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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Jordan to Join South Africa in ‘Genocide’ Lawsuit Against Israel at The Hague

 The ludicrous lawsuit by South Africa against Israel in the International Court of Justice at The Hague on the charge of genocide is rapidly shaping up to provide a clear snapshot of who in the world hopes to eliminate the State of Israel once and for all, and who stands by the right of the Jewish State to exist.

Among those apparently hoping to see Israel’s demise, oddly, is the Kingdom of Jordan, Israel’s neighbor to the east with whom the Jewish State has “enjoyed” icy but quiet relations under a peace treaty signed by both on October 26, 1994.

Despite that peace treaty, Mohannad Al-Mubaideen, a spokesperson for the Jordanian government, has told Arabi 21 that “Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh’s speech before the House of Representatives was clear, which is that Jordan will submit the necessary legal investigations and pleadings as soon as the International Court of Justice decides to consider the genocide case.”

Jordan, Turkey, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, Djibouti, the Muslim member states of the Organization of Islamic Countries, and the Arab League, all expressed their support for South Africa in its effort to rescue Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization from contending with the consequences of its October 7, 2023 invasion of Israel and its massacre that day of more than 1,200 people in some 22 Israeli villages and several other military bases along the Israel-Gaza border.

Germany has announced its decision to intervene in the Court on Israel’s behalf, which will require Berlin to file a “declaration of intervention” with the Court in order to present its legal arguments. The European nation is adding its voice to those of the United States, Guatemala, Canada and the United Kingdom, all of whom have also publicly declared their support for the Jewish State.

“Hamas terrorists brutally attacked, tortured, killed and kidnapped innocent people in Israel,” German government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit said in a statement. “Since then, Israel has been defending itself against the inhumane attack by Hamas.”

From the outset, both the United States and Canada slammed South Africa for its attempt to paint the victim as the aggressor: both have said its case against Israel is “baseless.”

The Court ended its first two days of hearings on Friday, with ICJ President Joan E. Donoghue announcing the Court will rule on South Africa’s request for urgent measures — the demand for Israel to immediately halt the military operations against Hamas aimed at eliminating the existential threat to Israelis posed by the terrorists — “as soon as possible.”

1 comment:

Ezra the Kapo said...

I haven't decided yet whose side I'm on. It depends if the anti-Semitic countries have a few bucks to spare for a heimishe Shillmeister.

Conferring this afternoon on my next move with Jerrold Nadler, Obama, Thomas Friedman & Hamas.