, the Rebbe might have said that in some places there are more supervision for sofrim. But in some places in EY there is a certain amount of laxity.
I Do not know what the Rebbe said. And neither do you know what was said prior and after these 16.5 seconds

So to put this clip up as an indictment against the Rebbe is really not fair.

Just my humble opinion.
And if I read you wrong, and all you are doing by posting this clip is a PSA, because you feel this safrus issue might be a problem please be moichel me for being choshed you.
All the best,

Anonymous said...

Stop complaining and act.He should, along with other Rabbanim, make a worldwide vaad to oversee Stam. And establish better schools for sofrim as well as fundraising to support them.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is a fact people where hiring kids odt being mechal shabbat to write for cheap you must be careful where you get your stuff from it’s not a joke