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Monday, January 8, 2024

Leftist from Kibbutz Be'eri: 'We need to remove All Gazans from Gaza'


Avida Becher of Kibbutz Be'eri, whose wife Dana and son Carmel were murdered in the October 7 massacre, on Monday called to increase the intensity of the fighting in Gaza.

Becher, a left-wing Israeli, told 103 FM Radio, "I am digesting what has happened, I miss [them] every day, and moving forward. I am going back to Be'eri - in another hour, I am driving there. Right now they are harvesting potatoes."

When asked if he feels safe there again, Becher responded, "I think that in the end we need to remove all of them [from] there. I think that so long as there are people there, I'm a little disappointed. There is no doubt that the army is doing amazing work, but still, you go to Be'eri, beside Kfar Aza, and you look to the right towards Shejaiya, there are still a a lot of homes standing there."

"When you walk around in Be'eri, you still see many homes standing. So long as we move forwards and flatten everything, the feeling of security will improve. If we leave even one or two people there, in another two months we'll see more rockets."

When asked what Israel should do with the Gazans, Becher said, "Get them out of there - or erase them from there. Clean out the entire Gaza Strip. Don't leave a single person there."

"Everyone is focused on three people: [Ismail] Haniyeh, [Mohammed] Deif, and [Yahya] Sinwar. I think that the issue is not there, I think that the problem is a lot bigger than three people. Apparently, in another few years we'll have another operation this large, because there's no end to it. As long as there are people there in Gaza, there won't be an end to this."


Frankie Jr. said...

Spot on! Some leftists actually think clearly when they are the victims themselves.

moshiachnow said...

Replace Gallant with this guy.

frum but normal said...

The same must be said about the other four million two legged rabies infected Arab Muslim sewer rats living in Israel and Yehuda and Shomron.