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Friday, January 5, 2024

Medical staff demands terrorist be removed from Wolfson Hospital


A terrorist was hospitalized at Wolfson Medical Center in Holon in recent days to undergo two surgeries, Kan News reported.

According to the report, many staff members at the hospital were disturbed by the presence of the terrorist in their facility. There are medical teams who did not want to treat him, in part because there are staff members whose family members were murdered on October 7.

It was also reported that the head of the nurses' committee at the hospital turned to Health Minister Uriel Busso and demanded on behalf of the staff that the terrorist be removed from the hospital premises.

The Health Ministry announced a policy two weeks ago under which terrorists would receive medical treatment at a military medical facility in southern Israel rather than in civilian hospitals. Under this policy, terrorists would only be transferred to a civilian hospital if the terrorist requires a life-saving treatment that is unavailable at the military facility, in order to comply with Israel's obligations under international law.

One of the surgeries the terrorist received at Wolfson Medical Center was to remove shrapnel from his intestines.

The hospital said in response that "we are prohibited from providing medical information, we are acting under the orders of the Health Ministry and in accordance with its professional guidelines."


Garnel Ironheart said...

I saw a teshuva from Rav Zilbershtein where he said Israel should perform these types of care because (a) if we don't then it will give the Arabs an excuse to not treated injured Jews they hold captive and (b) even though we know the Arabs will do that anyway, we don't want to hand them the excuse "Well we won't treat because Israel doesn't either"

Anonymous said...

If he escapes from his restraints he would be happy to continue killingv as many doctors and nurses as he can.